Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 102: Go to Beiming again

What Xiao Lang feared the most was not Yun Feiyang, which could sweep the peak of the Human Emperor with one level of Human Emperor Realm, but Yun Zishan!

The woman Yun Zishan has enchanting wisdom. If it weren’t for the fact that a weak woman had arranged so many things secretly, he would still naively think that this woman was just a love scene where she likes to play with her sons and applaud. Master.

Yun Zishan Keng killed Xiao Budie, what else could he do to seduce him, and his tai observation power couldn't see any signs? The most important thing is that Xiao Lang's solitary way, who had been exhausted in his mind, was actually pitted by Yun Zishan. This made Xiao Lang very scrupulous about Yun Zishan!

Yun Zishan did not show up at the moment, hiding in the dark made him feel like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and no one knew when she would come and bite him.

Therefore, he will bring Dongfang Hongdou Xiao Qingyi and others on this trip to Beiming. He knew very well that if Yun Zishan didn't do anything, once he did it would definitely make him desperate! So as long as the red beans and the others are brought along, Yun Zishan will never move the Soul Mansion, as it will startle the snake.

What annoyed Xiao Lang most was the forces behind them. Since Yun Feiyang dared to get out of the profound stone to bury the mountain alive to assassinate themselves, they obviously did not care about revenge from the lost temple. Xiao Lang was very jealous if he could not be afraid of the power of the Lost Temple.

While Xiao Lang was pondering, the deputy mountain owner of Buried Mountain alive spoke again: "There is another news that Yun Feiyang is constantly buying powerful and talented young people in secret. Just go to Feiyang Mansion and surrender to him, Xuan. What the stone treasure woman wanted. And just half a month ago, a sublime emperor was actually bought by him and became the elder of Feiyang Mansion!"


Xiao Lang's body shook, his eyes filled with surprise!

The Heavenly Emperor is an absolute powerhouse. Even if you go to any super family, you will get the position of elder, such as the Ouyang family and the Mu family. Even if you don't join a big family, you can attack a realm at will, you can become a powerful one. Heavenly emperors have arrogance, and generally will not easily surrender unless it is the supreme emperor! Yun Feiyang's human emperor Yizhong's strength, how much does He De let the Emperor of Heaven surrender?

Xiao Lang was still in shock, but the deputy mountain master threw out another news, which made Xiao Lang completely frightened: "The latest news before I came, Yun Feiyang's current strength has reached...the sixth level of the Emperor!"

Martial arts are very difficult to practice, especially after reaching the fifth level of the human emperor! It has only been a few months since Yun Feiyang laid down Feiyang Mansion, but he broke through so fast, it can be described with the speed of a rocket. This speed not only shocked Xiao Lang, but if the rumors go out, everyone in Tianzhou will be frightened...

"After Bei Ming comes back from this trip, immediately start dealing with Yun Feiyang! He can't let him continue to grow, otherwise if he is given a few years, if he reaches the strength of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, I am afraid that no one can live!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered and thought secretly, he didn't even notice the departure of the deputy master of Buried Mountain. He pondered for a moment to make a decision. This time he went to Beiming to tame as many fierce beasts and sea beasts as possible. If Yun Feiyang really wants to play, he will lead millions of sea beasts and have fun with him!

Thinking of the Beast Emperor’s Blood Pagoda’s promise, Xiao Lang’s urgency in his heart was slightly relieved. Even if the Beast Emperor couldn’t ask the other Beast Emperors for help, at least he had one Beast Emperor comparable to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor to help, and there were more than 30 Beast Kings in Luanlunhai. , More than one million sea beasts! Pulling out such a powerful army, even the Supreme Heavenly Emperor will kneel!


Ten days later, everyone teleported back to the Soul Mansion, Xiao Lang asked Mushan Guimu Little Demon to rest here for ten days, and let Dongfang Hongdou greet everyone. He inquired about the situation in the Divine Soul Mansion, dealt with some important things, and left the rest to Chamu. He secretly went to the Cursed Forest alone!

"Love in action!"

One million clones of Cao Teng lurked around, investigating the surroundings. After Xiao Lang was sure that no one had encountered a fierce beast in the Cursed Forest, he immediately typed the words of the second state of emotion!

