Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 91: Extraterrestrial Demon

"Destroy the world?"

Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui glanced at each other, and they all became horrified. They all knew something big had happened, but they didn't expect it to be so serious?

Qingmuyu didn't explain much. He walked quickly towards the Star Pavilion and said to Mushangui and others who followed: "Why didn't Xiao Lang come out? This time is a common catastrophe in Tianzhou, everyone should let go of their grievances. Work together!"

Mu Shangui shook his head and said: "We don't know, we have been sent in several times, but Chamu said that Xiao Lang can't be contacted now. He is now practicing in a partial hall and closed the door with prohibition!"

Qingmuyu's expression sank: "Lead the way, Xiao Lang must not go to the battle this time, and his affection may be put to great use."

Mushan Ghost knew where Xiao Lang was practicing, and immediately led the way. Ouyang Cuicui and others who followed could not help but wonder in their hearts and asked, "My lord, what happened...what happened?"

Qingmuyu glanced back at the crowd, and sighed Shen Shen: "You probably have heard of the extraterritorial demon? The extraterritorial demon has attacked Tianzhou again. This attack is very powerful..."

"Exterior demon?"

Everyone was startled, they had naturally heard of it. Not only them, but almost all Tianzhou people have heard of it. Many people still use it to scare children, but...everyone thinks this is a legend, something that doesn't exist at all. Didn't expect it to be true?

Qingmuyu explained: "Eighty thousand years ago, the extraterrestrial demon once attacked, but the attack was not strong at that time, so it did not cause much damage in the end. It is just that the warriors in the western wilderness were almost killed, and the civilization was also Destroyed! But almost all the peak powers at the time were killed..."

"Western Wilderness?"

Ouyang Cuicui suddenly realized that the Western Wilderness civilization was primitive and backward. Now many people are still wearing animal skins and holding bone spears, and their strength is generally low. The world has never known what happened before the Western Wilderness, and did not expect it to be destroyed by an extraterritorial demon?

When he walked to the entrance of the Partial Hall, Qingmuyu stopped again, turned his head to look at the big men in Tianzhou, and confessed very seriously: "This time all the strong men in Tianzhou have been dispatched, and all the fierce beasts and sea beasts have also been Mochizuki. The pavilion master is mobilized, and the place of battle will be within the power of Soul Destruction Hall. No matter who you have had grievances with before or with fierce beasts or sea beasts, I don't know how to do it with each other, and will never show mercy once you find it."

After speaking, Qingmuyu walked into the partial hall, and everyone looked at each other, not because of Qingmuyu's shock, but because of a word in his words!

All the fierce beasts and sea beasts were also mobilized by the Lord Mochizuki?

Both the fierce beast and the sea beast rioted, and several big men knew about this, and they also gave orders to close all the cities. Didn't expect this fierce beast and sea beast to be mobilized by the demigod powerhouse Mochizuki Lake? Could it be that he also cultivated love? It’s just that even if it’s love, how can it be possible to mobilize all sea beasts and fierce beasts in the first place, what kind of supernatural power is this?

"So it is!"

Ouyang Cuicui suddenly remembered something, and exclaimed if she realized it. Seeing everyone looking at him, he breathed out and whispered: "I once looked through the family secret history. The ancestor Hongdi once left a note saying that the semi-god powerhouse at the bottom of Mochizuki Lake is said to have not become the emperor. When... it already exists!"

Everyone's eyes shrank, Emperor Hong had been dead for tens of thousands of years, didn't Pavilion Master Wangyue have lived for tens of thousands of years? Even a semi-god powerhouse can never live that long, right? And they all knew that there was no stronger person in this world than the demigod strong, and combined with the situation at the moment, everyone guessed a possibility.

Pavilion Master Mochizuki is not a person, but a...beast!

Only fierce beasts and sea beasts can live so long, and only the more powerful beast king can command all sea beasts and fierce beasts. The beast emperor whose strength has reached the semi-god state, how powerful should it be?


The cracking sound of the door from the side hall attracted everyone's attention. Everyone no longer thought about it and quickly followed in, but found that the door opened by the restriction was blasted open by Qing Muyu.

There is a mechanism outside the gate. In the past, Chamu and others would notice it as soon as Xiao Lang pressed the mechanism. This time it was useless. Qing Muyu became impatient and blasted away.

Qingmuyu and Chamu walked in, and everyone looked inside, only to see Xiao Lang still sitting cross-legged, seeming to be in concentration? Such a loud noise didn't even wake up?


Qingmuyu swept away, his face suddenly sinking, and he shook his head and said: "Xiao Lang is actually saving his heart? The soul is not in the body at all."

"Inner Demon?"

Cha Mu was shocked, and the faces of Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui changed. They naturally knew that Xiao Lang was already the sixth demon this time. This demon was so terrifying that Xiao Lang didn't say a word, did he quietly relieve the demon by himself?

Needless to say how terrifying the sixth heart demon is! In history, there are four or five people who have cultivated to the sixth level of the heavenly demon combat skills, but they all died on the sixth heart demon...

"Let's go!"

Qingmuyu turned and left, and walked out of the side hall and then said to Chamu: "If Xiao Lang is lucky enough to survive this demons, let him immediately rush to Xiliang Mountain, the westernmost part of the Western Wilderness. If you don't get through... Right!"

"Let's go!"

Qingmuyu waved his hand and led everyone away, preparing to go to the Western Desolation. Mu Shangui and Ouyang Cuicui confessed a few words and asked Cha Mu to take this side of the palace so that no one could disturb them, and then left with worry and sadness.

A lot of outside city powerhouses have basically teleported over, Ouyang Cuicui and others have confessed that all super teleportation arrays are opened, and the random teleportation came so fast.

Aoki Yu Lingkun locked Chamu and asked him to arrange for those who came back. When everyone gathered, immediately let them go to the Xiliang Mountain in the Western Wilderness, and after explaining that they took millions of strong men above the fifth level and flew towards the Western Wilderness.

"My lord! What kind of monster is the extraterritorial demon? What are we going to prepare?"

Flying all the way, Ouyang Cuicui began to inquire about Qingmuyu, since the fight is about the survival of all lives in Tianzhou. Then we must first understand the enemy and figure out a way to suppress the kill.

Qingmuyu waved his hand and said, "The extraterritorial celestial demon emerged from a valley in the Western Wilderness. The millions of li near that valley have been built by the ancestors. At this moment, the big formation has been destroyed, if not This time, the extraterrestrial demons come more suddenly, and they won't use you anymore. Father and the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction are trying their best to stabilize the formation to prevent the demons from running out. If the formation is completely destroyed, it will be a catastrophe for Tianzhou. Your task is to enter the demon battlefield to kill the demon. The more you kill, the less pressure on our father and us. As long as the formation is stable, when we are free, we can eliminate all the extraterritorial demon and seal the valley again! How to kill out-of-territory demon... wait until you reach the demon battlefield."

All the supreme heavenly emperor's hearts are stunned, and the Master of Qingmushi Soul Destruction Palace and others can't take action? Even the green wood jade has to stabilize the formation? This extraterritorial demon is so terrifying? It seems that with so many strong people going this time, not too many will survive...

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