Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 49: I play, you place a bet!


Xiao Lang secretly said that he was a prodigal son, but he could not persuade him, so he could only secretly hope that the broken shoes would win. He still bet on a relatively low-strength warrior this time, and it seems that he firmly believes that Liu Yange will do something.

"Hey, I won a game three days ago and got a hundred profound stones. I lost it so soon. His mother can only go up and fight for a fight!"

The death match hadn't started yet, Xiao Lang was attracted by the low roar of a warrior not far away. That warrior looks very peculiar, actually has triangular eyes. He cursed secretly, with a trace of evil spirit in his eyes, he even declared a death fight to the maid, and soon he was taken by the maid.

Xiao Lang let out a long sigh, the profound stone that was exchanged for his life, this triangle-eyed warrior was not used for cultivation, but was gambling here. He was so upset and irritated, he would die in the ring sooner or later.

The battle soon began, and Xiao Lang withdrew his thoughts. The result of the battle made the broken shoes dumbfounded, and a four warrior of the kings stabbed the opponent of the three kings to death.

That person's spirit is of the speed category, and he doesn't know what rank he is. The speed has reached the peak of the kings, and his realm is stronger than the opponent. It is not difficult to kill with one move.

"I go…"

The boy with broken shoes couldn't sit still, stood up and watched the warriors who won in the field received a lot of black stones. Some even won 10,000 black stones. This made him extremely surprised, did Liu Yange really not do anything secretly?

The information for the next game came up, and Xiao Lang saw that the broken shoe boy was ready to bet again. He couldn't help but persuade him: "Don't bet!"

"It's okay, Ben Shao doesn't lack profound stones, you don't know it!"

The Broken Shoe Young Master waved his hand. He had no habit of gambling, but he didn't accept it. This time he dropped a thousand profound stones again. Xiao Lang ignored him, instead he solved the problem: "What is the level of that person's spirit? The speed is amazing!"

"Xuanpin, it's nothing amazing!"

Young Master Broken Shoes looked at Xiao Kuang, who was puzzled, and explained disapprovingly: "Tianzhou doesn't pay much attention to Divine Soul. Unless it is a Divine Soul above the local grade, it is not strong to assist martial artists in the Human Sovereign Realm. I realized the way of heaven, and attacking magical powers are very overbearing. Moreover, the spirit is easily damaged, and the martial artist will also be injured. Therefore, the martial artist of Tianzhou rarely releases the spirit of war and does not pay attention to the spirit. Of course, this also happened ten thousand years ago. There was a weird incident. After that incident, Tianzhou rarely awakens the powerful spirits. The highest is the land grade, and the heavenly spirits are rare. Black Qier’s original spirit is the land grade, but unfortunately it was destroyed by you. By the way, Mu The soul of the knife is likely to be of heaven!"

Xiao Lang was confused, and asked: "The rank of the Soul Continent is completely different from that of Tianzhou! What kind of rank is my grass vine?"

"Your grass and vines? Profound grade at best!" The broken shoes groaned and concluded.

"Why is it so sure?" Xiao Lang was startled, how could Cao Teng feel that he has a place? It's so mysterious and it can evolve, so it's easy to draw a conclusion with a broken shoe.

The broken shoe rolled his eyes and said: "The earth-grade spirit is extremely powerful. With the coercion of the spirit, it can hold the warriors of all living beings immobile. Can your spirit do it?"


Xiao Lang couldn't figure it out. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to buy a few books of spirits and souls for research. He firmly believed that the spirits of grass and vines were definitely not garbage spirits, and that the spirits that could evolve were ordinary ones?

"I went... and lost again? Ben Shao has such a bad character?"

In Xiao Lang's contemplation, the battle on the ring was over again, and the broken shoes unexpectedly lost another thousand profound stones. In just half an hour, two thousand and one hundred profound stones had been lost, and Xiao Lang secretly became a pity for him.

