Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 46: Ruthless

The Emperor of Heaven was naturally the Shanye Emperor who was rushed to the Ice and Snow Sea by the news of Mogao's secret walk. He sent many of his men to search around. At the same time, he was not at ease, and arrived at the Ice and Snow Sea for the first time to search. Xiao Lang's speed was not fast, and he had no sense of direction. He hadn't hidden his tracks yet, so he was quickly found.

The Heavenly Emperor Shanye could have killed Xiao Lang, but a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, which shook his wind roar away and frightened him. After Xiao Lang escaped, he immediately sent a message to the Shoushan Slave of the Mistral Palace, but did not receive any instructions from the Mistral Palace.

After receiving the news that Xiao Lang had not died in the ice and snow sea, he naturally couldn't sit still. The Lost God Palace is the patron saint of Bei Ming. Xiao Lang killed his favorite son. It was not wrong for him to avenge him. Since the temple had no will, he would kill him first.

"Hahaha, Xiao Lang, how do I see you escape this time?"

Seeing Xiao Lang standing stupidly on the deserted island, the Emperor Shanye suddenly became ecstatic and laughed wildly. There was no pause in his body, one hand slapped a palm, and the space in front of Xiao Lang trembled suddenly, and a dragon claw suddenly appeared and grabbed Xiao Lang's body.

"Void Destruction Claw!"

This is the famous skill of the mountain emperor. It can suddenly emerge from the void and is undefeable. The most important thing is that the claws are super powerful and the attack power is very sharp. Even the average emperor will be injured in the move.

"Danger, this man is going to kill me!"

Xiao Lang had lost his memory but his fighting instinct was still there. He had already reacted when the Emperor Shanye called out, and immediately let Cao Teng get into his body. Take out the Supreme Fighter body and rushed in, controlling the chariot to flee.

Just how fast is the attack speed of the Heavenly Emperor powerhouse?


The Void Deity Claw was heavily grasped on the shield of the chariot, the shield and Void Deity Claw burst at the same time, and the Supreme Chariot was also smashed out.

"What a powerful attack!"

Xiao Lang cried secretly, put away the car body and rushed into the sea. He has lost his memory, and the most life-saving Feidu Void has been forgotten. If Cao Teng hadn't appeared suddenly today, he didn't know Cao Teng was so cruel.

"Can you escape? Die!"

Shanye Tiandi was full of savage faces, and immediately released the wind roar attack, surrounded by the power of the body, a large palm appeared in the air, the surrounding wind and clouds were dancing, and a huge tornado appeared around Xiao Lang, rolling up the sky and water, and also Xiao Lang's body was involved.

"Dead, die, die! Let the emperor's soul fly away!"

Emperor Shanye used a soul attack for the first time, he still doesn't believe it, will there be a lightning strike in the sky today? Of course, he didn't directly rush into Feng Roar to kill Xiao Lang, and he also cared about that lightning. If lightning strikes today, he can only give up killing Xiao Lang, because the strongest who can reach a hundred thousand miles high... he can't afford it!

"This is it again?"

Xiao Lang's body rolled violently in mid-air, and his soul was stimulated by a sharp voice to vomit blood. He knew that this thing had been used by Young Master Mo Han before. The corners of his mouth kept squirting blood, but he closed his eyes abruptly, his face was calm, there was no pain at all, and he seemed to... enjoy it?

Emperor Shanye didn't go to see Xiao Lang. In his opinion, as long as the strongest appeared, Xiao Lang would only have his soul scattered. He just probed around carefully to see if someone did it deliberately last time or was it an accidental coincidence?

The result made him very happy, because no one had ever taken action, and he glanced at Xiao Lang and found that half of his body was stained red with blood, his face was as pale as snow, and his soul had obviously been severely injured.

"Shan Xiao, my son, my father avenged you!"

Emperor Shanye looked up at the sky and whispered quietly. This son is his favorite, because Shanxiao is the most like him, talented, arrogant and arrogant, but it is a pity that he died in Xiao Lang's hands because of his arrogance.

Time passed bit by bit, and still no one shot. Emperor Shanye was surprised, was it really an accident last time? Was the middle **** thunder in the sky just smashing down and dispelling his wind roar?

"Huh? This person's soul is so strong? Actually, the soul hasn't collapsed yet? Is this the average Human Sovereign peak powerhouse is dead?"

After another while, even though Xiao Lang's face became paler and paler, he still did not die, which made Shanye Tiandi extremely surprised. His eyes flickered a few times, his eyes swept across the sky, and finally his body rushed into the wind roar.

He is going to end Xiao Lang's life ahead of schedule!

He originally wanted to take Xiao Lang's body well preserved and take it back to pay homage to Shanxiao's Spirit in Heaven, but at this moment it seemed inevitable that he would be injured a little bit. His fists turned into sharp claws, rushing into Feng Roar at lightning speed, and grabbed Xiao Lang's chest.

"You finally came in!"

At this moment, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly opened. There was a calm in his eyes, and there was no trace of confusion in his soul. When he spoke, blood spurted out of his mouth again, which looked terrifying.

The corner of his mouth was bent in an arc, and his entire face immediately became dreadful. He smiled softly and yelled: "The highest state of emotional injury-ruthless!"

In an instant!

The inexplicable energy in Xiao Lang's body surrounds the body surface, and then automatically condenses into palm-sized love characters, like a talisman character, glowing with colorful divine light, and then turned into a sky full of light and shot towards the mountain and wild emperor.

"What is this?"

Shanye Tiandi was shocked, but felt that he was locked in by these "love" characters and there was nowhere to escape, and he also felt inexplicable danger. He instinctively immediately released the most powerful shield of heavenly power in an attempt to resist this weird one. attack!

This attack is really weird!

A character-like love character, completely ignoring the Tianli shield, was printed into the body of Emperor Shanye Tiandi, every word printed in, the body of Shanye Tiandi trembled, and his soul also trembled.

Although Shanye Tiandi is not strong among the heavenly emperors, he is also the emperor of heaven. How powerful is the soul when the dragon is transformed into a real dragon? At this moment, he felt the soul tremble inexplicably. He suddenly forgot everything, forgot that he was fighting with people, and the wind roar suddenly disappeared. He was inexplicably silent in a peculiar sadness. It seemed that he had returned to his youth when he was mercilessly hurt by the lady he liked.

"The ruthless way of heaven has become the most important thing, really amazing!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were full of icy colors. He didn't sigh for too long. The grass and vines in his body whizzed out, enveloping the mountain and the emperor. He wanted to kill him in one fell swoop while Shanye Tiandi's soul was disturbed.


After the grass vine evolves again, the ability to swallow is very powerful. At this moment, the shield of the emperor is so powerful that it begins to dim at a speed visible to the naked eye. As long as a moment, it can immediately swallow the shield, and then kill the mountain emperor.

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