Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 96: Ultimate heaven

The love words outside Xiao Lang's body kept popping up, hundreds of times more than the sentimental injuries, and there were as many as tens of thousands. Moreover, at this moment, his body is still emerging. The big love words without fingers are encircling and slowly rotating around his body. The nine-color light surrounds the illuminated surroundings, and Xiao Lang, who is enveloped by countless love words, is in the crowd at this moment. He didn't feel like a mortal in his eyes, but a Buddha, like a divine residence.

The knife was still struggling, his eyes were attracted by the light here, his body stopped moving, and his eyes became confused. Mu Xiaoyao's beautiful eyes were also blurred, and she squatted on the ground looking stupidly.

Not only them, everyone who was attracted by the light to look over was stunned to see the rotating love characters. It seems that the love characters have magical powers, which can make them forget that they are standing in a mortal situation. Among...

Such a weird situation naturally attracted those warriors who were fighting, and countless people turned their heads in astonishment. Then...their eyes were also attracted, completely forgetting that there were countless sea beasts in front of them, and even the claws of those sea beasts had reached a few meters in front of them, and they were about to split their bodies in two without knowing it!

And something even stranger happened-

The eyes of countless sea beasts were also attracted by these love characters, their blood-red eyes, as soon as they saw those love characters, they stopped immediately. Although the sea beasts behind them kept pouring forward, squeezing, and hitting their bodies, they were still motionless!

At this moment the world seems to be quiet suddenly!

Although there are countless sea beasts who have not seen this love character, they are still roaring and swarming. Even though the Beast King and Beast King over there were still fighting Mushan Ghost, everyone felt as if the world outside God Armor City was quiet at this moment.


Above a hundred thousand li, there was a sudden sound of surprise.

The eyes on Qing Muyu's bald head became shocked. After Xiao Lang's soul came out of the void, he immediately came out to follow Xiao Lang, wanting to see what happened to his body. Why didn't you die or escape into the ruthless heaven, but you could survive the demons?

He was completely shocked at this moment, because of this weird situation, let alone read it, even if he hadn't heard it. The most important thing is... he feels that each love word can actually make waves in his heart!

When he saw the love letters, he suddenly felt a warm feeling in his heart. That feeling was like being held in his arms by his mother when he was a child, and it made him feel an urge to cry.

But what he cultivates is the soul of heaven, how powerful is the soul? He woke up immediately, and it was because of him that he was so shocked!

He glanced at Xiao Lang and couldn't help it anymore. He immediately took out a piece of jade talisman and eagerly sent a message: "Father, come to the city of Shenjia immediately, Xiao Lang, this kid... is going against the sky!"


Xiao Lang didn't know that he had scared the emperor's strength Qingmuyu. At this moment, his eyes were bright and scary. When the number of love characters outside his body reached 100,000, he lightly opened his lips and said softly: "If the sky is love, the sky is also old, if it is old When the sky is emotional, you will feel sad and get old. I still don’t believe that you evil creatures can’t be affected? Affection, go!"

When the voice fell, the word "love" with 100,000 fingers big and constantly rotating, immediately floated in all directions, and in that moment, the world became dazzling with glorious glaze. And the eyes of countless people and sea beasts moved with the love words one by one, and their eyes were full of obsessive colors.

The love words automatically floated into the foreheads of the sea beasts, silently, without any obstruction, and did not cause the sea beasts to agitate at all, and even the sea beasts made no sound. Instead, all the sea beasts whose foreheads were submerged with love words closed their eyes...

The love word disappeared, and everyone suddenly woke up. Their eyes were filled with surprise and confusion. It seemed that they had a dream just now, and no one knew what happened.

But many people were frightened, because countless of them were fighting with sea beasts, many of them were only a few meters away from them, and one person was about to be pierced by the claws of sea beasts...

Those people woke up and gathered their spirit power for the first time, and the Heavenly Dao attack was ready to release the attack and kill the sea beast in front of them!

It's just that they all stopped, because an extremely ridiculous scene happened in the field——

The sea beasts that were hit by the word "love" opened their eyes, and their eyes were no longer blood-red, nor tyrannical, and even they didn't have any fierce aura. They give everyone the feeling that these sea beasts in front of them are no longer sea beasts, nor are they monsters infected with cursed blood, but one-well-behaved kittens and dogs, and even some sea beasts are friendly and pitiful. Eyes!

what's the situation?

Everyone was at a loss, and they forgot to attack, and even many people had the idea that they couldn't bear to attack...


Everyone's eyes were once again attracted by the light on Xiao Lang's body. Xiao Lang began to release the love characters again, and everyone's eyes became confused again, all attracted by the love characters, and they went in silently.

One by one, the love words came out like lightning, spinning around Xiao Lang. After gathering 100,000, Xiao Lang shot them again, and the love words continued to shoot out from all directions, into the foreheads of sea beasts. Then the sea beasts immediately stopped their riots, all standing in place obediently, their eyes all looking at Xiao Lang, their eyes were friendly and obedient...

"God, who can tell me, this is...what's going on?"

The people below were silent among Xiao Lang’s love letters. Only one person nearby was awake, but he was obviously frightened. He watched the ferocious and tyrannical sea beasts become gentle and well-behaved pet beasts. The startled eyes are about to fall out.

This world is magical, with many wonderful magical powers, and countless strange magical powers have been passed down from ancient times. Qingmuyu is the special envoy of the Mishen Palace and the son of the Lord of the Mishen Palace. He has also lived for more than a hundred years. His strength and knowledge surpass everyone in Tianzhou, but he does not know how to explain what is in front of him. Of this scene!

Those love words not only removed the poisonous serum from the powerful sea beasts, but also eliminated their tyrannical aura, making them docile and even spiritual beasts with a trace of human feelings.

The cursed and poisonous blood in the sea beasts, let alone him, even his father and the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction Hall could not remove it. And this kind of supernatural power no longer belongs to the scope of supernatural power, and even at a certain moment, Qingmuyu thought that Xiao Lang was no longer Xiao Lang, but the ancient divine residence leaned over.

Because the scene before us can no longer be explained by reason, it can only be said to be a miracle!


The space around Qingmuyu suddenly trembled, and an old man with white hair and waist-length appeared suddenly. Qingmuyu immediately felt energetic, pointing to the scene below and exclaiming: "Father, look at it, Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang, he, he…"

The gaze of the Palace Master of the Mishen Palace calmly swept down, and then suddenly lit up, and Gu Jing Wubo's face became excited. He watched for a long time, and his eyes flickered continuously. After a long time, he looked up at the sky above and said thoughtfully: " it one of the ultimate heavenly ways in the legend?"



[Author's digression]: Mid-Autumn Festival, take a day off, today will be three chapters! I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy reunion! 0.0

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