The next group of dead fighter information came up again, and one of them was the triangle-eyed warrior who had lost the black stone just now. Seeing the broken shoes, Xiao Lang had to bet again, and he was still playing the triangle-eyed warrior with relatively weak strength. He hurriedly said to him, "Let's go on another one. Just now, I think he is impetuous and weaker than his opponent. I will lose!"

"Okay, believe you, your kid is always lucky!"

There was a ruthless look in the eyes of the broken shoe boy, and he murmured unconvincedly: "Liu Yange didn't do anything? My character is bad, Xiao Lang's character can't be bad, right? Fight, someone will bet me 10,000. Black stone!"

"Ten Thousand..."

Xiao Lang said casually. He didn't expect the broken shoes to believe in himself so much. He curled his lips and wouldn't persuade him, so he could only pray secretly.


Xiao Lang and the broken shoe were dumbfounded again. The triangle-eyed warrior was obviously not as strong as the opponent, but he seemed to be willing to fight for his life, not afraid of death, and shocked his opponent abruptly, and finally suffered a serious injury. Killed the opponent. Lost shoes again...

"Unlucky, go!"

He touched his nose with his torn shoes, and said nothing, but his complexion was obviously a little worse, and more than 10,000 profound stones were not a large number for him. But in such a short period of time, it was obviously painful to just squander it.

"and many more!"

Xiao Lang was a little ashamed. It wasn't that he let the broken shoes be replaced. The broken shoes won 10,000 profound stones, and the difference between winning and winning was 20,000 profound stones. Although the broken shoes didn't mean to blame him at all, he felt uncomfortable.

Seeing Xiao Lang's guilty expression on the broken shoes, he patted his shoulder and said: "Go, put away your girlish expression, our two brothers find a girl to rush for joy."

Xiao Lang shook his head, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly whispered: "No, I can help you win it back!"

"Can you win? How to win?" The broken shoe was a little surprised.

"Simple!" Xiao Lang smiled weirdly and said: "I'm on the court, you bet!"


The boy with broken shoes changed his expression and shook his head resolutely, "No! Xiao Lang, ten thousand profound stones is really not a big deal for me, I can't take risks!"

Xiao Lang was also very determined, but this time it was a voice transmission: "Going down to play a few hands is not a big deal for me! My surface strength is only in the kingdoms of the kings, but I am confident that the warriors of the kings, I can Sweep easily!"


The Broken Shoe Young Master groaned. He remembered that in the Shi Mansion, Black Qier led a group of warriors to chase Xiao Lang, and was finally chased down by Xiao Lang, and he was also killed by a powerful emperor. He finally nodded and said: "Okay, let's play, this time we will play bigger!"

Xiao Lang walked to the maid and said, "Can I apply for a death fight?"

The maid nodded and smiled: "Of course! Your lord, are you sure you want to fight to the death?"

After Xiao Lang nodded, the maid immediately led Xiao Lang to a small side hall behind the ring. There are three powerful emperors in the side hall, and the one headed by the old man in brocade has reached the fifth level of the emperor.

Xiao Lang walked in, and the maid immediately retreated. The old man in Jin Yi and Xiao Lang in the side hall asked, "You want to fight to death?"

After being confirmed by Xiao Lang again, the eyes of the old man in Jinyi suddenly lit up, and he scanned Xiao Lang several times like two beams of light before he said: "What you cultivate is the combat skills of the heavenly devil, and you have cultivated to the third level. The young man releases you. The soul!"

Xiao Lang released his spirits honestly, and he was not afraid that the old man would see anything. The grass vine whizzed out and released a bit, the old man in Jinyi immediately waved his hand and said: "Okay, five kings of comprehensive strength, catkins, you go to arrange your opponent!"


Xiao Lang was overjoyed in his heart. Outsiders could not see his true strength at all. This old man in brocade clothes still possesses very strange supernatural powers? But still strayed.

Xiao Lang's opponent was quickly arranged, and he was also a warrior in the realm of kings, and they were all warriors who actively demanded a death fight on the court. The two signed the certificate of life and death in person and were arranged to play in half an hour.

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