Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 94: I will die with you


Xiao Lang appeared in mid-air and glanced at him, and he suddenly shook his body, secretly saying that this luck is against the sky...

Mu Shangui's body is still shooting here like lightning, and the blood sea demon bear over there, which is comparable to the sky giant, has lifted its huge bear paw and swept towards Xiao Lang, as if Xiao Lang suddenly Appeared, making it a little uncomfortable.

At such a moment, it was too late to fly across the void and escape. Xiao Lang had only the first time to take out the Ruthless Sword. Although he didn't want to use this sword, he would be crushed if he didn't use it. And he didn't have any ruthless thoughts in his mind at the moment. It stands to reason that using the Ruthless Sword once or twice would not be a big problem.


The appearance of the Ruthless Sword made the space suddenly become cold, and Xiao Lang didn't have any pause, raising his hand to the blood sea demon bear behind him and hacking heavily!

"call out!"

A tens of thousands of meters long cyan sword aura condensed abruptly in the air, and then with the aura of tearing everything, it slashed towards the huge bear paw of the blood sea monster in front.

"Earth Canglong!"

At the same time, a yellow iron rod appeared in Mu Shangui's hand. The iron rod had countless mysterious black patterns on it, and it looked amazing. You don't need to guess, you can know that it is Mushangui's supreme soldier by looking at the iron rod with the great pressure.

The iron rod swung up a semicircle in the air, transforming the afterimage of the debut, and then a khaki dragon condensed in front, blasting towards the head of the blood sea demon bear from another direction.

The fatal blows of the two Supreme Divine Soldiers were sent out at almost the same time, and they smashed the devil bear's paw and head respectively. Such a powerful attack, if any emperor is hit, it will be immediately shattered, right? Even at this moment, without opening the shield, two-thirds of the city would definitely be razed to the ground.

The small knives and tens of thousands of people standing in the middle of the city all held their breath, staring wide-eyed at the sword aura that pierced through the air and the earth blue dragon, hoping to kill the blood sea demon bear. If the beast emperor can be killed for thousands of years, and Mushan ghost is present, there is still hope of preservation in Shenjia City today.


Hope was dashed in an instant!


Two powerful attacks that could destroy the mountains and razor the city hit the devil bear, and the devil bear suddenly lit up with a blood-red light, and a huge explosion sounded. Then the devil bear was comparable to the tall body of Shenkai Mountain, and it was only smashed back several tens of meters, and only a trace of blood flowed from the head and the bear's palm, and it was only... slightly injured!


The two attacks flattened the mud and rocks on the ground by one foot, causing countless debris and debris to roll in the air. Of course, dozens of sea beasts behind the devil bear were trampled to death by the huge legs of the devil bear, and the million-year-old sea beasts on both sides were also shaken back tens of meters.

"how is this possible?"

Countless people murmured in disbelief, the fatal blows of the two supreme divine soldiers actually only injured the Beast Emperor a little? This is very unscientific and very unreasonable. Strictly speaking, the strength of the Beast Emperor is about the same as the strength of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, and now Mushan Ghost is attacking with all his strength, and this effect can only be achieved with Xiao Lang's attack...


There was no surprise on Mu Shan Gui's face, just a desperate sigh. His attack power has not been considered strong, and his attack power has been weakened by a few percent at this moment. As for Xiao Lang, although he had a great emperor's divine weapon that was much stronger than the supreme divine weapon, Xiao Lang had not reached the strength of the heavenly emperor, and could not exert the power of the ruthless sword at all.

There was a sense of death in his eyes. Instead of looking at the demon bear, he stared at Xiao Lang, who had just fallen to the ground, and began to speak, "Xiao Lang, take the knife and the little demon and go! Tell them if they don't leave, I will die. She won’t be scornful! Besides, the little demon doesn’t want to follow the family, if you can... please help me take care of her!"

"call out!"

After Mu Shangui finished speaking, his body suddenly rushed forward, and a khaki battle armor appeared in midair, covering his whole body. At that moment, he seemed to be transformed into a god's residence, and one person carried a stick to impact. The sea animals at the end.

"Grandpa Mu!"

Xiao Lang roared mournfully, but he didn't use emotions. He ran towards the city, staring at the knife and Mu Xiaoyao and said, "Don't move, I will wrap you up with grass and vines, and I will take you across the void. Leave, don't let your grandfather die!"


Xiaodao and Mu Xiaoyao seemed to have not heard Xiao Lang's voice, and looked at the short figure that was already close to the sea animal group in front of them, but they felt so tall, tears shining in their eyes, and sadness.

"Patriarch! Kill!"

There were tens of thousands of people behind Xiaodao, but there were countless people bursting into laughter. Many of them stayed because of their deep feelings for Shen Kai Mansion, but more people wanted to fight with Mushan Ghost to the last moment, and then die with Mushan Ghost!

"call out!"

At first, a group of very old elders rushed out, and then all tens of thousands of years began to countercharge against the sea animal group. Although they knew that rushing in this way would die faster, they had no scruples.


Mu Xiaoyao leaped lightly, and the sound of the phantom piano in the hands of the crowd rang out, enhancing the soul power of everyone, and seeing them off or seeing them off herself.

"Little demon!"

Xiao Lang and Xiaodao burst into drinks at the same time, but Mu Xiaoyao seemed to deliberately didn't want to walk and mix in the crowd. The grass and vines that Xiao Lang had released had no time to entangle her. Xiao Lang could only tie up the knife that he wanted to rush forward with him for the first time.

"Brother, you let me go!"

The knife looked at the people quickly rushing towards the sea beast group, and looked at the Mushan ghost who had been submerged by the sea beast, and screamed at Xiao Lang frantically.

Seeing that Xiao Lang hadn’t moved, he actually carried the God’s Axe to the grass vines like lightning, then flew forward quickly, looked back at Xiao Lang who was chasing him, and said very firmly: "Brother, just let I'm crazy. If I run away for a lifetime, I won't have a breakthrough in this life. It's better to die! Brother, I have always listened to you, this time let me call the shots? The kindness of you and aunt, The knife will repay you in the next life!"


Xiao Lang roared furiously, but he controlled the grass vines to entangle the knife again and again, but was chopped by his mad god's battle axe again and again. He looked at the knife's crazy eyes and knew that the knife was serious. Although he grew up with himself, but in the final analysis the blood of the Mu family remained in his body. Watching his grandfather and sister are about to die, how could he steal a life alone?

"Drink!" "Boil!" "Chichi!"

In the distance, Mu Shangui's body was smashed into the air by the blood sea demon bear time and time again, but he shot up and killed the demon bear time after time. The people of the Mu family also fought against the sea beast qun regardless of life and death. There was only Mu Xiaoyao in the sky, playing the guqin alone, playing a tragic song of heroic doomsday!

"it is good!"

A terrifying hostility also appeared on Xiao Lang, his face became savage, his white hair flying, his body rose into the sky, and he burst into a drink: "Since you are not leaving, I will not leave. I will be with you. dead!"

A million grass vine clone appeared, Xiao Lang's split **** hand released, although the Ruthless Sword could not emit a ruthless sword aura, he still held it in his left hand, ready to use it to kill as many sea beasts as possible, and drag a few pads before he died. of.

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