Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 67: Xiao Buhuo kneels down

Cha Mu's abilities are really good. Under his management, Soul Mansion, under Xiao Lang's prestige, he has completely surrendered those big families in a short time. And promulgated a new law, all govern the government according to law. Like the Medicine Mountain originally occupied by big and small families, the mineral veins are not recovered, just turn in a certain amount of black stone every month. The ability of Shenhun Mansion to settle down and restore prosperity in a short time is related to Chamu's credit and his new laws and policies.

And the first of his new decree is that it is strictly forbidden to use force in the city, no matter who dares to use force in the city, no matter what!

Xiao Kuang Xiaoye and the others united the two families to openly act in the city and wiped out the family. This incident caused an uproar among countless families in the southern part of the Soul Palace. The countless families of the entire Divine Soul Mansion became uneasy, thinking that this was Xiao Lang secretly annexing the major families, and the Divine Soul Mansion that had already settled down became turbulent again.

In this case, Chamu naturally can no longer sit idly by, otherwise his efforts for so long will be wasted. The new decree, like papyrus, is no longer followed.

He took dozens of celebrity emperor peaks, teleported away overnight, took down Xiao Kuang, Xiao Ye and the others and the two families, and brought them back to Xiao Emperor City to inform the Divine Soul Palace. . No matter who dares to trigger the decree, no one will be merciless.

There were a lot of people who committed the crime this time. There were seven or eight out of the three generations of the Xiao family, and there were also two elders in the Xiao family! After receiving the news, Xiao Qinglong immediately left the customs and rushed to Xiaodicheng to see Chamu, begging to spare Xiao Kuang and their lives.

Cha Mu and Xiao Qinglong explained a lot, and also carried out Xiao Lang to explain that the matter was serious, but how could Xiao Qinglong and his son watch Xiao Kuang and others die?

In the end, Cha Mu was annoyed and stopped seeing the guests, so Xiao Qinglong was turned away. This was the scene Xiao Lang saw when he came back.


Xiao Lang slammed the palm of his hand, smashing the table in the study!

He was so angry that he turned around in the room. Xiao Kuang and the others were unhappy in himself, but he didn't care about too much. After all, he was still bleeding with the same blood. Xiao Buhuo wanted to carry forward the Xiao family. He gave them a chance because Xiao did not die, but the dog couldn't change eating shit. Just borrow his name from the fox and fake Huwei, there is actually a kind of murder right now? Or just killed tens of thousands in the city?

Although he knew very well that these pigs were being used by others, doing something wrong is doing something wrong and he must take responsibility! Just like him. He wants to kill. If others have the ability to kill him, he will never complain.

Life is not acting, it is impossible to start again!

He went out furiously, looking at Xiao Qinglong who was still waiting in place, and said directly indifferently: "You don't need to say any more, the small city is still for you, but Xiao Kuang and others must die. Next time anyone commits another crime, I will still Kill without mercy! Come and see off!"

Yindi Dongfangbai and the others were really angry when they saw Xiao Lang's movement, and they didn't dare to persuade him. Xiao Qinglong's face turned pale. Just as he wanted to say something, he was immediately framed by two guards.

Looking at Xiao Lang standing proudly in the courtyard with a cold face and surrounded by a group of people. Xiao Qinglong suddenly felt that Xiao Lang had become another person, and he felt like a beggar looking at a superior king. He was in a daze when he was reprimanded by a group of them when Xiao Lang stood in the old pavilion of Xiao's parents a few years ago.

He sighed deeply and regretted it greatly. If he didn't do anything wrong in the first place, I'm afraid Xiao Lang would respectfully call him an uncle right now?

"Chamu, there will be such a thing in the future, so I don't need to ask me to deal with it directly!"

Xiao Lang said coldly, not that he was cruel, but that he was not alone now. The Hidden Sect of Dongfangjia Nijia Chamujia. There are more families clinging to him. In other words...The Soul Mansion is not his, but everyone's. If you want everyone to have a good life, you must follow the rules, otherwise everyone will break the rules and the Divine Soul Mansion will be ruined. Under the covering of the nest, are there any eggs?