Nine-color love characters flew out one by one, and the fierce beasts were conquered and domesticated. Xiao Lang did not stop and took these fierce beasts, rushing all the way to the depths of the cursed forest!

In two days, the team of fierce beasts continued to expand. Xiao Lang stood on the shoulders of an 800,000-year-old great ape, and the number of fierce beasts in all directions had expanded to more than 100,000!

The cursed forest is not big, the giant ape is very fast, rushing all the way, all the beasts encountered are directly domesticated by Xiao Lang, and follow behind the troops!

Five days!

Xiao Lang had swept through most of the cursed forest, and the number of fierce beasts behind him reached more than 400,000. What made Xiao Lang very disappointed was that he had not found a million-year-old beast. The most powerful beast is only more than three hundred and nine hundred thousand years old. Don't look at the difference of 100,000 years, but the strength is the difference between heaven and earth, it is like the emperor of heaven can sweep the peak of a group of human emperors!

In the last Cursed Forest riot, a million-year-old Chinchilla appeared. Xiao Lang thought there must be one or two Beast Kings in the Cursed Forest!

However, eight days later, Xiao Lang swept the entire cursed forest, taming nearly 600,000 fierce beasts for more than 300,000 years, but still did not find the Beast King. The 900,000-year-old beast has tamed more than 80...

In the last cursed forest riot, the Black Scales had been pursuing the murderous beasts for a long time, and Xiao Lang also killed a lot of them after taking over the Divine Soul Mansion, so there were not many beasts in the cursed forest. But this time Xiao Lang didn't work in vain, at least it would be difficult for him to riot after cursing the beasts in the forest. Moreover, if someone attacked the Divine Soul Mansion, he could also call these six hundred thousand fierce beasts to join the battle at any time!

Back in Xiaodicheng, Xiao Lang rested for a day and the impatient Mushangui, who had been waiting for a long time, took a group of people and continued to teleport towards Beiming.

Teleported all the way, I don't know who told him about Xiao Lang's stay in Devil Emperor City. All the palace masters of the palaces passing by are extremely respectful, for fear that Xiao Lang will make trouble, and there will be Mushan ghosts, ordinary heavenly emperors must come to visit!

It took half a month to teleport all the way, and everyone finally arrived at the Devil Emperor's Mansion!

The Devil Emperor immediately greeted him with the Devil’s family. Xiao Lang, who is a plague god, can’t afford to offend him. In case something happens, he blackmails a tens of millions of profound stones, and the Devil’s family is about to go bankrupt...

What made the Devil Emperor and everyone in the Devil Family breathe a sigh of relief is that Xiao Lang, Mu Shangui and others did not stay in the Devil Emperor's Mansion for too long, and went directly to the sea to be caught in the ice and snow!

At this moment, everyone had vaguely guessed something that everyone in Tianzhou was surprised. It seemed that the mysterious palace was the one who cracked the crisis of the God Armor Mansion, otherwise Mushan Ghost would not leave the God Armor Mansion so many things left alone and go to the ice and snow sea.

Xiao Lang has a supreme chariot, Mushan Ghost also has a supreme chariot, and there are also a few heavenly secret chariots, and everyone can sit down easily, just to take a look at the scenery of the ice and snow sea.

But what made Mushan Gui Dongfang Hongdou and the others very surprised was that Xiao Lang had to leave when he arrived at the sea of ​​ice and snow! Said he was going to do some private affairs alone, let them go first and later, he flew across the void to catch up with everyone...

Everyone's persuasion was ineffective, and Xiao Lang had a mysterious palace and no one dared to hurt him. The last time he had been to Beiming, there was nothing wrong, so in the end everyone chose to respect Xiao Lang's decision.

Xiao Lang flew down the sea immediately after everyone flew away in the celestial chariot. He did have a private matter.

He wants... the sea beasts that conquer the entire ice and snow sea!



[Author's digression]: Today, the unit will go to the countryside for inspection, and it is estimated to be back at night. The two chapters written last night will be sent out in advance!

There are two more chapters to come back to write, the visual inspection will not be updated until 12 o'clock in the evening...

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