Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 40: Behead

People from the Heilin family knew that Xiao Lang was in Shifu, it was not surprising.

He used grass vines in the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor and was learned by a group of bounty hunters. The group of bounty hunters searched the neighborhood, but did not find Xiao Lang. In the end, the leader reluctantly spent more than a dozen profound stones transported to the Black Scale Mansion. As a result, he was very lucky to meet Miss Black Qier. After he painted Xiao Lang's appearance, Black Qier immediately concluded that this was Xiao. wave.

There is no need to question Black Qier's hatred towards Xiao Lang! Her spirit was destroyed by Xiao Lang, and after returning to the Black Scale family, her status plummeted, and she was ridiculed and mocked by the young master of the family. This world is very realistic, and status and strength are often linked. If it weren't for her father, Heihe, she would have had a harder life in Heilin Mansion.

Once it was confirmed that Xiao Lang, the big enemy, appeared in Po Tianfu, how could Black Qi'er sit still? It's just that his father went outside the cursed forest, and her status in the family plummeted. The family has recently been busy suppressing the beasts in the cursed forest. How dare she let the family mobilize the strong to hunt down Xiao Lang?

She has no black stone and no right to transfer people, what should I do?


She is beautiful and is the only daughter of Heihe. There are many sons who admire her. In addition to the Hei family, Heillin Mansion has many big families. She easily managed the son of a big family, brought hundreds of people, and went straight to Po Tianfu.

When they came to Potian Mansion, they quickly determined Xiao Lang's location after investigation. The Mizun Mountain was too much trouble, and Xiao Lang's white hair was too glaring. Black Qi'er brought people to Shifu, and just half an hour ago, her people were lucky to pass by the forest annex where Xiao Lang was hiding, and found a...skeleton!

Others don't know, but Black Qi'er has the detailed information of Xiao Lang in her hand. After the grass vine attacked, the fierce beast became a skeleton without any flesh and blood. This is the exclusive feature of Xiao Lang's spirit.

As a result, Xiao Lang was fortunate to be discovered. Fortunately, Qing Ming discovered it early, and Xiao Lang reacted quickly enough, and immediately escaped in the Tianji chariot.

The energy in the Tianji chariot was enough to be able to fly for half a month. The opponent had hundreds of warriors, many of the kings, and two warriors of the emperor and the first. Xiao Lang was not worried. Because at the speed of the chariot, the speed of these two celebrities can definitely catch up with him.

What he worries about is how did the people of Black Qier find themselves? So he slowly dangled everyone and flew, his eyes flickering, and he started thinking.

If Blackscale Mansion can find him, what will happen to him even if he escapes? In the future, there will be a steady stream of chasing soldiers, if next time there is a strong person above the fifth level of the emperor, he will die wherever he flees.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to take action and took down Black Kiel. One was to take revenge on the Black Scale family and to ask how they found him, and the other was to ask Dongfang Hongdou about the current situation.

"Xiao Lang, you can't escape, speed to surrender, this lady will leave your whole body!"

"Stop, otherwise the old man will have a trick, save you and this heavenly ship, there is no bones left!"

"Little beast, don't do anything, stop immediately!"

Hundreds of people followed behind me mightily. Countless kings and powerhouses shot out profound energy from time to time. Unfortunately, the speed of the Tianji Ship was so fast that they could only watch the buttocks of the Tianji Ship weakly and curse. .

"Shao Han, what should I do?"

Black Qi'er was taken by a middle-aged beautiful woman in their family. She glanced bitterly at the front, and said anxiously to the young man who was also taken by a strong man next to her.

The young man was also very angry but was helpless, so he could only consult the elders of his family's Human Emperor Realm: "Old man, what should I do?"

The old man shook his head and said: "The opponent's heavenly secret ship is at least local, and the speed has not been the fastest at this moment. There is no way! Unless his heavenly secret ship is exhausted or he takes the initiative to die, we will not be able to catch up. of!"

"The land-based secret ship?"

Black Qi'er and the young man looked at each other, secretly startled. How could Xiao Lang own such an expensive secret ship? There are three or four heavenly secret ships in the Black Scale family, but only one of them is a local product, which is dedicated to the patriarch.

Black Qi'er and the young man thought of the rumor at the same time, saying that Xiao Lang was a member of the Ouyang family, and both of them were shocked and a little worried. But Black Qi'er immediately rejected this idea, Xiao Lang's face and eyes, she would never forget, how could a hillbilly in the territory be related to the first family in Tianzhou?

"call out!

What made Black Qi'er desperate was that the Heavenly Mystery Ship in front of her suddenly accelerated, and the speed was definitely above the Triple Level of Human Sovereign Warrior, and within a few blinks, it disappeared ahead.

"My son, we can't catch up. We can't help Miss Qi'er with this matter. Let's withdraw our troops?"

The elder was also a little worried. It was not a big deal to help Black Qi'er kill a person, and it would be a great benefit to the family to let their son embrace the beauty. The problem is that this person may have something to do with the Ouyang family, so he didn't dare to move. Although Xiao Lang's information is definitely a person from the Soul Land, are there any exceptions? Isn't Mu Xiaodao just practicing in the Soul Continent?

That son is not a fool either. He looked at Black Qi'er a little apologetically. Her beautiful eyes were filled with hatred and unwillingness, but he could only bite his silver teeth and couldn't say a word.

"call out!"

To everyone's surprise, just as the army was about to turn around, there was a burst of air breaking in the sky on the left, and the chariot actually came back? The speed is scary.

Before everyone could react, Xiao Lang's body suddenly burst out, and the grass and vines roared out of him, turning into green arrows in the sky, and wrapped dozens of warriors on the left. At the same time, his body flashed quickly, and one hand suddenly gleamed with a dark golden light, like an invincible God of War, easily sweeping more than a dozen warriors in the king state.

Thousands of green grass and vines turned into green shadows in the sky, completely covering Xiao Lang's figure, his body shuttled in the green light, wherever his dark golden arm like a dragon's claw swept through, those kings The border warrior died immediately.

Countless warriors reacted, wanting to escape and counterattack. But the grass and vines are like tarsus maggots, sticking to their bodies, corroding the flesh and blood of the mysterious shield on their surface, making them unable to escape quickly. But those who counterattack accidentally attacked Xiao Lang's body, but it was like hitting an iron plate, and could not cause much damage at all.

In a few blinks, more than a dozen people died and more than a dozen others were injured!

The drastic changes in the field scared both Black Qi'er and the young man. Elder Yun and another strong man reacted and threw the young man to a strong king on the peak. The two were like two angry dragons. Charged towards Xiao Lang.

"This is the end of chasing me! Get out!"

Xiao Lang let out a loud shout. Before the two of them separated and the crowd rushed over, Xu Mijie flashed in his hands. The Heavenly Mystery Ship had already appeared, and he jumped onto the Heavenly Mystery Ship and ran away.

"call out!"

The old man's counterattack came, and a super big palm print whizzed away, patted behind the heavenly machine ship. It's just that the defense of the heavenly miracle ship is amazing, and there is nothing to do except let the heavenly miracle ship shine and fly away faster.

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