People in the Soul Continent may only see his scenery, but few people see the pressure he is under! Although he doesn't care, the Divine Soul Mansion cannot live without him. As long as he dies or is abolished, Divine Soul Mansion will be destroyed immediately.

After wandering outside for more than half a year, and finally returned home, Xiao Lang was in a bad mood when he heard such news for the first time. Pulling Chamu directly to a restaurant, started drinking.

Cha Mu worked hard for more than half a year, but his cultivation didn't fall, and he kept refining profound stones and reached the Emperor's cultivation level. This made Xiao Lang very pleased. Cha Mu also told Xiao Lang a lot about Divine Soul Mansion. Xiao Lang listened to it and secretly gratified. He had a good vision and chose the right person.

Dongfang Baihe Nishuiliu has been assisting in the management of Chamu, and Chamu has also selected a local clan chief as the deputy city lord, and the management of Shenhun Mansion is orderly. At this moment, the Soul Mansion was also gradually gaining income. The beast tide in the cursed forest receded, and prosperity was restored there. Countless warriors continued to hunt down the beasts. They could earn profound stones and prosper the economy of the Soul Mansion.

Xiao Lang didn't understand these, except for some major issues, Cha Mu took care of the rest. He was going to stay in the Soul Mansion for ten and a half days, and rushed to the Mansion of the Soul. Dongfang Hongdou and the others were still there waiting for him to pick him up, and there was a crisis in the God Armor Mansion, he had to think of a way to do his best.

After drinking Xiao Lang and Chamu in the middle of the night, they were so drunk, of course, that the two of them didn't get rid of alcohol, otherwise they wouldn't be drunk no matter how much they drink.

In the next few days, Xiao Lang was rarely free and began to refine profound stones. While letting Chamu let people go around to find out where there is a great tonic for the soul, prepare to attack the fifth stage of the heavenly magic combat skills!

Ruthless Heavenly Dao can't be practiced, and Ruthless Sword can't be used. If he wants to improve his strength, he can only practice Heavenly Demon combat skills!

The Devil's Palace only protects him for ten years!

He must reach the strength of the Heavenly Emperor within these ten years, and even make the Supreme Heavenly Emperor have some scruples, so that he can protect himself and his relatives and those who depend on him. And he also felt that the Lost Temple was not reliable, maybe it would change sometime. The most important thing is that he has always been a self-reliant and self-reliant person, and he knows that only when he is strong can he be really strong.

Duguixing must be resurrected, so he must reach the strength of the emperor, and still be a strong emperor, so as to survive in the forbidden land of the ancient gods! Therefore, although the Heavenly Demon's combat skills are extremely dangerous, and although no one has ever reached the seventh level, he must do everything possible to break through and break through!

After practicing for seven days and seven nights, Xiao Lang was woken up. The only person who could enter his room to wake him up was Chamu against the current Dongfangbai. So after seeing Dongfang Bai, he didn't get angry because his cultivation was interrupted. Instead, he asked suspiciously: "What's the matter with Grandpa Dongfang?"


Dongfang Bai looked helpless, and sighed, "Xiao Lang, let Xiao Kuang make their own way, don't be confused... Xiao Buhuo and Xiao Qinglong are kneeling outside!"


Xiao Lang's expression suddenly changed, his eyes flashed, and then he became furious: "Xiao Qinglong, this stupid pig, actually sent a message to go back to rescue soldiers? Let Xiao Buhuo kneel down for me? How could he do this kind of thing? He thought. Let me lose my life?"



[Author's digression]: Yesterday, I was dizzy and a bug appeared. Cao Teng fell asleep and couldn't release it! The editor has been modified, but the client can't modify it!

Regarding the second chapter owed, the old demon wants to pay it back every day, but there are too many more explanation, I will try my best to pay it back!

Thousands of words, turned into Shen Shen sigh! Ugh…

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