Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 104: Why does the sea beast riot?

"My mother, is this Heavenly Emperor's attack so cruel?"

The thousands of grass and vines still remaining in his body were treated for the first time by Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang had spent the fourth time with the heart demon, and the demon's combat skills reached the fifth level. The body's defense was also extremely strong, which left him lucky and maimed. come.

This blade light not only tore the ruthless sword energy, but also smashed the shield of the Supreme Chariot, and easily tore the hundreds of thousands of avatars of the grass cane, and also shattered a shield with dozens of seals, and finally possessed this The strong defensive force almost killed him with one click. This attack intensity can almost reach the strength of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor!

Of course, if Xiao Lang were the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, the group of people just now would definitely be easily killed, because Xiao Lang attacked too slowly! How powerful is the Supreme Emperor? I'm afraid that the people from the Ghost Dance Corps were killed before they could form a large formation, right?

There was no time to think about it, because the sound of breaking water had already been heard from the sea, and those ghost face warriors had caught up. Xiao Lang did not feel the breath of the emperor that day, but at this moment he was seriously injured. If he was entangled, what would he do to stop the emperor's attack that day?

Xiao Lang rushed towards the deep sea, he did not dare to tear the space and fly through the void, because he was severely injured at the moment, and all the functions of his body were at their worst. Moreover, he had released more than one million love words, his mind was extremely exhausted, and there was no time to rest and recover. Now there is absolutely no life in flying across the void.

He could only swim down desperately, and at the same time forcibly endure the exhaustion in the depths of his soul and released hundreds of love characters. These love characters are fist-big love characters, and they only have colorful rays of light. This is an attack of emotional injury.

Emotional injury attacks are very effective for low-level warriors. Once he used emotional injury and grass vines to chase and kill the mountain emperor. The mind of the warrior who has been hurt by the sentiment will be silent in a kind of inexplicable sadness, and cannot extricate himself from it!

Hundreds of love characters turned into streams of light, each locked on a ghost face warrior and rushed away, while Xiao Lang dragged the severely damaged body and shot it down the deep sea.

In such a dangerous situation, Xiao Lang didn't feel desperate, and he didn't even fantasize about someone who was fascinated by the palace to rescue him. He doesn't think he will die, because he has countless helpers under the deep sea!

"call out!"

A sea beast appeared in front of him. When the sea beast saw Xiao Lang swimming towards him immediately and affectionately, his eyes looked no different from human beings. Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly brightened, and he controlled a vine avatar to fly downwards, shooting into the body of the sea beast to convey a thought.

The hundreds of love words played by Xiao Lang worked, and successfully caused the dozens of people who rushed down the first to fall into love injuries. They stopped in place and allowed him to escape hundreds of miles under the deep sea. That day, the emperor had obviously miscalculated the strength of Xiao Lang's body. He thought that Xiao Lang would undoubtedly die, and he would let dozens of people collect Xiao Lang's corpse and the treasures on him.


The dozens of people stopped abruptly, and the Heavenly Emperor on the sea immediately found out. He glanced suspiciously, and suddenly hundreds of people flew down the sea with a beckon. They found that Xiao Lang had escaped unexpectedly, only seeing a vague back view, while the dozen or so people were stupid, and their faces standing in the sea were full of sadness.

These hundreds of people immediately chased Xiao Lang in furious anger, one shot into Shanghai, and reported to the emperor that day. A trace of surprise flashed in the commander's eyes, and then his body burst into the sea. Xiao Lang had a supreme divine weapon in his hand, and what he lacked most at the moment was the supreme divine weapon.

When the commander moved, all the more than 10,000 ghost face warriors moved, and Xiao Lang had too many treasures on his body. Successfully doing this ticket was more cost-effective than looting a small domain.

Just waiting for 10,000 people to rush down thousands of miles into the deep sea, only to find that the hundreds of people who rushed down at the beginning and their commander, unexpectedly... all turned back and retreated, and the speed of retreat was very fast, in the eyes It's all panic!

"what's the situation?"

These 10,000 people became extremely confused. Their great commander was the emperor of heaven. Could it be that Xiao Lang had a treasure even more powerful than the Supreme Divine Soldier?

In the next second, they knew the reason!

Sea beasts, countless sea beasts!

At least hundreds of thousands of sea beasts have all rioted and swarmed here, and these sea beasts are at least three hundred thousand years old sea beasts, and in the distance, there are endless sea beasts gathering here...

They are not afraid of sea beasts that have been hundreds of thousands of years old. The problem is that there are too many sea beasts, and their strength in the sea will weaken, while the sea beasts will increase. If so many sea beasts really go to war, I am afraid that except for their commander, everyone else will not want to live.

Therefore, all the ghost face warriors did not hesitate, and immediately began to rush towards the sea at the fastest speed. Everyone was wondering, why would the sea beast riot? What a coincidence?

Sea beasts rarely riot, unless a warrior provoked a million-year-old beast king, or beast king. In addition, the eruption of the spirit veins in the sea will also cause the sea beasts to riot, but the spiritual energy of the surrounding world has not become rich, which means that it is not the eruption of the spirit veins.

As for provoking the Beastmaster, it is even more impossible, because the Beastmaster is under the sea hundreds of thousands of miles, and people who have not reached the strength of the Heavenly Emperor dare not go into such a deep sea. And their secret agents lurking around did not find that there is a heavenly emperor moving nearby...


An angry sea beast broke through the water, and the sea beast with magical powers began to release various beams of light, venom, energy waves, silk, spikes, and tentacles from a distance.

"Ah!" "Help!" "Kill the emperor, save me!"

Many low-strength warriors were hit, either injured or dragged down. They yelled in horror and asked the people next to them for help. But their commander, Ghost Wu Slaying Heaven Emperor, did not pay attention, and all shot up quickly. They could only watch their bodies being swallowed by countless sea beasts and finally died.

With such a large-scale riot of the sea beasts, the Heavenly Emperor Ghost Wukiller also had no bottom. I don't know if the Beast King or Beast King was pushing behind him, so he didn't dare to chase Xiao Lang, so he could only protect himself first. In the sea, his strength was greatly reduced, and the chaos of his men could not be combined into a formation, allowing him to launch a powerful attack.

Fortunately, the Ghost Dance Killing Corps retreated quickly. In the end, they were only killed by hundreds of warriors, and the rest of them successfully retreated to the sea and flew high!

Even though they had already left the sea, the sea beasts obviously did not let them off. Numerous sea beasts burst into the sea, shooting various attacks high in the sky. Many sea beasts cannot attack remotely, but there are also tens of thousands of sea beasts that can launch long-range attacks. The Ghost Dance Killing Corps was originally in a state of uncertainty, and hundreds of people were injured or killed.

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