Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 15: Dead animal

Looking at the pleading eyes and the desperate eyes, Xiao Lang did not consider it for too long and decided to take the shot. Although in the huge world, people are killed by fierce beasts and sea beasts every day, although warriors fight each other to kill each other at all times in Tianzhou, but this matter was encountered by Xiao Lang, naturally it is impossible to leave it alone.


Before Xiao Lang did it, all the tentacles of that huge sea beast sank to the bottom of the sea, making everyone and Xiao Lang extremely confused.

Before long, hundreds of tentacles suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea in the distance, and they twisted towards the two powerful people and the woman who was covered in light gauze. The sea beast obviously saw the two most powerful warriors want to escape, and decided to kill the two first.

The expressions of the two strong people at the top of the emperor peak changed drastically. One held the young lady and shot towards the sky, while the other released the spirit shield of his whole body. A war knife appeared in his hand, and his body quickly spun, bringing a blade of light. , Chopped off the tentacles in all directions.

"Boom boom!"

The sword slashed on the huge tentacles, and it made the sound of gold and iron colliding. Such a powerful attack could only cause the white hairs on a few tentacles to fall one by one. There were faint blood stains on the tentacles, but they were only cut half deep. In the end, the saber was actually entangled by a tentacle, and several nearby tentacles also entangled the body of the peak powerhouse at lightning speed.


The strong man at the top of the emperor finally brought a sword with him, and was dragged under the sea by his tentacles. There are still dozens of tentacles, and they continue to shoot high into the sky, and the target is naturally another powerful person.

The stronger the strength of the warrior, the stronger the vitality, and the sea beasts will naturally make up for it. Although this strong man at the top of the emperor was dragged into the water, he might not die. But he was **** in a single encounter, and the strength of this sea beast made everyone feel even more desperate.


Xiao Lang was also startled. It stands to reason that this sea beast has only 700,000 years of strength, shouldn't it have such a strong defense? Is it a mutant sea beast?

"call out!"

Those dozens of tentacles entangled the other strong peak power and the woman with light yarn. The warrior could only throw the woman with light yarn towards the distance, and took out a battle axe to the nearest one. The root tentacles cut away.


What is very strange is--

This axe actually cut off the tentacles easily, and dozens of tentacles with a diameter of half a meter fell heavily on the sea, splashing a spray of water.

The sudden upheaval shocked everyone's spirits, and the strong man at the top of the emperor also reacted immediately, and the axe turned into the afterimage of his debut, and smashed the surrounding tentacles heavily.


As a result, the human emperor was dumbfounded. The axe collided with the next tentacle, but the same sound of metal and iron collided with the axe. The axe could only chop off some long white hairs and chop in a half.


The human emperor peak martial artist was stunned, and the rest of the tentacles immediately wrapped around, tying the human emperor peak martial artist into the sea.

"So it is!"

There was a flash of light in Xiao Lang's eyes, and if he felt something in his heart, the Supreme Chariot shot away, the grass vines whizzed out, millions of grass vines turned into blue shadows in the sky, and flew toward the tentacles that had not yet retracted under the sea.

The speed of the Supreme Chariot is very fast, and the speed of the grass and vines is also very fast, and the seven or eight tentacles are entangled by the grass and vines before they are under the sea. The cold light shone on the cyan grass vines, and the flames rolled and swallowed quickly.

The result of the swallowing did not surprise Xiao Lang. Two or three tentacles that had fallen off white hairs were quickly swallowed, but the intact tentacles were extremely difficult to swallow.

All the problems are with this long white hair, as long as the white hair is shot down, the tentacles are vulnerable.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Lang's mouth, and he burst into shouts: "Don't panic, everyone, the higher the tentacles, the higher the better. As soon as the tentacles have all the profound and soul power attacks, leave the rest to me!"

Seeing Xiao Lang's move and bringing out so many terrifying grass vines, he swallowed two or three tentacles in one face. Everyone was shocked, and immediately stopped escaping everywhere, but flew high in the sky according to Xiao Lang's words, and stopped at a distance of nearly 10,000 meters.

Their speed is too slow, even if they can escape at this moment, where can the vast seas escape? This sea beast was injured, and with the sea beast's must-have character, he would definitely not let it go without killing everyone.

Xiao Lang didn't let the Supreme Chariot lift into the air. It was still suspended in the air, and the grass vines scattered under the sea, sensing the situation below through the grass vines.

be quiet!

The sea beasts were clearly killing the two Human Sovereign pinnacle powerhouses, and did not reach out their tentacles again, and Xiao Lang did not move. The more than 10,000 warriors remaining on it swept around with nervous eyes, and did not dare to spit out.

The woman surrounded by veil, surrounded by more than 10,000 people, is obviously a distinguished lady. The only exposed eyes were frightened, like a frightened lark.

Xiao Lang's face was not waved, standing faintly on the chariot, as if walking in a leisurely courtyard. After a while, he suddenly roared, "Prepare, all profound power and soul power attack!"

The water splashed all over the sea, hundreds of white-haired tentacles burst out of the water, brought up a thousand waves, and shot high into the sky. The target was the more than 10,000 warriors gathered above.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The group of warriors all began to attack with profound energy and soul power, and the sky lit up instantly, and various colorful swords and shadows fist wind palm prints whizzed down and hit the tentacles.

This attack was obviously not enough to see. The hundreds of tentacles did not even splash out the blood, but countless white hairs fell, and the sky was originally covered with goose feathers and heavy snow, but now it is thicker.


Xiao Lang let out a deep cry, and millions of grass and vines whizzed out. These tentacles were tragic. They were swallowed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the white snow in the sky turned into a rain of blood.


All of the more than 10,000 warriors were frightened. The attacks of so many people, coupled with the attacks of the two strong men, only cut off a single tentacle. At this moment, hundreds of tentacles were all swallowed by Xiao Lang's attack. Such a brutal attack on them is unheard of.

The woman whose whole body was shrouded in the light gauze had a look of fear and surprise in her agile eyes, staring at Xiao Lang for a few times, her fear and surprise turned into a color of worship.


The sea surface was turbulent, and a harsh scream penetrated from the sea. Everyone's body trembled and almost fell down. The complexion of all people changed greatly, and they were extremely frightened. Xiao Lang also looked solemn, and controlled the Supreme Chariot to fly high, his eyes fixed on the increasingly turbulent water below.

The body of the Tentacle Monster is out!

A huge hippo-like head slowly surfaced, two spiteful eyes are fierce, staring at Xiao Lang, its body is extremely large, like a floating island, on the body covered by white hair. They are all tentacles, but they are only half of them, and they look very ugly. And the tentacles are slowly growing out, and the speed is very fast.

"call out!"

The unknown sea beast suddenly shot two beams of light in its eyes. The beam of light was as fast as lightning, and it hit Xiao Lang's chariot at once.


The energy mask of the chariot trembled, and it flew up to a high altitude for several kilometers, unexpectedly in danger of breaking. This beam of light energy attack might be able to hit with all strength compared to the power of the human emperor peak.

"court death!"

Xiao Lang was angry. This monster was covered with white hair. Obviously, its defense power was extremely terrifying, and it would be difficult to swallow such a huge body. He was too lazy to play, a three-foot-three-long sword appeared abruptly, and he slashed it against the bottom. At the same time, he burst out: "The ruthless sword spirit, the evil animal suffers death!"


[Author's digression]: Let's change 2 chapters first, there are some things to go out today, and I will go back at 8 pm to change 2 chapters!

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