Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 59: Mutation

Regardless of whether the soul of the red beast is damaged, even if it continuously shoots out soul attacks, its body will be very weak. Soon its breath became weak, and Ouyang Lengyan's peach blossom pollen also had miraculous effects, and its energy in its body was constantly being consumed. It was finally frightened, and it sneaked away quickly and started to flee!

Ouyang Lengyan and Xiao Lang thought there would be a fierce battle, even if it was not popular, it would definitely be very long-lasting. I didn't expect to be injured so easily by Xiao Lang and start to escape.

How did the two let the duck that was about to be cooked fly? Ouyang Lengyan flashed, and immediately flew across the void and went to the front to intercept it.

Xiao Lang also typed out love words one after another. Although every time he typed out the sentimental thoughts in his mind, he would be torn apart and hurt him again and again, but at this moment he couldn't take care of that much. After all, inside the red beast Dan has a price but no market, it's a rare encounter.

Ouyang Lengyan flew across the void very fast, and the Scarlet Beast could not escape at all. Xiao Lang's emotional attack followed, and the body of the Scarlet Beast was rolled over again and again.

"The battle is over!"

After half an hour, Ouyang Lengyan saw it almost, and a long bow suddenly appeared in his hand. As soon as the longbow appeared, the nearby sea water stopped flowing. Longbow has no bows and arrows, but Ouyang's cold smoke surrounds him, and with a grasp of the void, a blue long arrow that tears everything away immediately breaks through the air.

"Supreme God Soldier! Ouyang Family is indeed rich!"

Xiao Lang secretly sighed that Ouyang Childish had a supreme **** soldier, and Ouyang Lengmo, as the lord of Hongdi City, must also have a supreme **** soldier, plus the long bow in Ouyang Lengyan's hands at the moment. Xiao Lang doesn't know how many supreme soldiers in the Ouyang family, but it's not uncommon to think that there was a great emperor in the Ouyang family.

With the use of the Supreme Divine Weapon, the red beast is still so weak at the moment, and the ending is self-evident.


The blue long arrow shot directly from the mouth of the red beast, and then burst out from its abdomen, causing a burst of sound. Half of his body was battered and bloody.


The red beast finally let out a strange cry, and once again shot the two strongest beams of light in his eyes, shooting towards Ouyang Lengyan. The beam of light was much faster than before, and it was about to hit Ouyang Lengyan, scared Xiao Lang and yelled.


Ouyang Lengyan snorted slightly, and Xu Mijie flashed in her hand, and a bronze mirror appeared in her hand. She suddenly threw the bronze mirror and immediately enlarged, completely covering her body.


The beam of light hit the bronze mirror, and the bronze mirror suddenly shone brightly, and the countless marks on it shone, abruptly blocking the powerful soul attack. However, the light of the bronze mirror dimmed suddenly, and I didn't know if it could be used.

"Damn, this bronze mirror has at least more than 300 seals, right? Your Ouyang family is indeed rich!"

Xiao Lang was stunned, and the strongest attack of the Million Years Sea Beast before his death was easily blocked. It is estimated that this bronze mirror would be able to sell tens of millions of profound stones at least when it was auctioned.

"It's a fuss, Liu Yange can easily earn millions of profound stones a year..."

Ouyang Lengyan rolled his eyes and smiled charmingly. Glancing at the red beast's body, he said with a smile: "Go and dig the inner alchemy. The red beast's inner alchemy is right out of his head, let the grass cane swallow the flesh and blood outside!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked, and all the grass and vines whizzed away. This time it swallowed very quickly, and the energy in the body of the red beast was almost used up, relying on its ** is not an opponent of Cao Teng at all.


Cao Teng swallowed half of the red beast's head, and a blue inner alchemy was also looming. Xiao Lang's heart moved, letting Cao Teng continue to devour the head of the red beast, turning his head and transmitting with Ouyang Lengyan: "Lengyan, how is this inner alchemy refined?"

"I'll talk about it first, I'll teach you later..."

Ouyang Lengyan was no stranger to Xiao Lang's idiot, and said at will. His eyes were swept away but his complexion changed. He immediately shouted, "Huh? Xiao Lang, you grass vine is crazy, you are actually devouring the inner alchemy!"


Xiao Lang was taken aback, his eyes shot away suddenly, and he saw that Cao Teng was frantically devouring the inner alchemy, but in such a blink of an eye, the large-headed inner alchemy had been swallowed by half...

"I'll go! Cao Teng, if you don't obey the command, it's your turn!"

Xiao Lang suddenly cursed secretly, but did not forcefully issue an order to Cao Teng to stop it. He is very clear that Cao Teng is not very intelligent and generally does not make his own way. The only time it was to swallow the poisonous fruit, that time the grass vine also awakened the supernatural powers of the incarnation. This time the grass and vines actively swallowed it again, which showed that this inner alchemy was very important to it. On the contrary, Xiao Lang was very hopeful, hoping that the grass and vines would evolve again after being swallowed.

Soon the grass and vines were completely swallowed, and the red beast that the two worked so hard to kill finally made the grass vine. What made Xiao Lang extremely excited was that the grass and vine's millions of clones suddenly gathered into one, and the body was shining with blue light, like a beautiful ribbon, it seemed to be evolving...


In the next second, Xiao Lang was dumbfounded. The grass vine suddenly turned into a phantom, and instead of swallowing it, it flew directly into Xiao Lang's body, and finally turned into a small grass vine and fell silent in Xiao Lang's mind. No matter how Xiao Lang transmits or calls, he actually ignores...

Cao Teng actually fell asleep!

Xiao Lang was perplexed. The last time Cao Teng was severely injured, he fell asleep and recovered. This is normal. At this moment, he clearly swallowed the inner pill of the sea beast for millions of years, so he fell asleep too?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Thinking of the mysterious origin of the grass vines, the purple jade coffin, and the remnant soul of the emperor that day, Xiao Lang was surprised again. He was a little scared inexplicably, the grass vine disobeyed the command, and the call was ignored at this moment. Will there be any change? In the end it swallowed him?

Cao Teng is not considered a soul in the strict sense. If there is an abnormal change and his body is mastered, then Malgobi will be!

With too many doubts, Xiao Lang was very sad, and even Ouyang Lengyan didn't know the sound transmission several times. Finally, Ouyang Lengyan flew over and woke up.

Facing Ouyang Lengyan's suspicious eyes, Xiao Lang pondered for a while, let Ouyang Lengyan get on the chariot, and the chariot flew up through the water. He told Ouyang Lengyan about the origin of the grass and all the changes, to see if she could guess the origin of the grass with her knowledge and wisdom.

Ouyang Lengyan rescued him several times and gave him his body. He could also clearly feel the love she slowly developed towards him. Although Ouyang Lengyan said that he would not marry him, Xiao Lang still completely trusted her.

After hearing what Xiao Lang said, Ouyang Lengyan's expression also became serious. She was silent and her eyes were filled with suspicion. After pondering for a long time, she finally gave a vague answer: "Xiao Lang, infer from the information on Cao Teng and the ancient books I have read. You Cao Teng …Not your soul at all! And the origin of this grass and vine must be so great that we can't even imagine it!"



[Author's digression]: The state is recovering, and the two chapters continue to owe!

Unfinished debts, unfinished words...

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