Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 115: Qianlong Feitian

Xiao Lang pierced into the ground several thousand meters deep, and directly reached the bottom of the Broken Shoes Villa. The grass vines immediately turned into a phantom to explore upwards. He probed very carefully, for fear that the human emperor above would find that, fortunately, the grass vine had no breath and the phantom would not make any noise at all.

Soon he detected the breath of the three emperors, but there were too many people on it, and he did not detect the breath of Qing Ming and Xiao Bai.

Cao Teng slid down on the ground, and Xiao Lang closed his eyes and carefully sensed the breath of the martial artist above. He was very familiar with the breath of Qing Ming and Xiao Bai, and could easily distinguish them.

"Qing Ming is still there!"

After a while, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly opened. He felt Qing Ming's breath. He pondered and his eyes kept turning, and suddenly thought of a way.

Qing Ming lived in the east courtyard, and Xiao Lang let the grass vines rush toward the west. After traveling tens of thousands of meters, the grass vines suddenly broke through the soil, then turned into entities, and slammed against the nearby mountain wall.


It was midnight, and the sudden sound really alarmed the nearby people, and countless figures shot away immediately. Xiao Lang retrieved the grass and vines immediately, and used the grass vines to collapse the passage. At the same time, his body quickly shot upward and quickly rushed into the room where Qing Ming was.

"call out!"

Before Xiao Lang's body rushed up, Qing Ming in the room suddenly woke up, but a little beast on the bed ejected early and plunged directly into Xiao Lang's arms!

"Xiao Langlang?"

Qing Ming's cold face was startled at first, originally extremely nervous and frightened, at this moment, seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, suddenly became ecstatic. There is only one person in this world who can make Xiao Bai so intimate, Xiao Lang!

"Qing Ming, it's me! Don't ask so much, I will take you away first!"

Xiao Lang looked solemn, said a word, immediately let Cao Teng tie Qing Ming, and flew directly across the space. Because he had already felt that there was an imperial warrior below that had followed the hole he dug all the way. He wasn't afraid of the three emperors, he was just afraid of revealing his identity and causing unnecessary trouble.

The crack in the space healed quickly, and it didn’t take long for the three celebrities and the strong to come out of the hole. When they saw that there was no one in the room, they immediately shot towards the outside and explored everywhere, to see who has such courage, dare Come and make trouble at the Broken Shoes Villa.

The result was disappointing for the three of them. The three of them did not track down the intruder at such a speed. They searched the villa, and there was no clue except Qing Ming's disappearance. Qing Ming is not a character, but the person who had to take good care of the broken shoes back then, now the broken shoes are dead, and the three celebrities and powerhouses don't care much. Just searched the neighborhood again, and the matter was gone.

"Xiao Langlang, what magical powers did you have just now, how do you feel like flying through the void from the Ouyang family?"

In a mansion north of Po Tianfu, Xiao Lang brought Qingming Xiaobai out of the void. When it came out, Qing Ming was excited, pleasantly surprised, and puzzled, her lips trembling.

"Master Qingming, that's not bad, you have cultivated to the second level of the kings realm! If you return to this realm, you might be able to sweep the land!"

Xiao Lang was in a very good mood. He held Xiaobai affectionately and stroked its head, and asked with joy again: "When did Xiao Bai wake up? There is no major problem with it, right?"


Xiao Bai was very spiritual, and he kept screaming affectionately, sticking out his tongue and holding Xiao Lang's hand, and constantly shaking his head to indicate that it was all right.

Qing Ming explained: "After you left, Xiaobai slept for another three months before waking up. As for what happened to Xiaobai, I don’t know what happened. I basically practiced in retreat in Broken Shoes Villa. Go out for nothing for fear of being arrested!"

Xiao Lang nodded secretly, and Xiao Bai was fine as long as he was fine. As for whether its strength had changed, Xiao Lang didn't care at all. He let Cao Teng lurch underground, and while exploring around, he told Qing Ming about what happened over the past year.

Qing Ming was taken aback by hearing it, and his face was full of sorrow, especially when he heard that Xiao Lang had killed a heavenly emperor. At this moment, when he was being chased by countless heavenly emperors in the east, his eyes almost fell out. .

"Master Qingming, you can't follow me!"

After Xiao Lang finished speaking, he asked Qing Ming with some solemnity: "Follow me you are very dangerous, and I can't take care of you. Now where are you going, after I go to Xiandi City to rescue Hongdou, I may escape all the way and find Where the place is lurking, it is possible to return to the Soul Continent!"

"Back to the Soul Continent?"

Qing Ming was taken aback, then made a decision, nodded and said, "Okay! I also return to the Soul Continent. I still have some profound stones on my body. If I get lucky, I can cultivate to the fourth and fifth levels of the kings. If I can understand some heavenly ways Or something, maybe I will come to Tianzhou again, if I can’t realize it, I’ll be dead for the rest of my life.”

After coming to Tianzhou to see it, Qing Ming had seen the cruelty of this world thoroughly. Also knows that the strong is not so easy to break through, he is already lucky to break through the realm of kings. He suddenly found out that he was not suitable for this world, perhaps because he was older, and he didn't have the sharpness and enthusiasm of Xiao Lang.

"Well, you can go back!"

Xiao Lang nodded and said, took out 10,000 profound stones from Xumi Ring and threw them into another Xumi Ring, and handed them to Qing Ming, "Here are these profound stones. You can hire a caravan in the Asura Hall of the Eastern Mansion. , Let them **** you back to the Soul Continent. After you go back, remember, don't conflict with the people of the Black Scale family, if I can come back, I will personally clean them up!"

"So many profound stones, this, this... Xiao Langlang, I can't use so many, your cultivation is important, you can give me a few hundred!"

Qing Ming was frightened by Xiao Lang's arrogance. For more than a year in the Broken Shoes Villa, although there is no shortage of profound stones, he only gave him one hundred profound stones. Now Xiao Lang is 10,000 yuan per shot. Why not take him Scared?

"Take it, this bit of profound stone is nothing to me. It's not that you are afraid that you carry too much and cause others to peep and steal. I will give you 100,000 profound stones!"

Xiao Lang grinned indifferently, then glanced at Xiao Bai and said, "Xiao Bai, are you returning to the Soul Land with Qing Ming?"


Xiao Bai kept shook his head, his eyes were extremely determined, and he insisted on following Xiao Lang, anxiously. Xiao Lang smiled bitterly: "Okay, okay, just follow me! Master Qingming, I have to hurry to Xiandi City, the foreign treasure trade over there is about to start, you will treasure it all the way!"

Qing Ming's eyes were a little red, and he stared at Xiao Lang with burning eyes, and exhorted: "Don't worry about me, I will sit in the teleportation formation or go to the Asura Hall to take the mission all the way to the Soul Sea, but you, Xiao Langlang, you must be careful. , I am waiting for you back in the Soul Land!"

"Haha, Master Qingming, don't worry about me, the abyss of death can't trap me, God won't let me die, who can kill me in this world?"

Xiao Lang said with a relaxed smile, no longer worrying about tearing the space apart, disappearing into the cracks in the space, and flew across the void towards Xian Emperor City.

"Xiao Langlang, you must take care. I am waiting for you and Hongdou to return in the Soul Land! Hey, it is estimated that when you return to the Soul Land with the red beans, all those old guys will be so scared that their eyes will fall to the ground, right? Killing the emperor? Haha... the Qianlong of our Soul Continent can finally roar in Tianzhou for nine days!"

Qing Ming sighed and sighed for a long time, then turned around and ran towards the east without hesitation.


[Author's digression]: Chapter 5 is here!

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