Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 104: Demon King

Xiao Lang couldn't help not being angry, yet so polite?

This made the powerful hunters in the hunting squad amazed. Not long ago, Yun Zishan deliberately missed two powerful Celestial Demon Legions and came here. He originally thought that he would suffer heavy losses here. Unexpectedly, the loss was so small, and with Xiao Lang's expression at this moment, everyone was shocked.

Yun Zishan also looked at Xiao Lang suspiciously, and then flew to the other side. A pleasant voice came from a distance: "Okay! Palace Master Xiao is indeed a hero. Everyone heard it, but he said it himself. Yes! Let's go over there!"

Palace Master of Soul Destruction and Palace Master of Lost God personally confessed that Yun Zishan led the team, so everyone hesitated for a moment and followed them in silence. The madman Tiandi is a reckless man, and when everyone left, he immediately cursed, "He fucks, what is it?"

Xiao Lang smiled and waved his hand: "Let's rest. It is estimated that as soon as the hunting team leaves, the battle will be more intense later!"

He sincerely wanted Yun Zishan and the others to leave. First, he could domesticate more demons. Second, the hunting team could go to Ouyang Cuimu Mountain Ghost to reduce their casualties.


It didn't take long for another group of heavenly demons to attack, but the scale was not large, there were only tens of thousands of high-level heavenly demons, and it was obviously just killed by Yun Zishan and others.

"Evil Lord, release the demon!"

Xiao Lang let out a deep cry, the remnant soul of the evil lord turned into black mist and emerged, and a spatial crack appeared in the black mist. All those heavenly demons were brought out by the black mist, and the "bluffing" crowd of heavenly demons attacked.

There is no high-level demon, only tens of thousands of demon are not enough for Xiao Lang and the others to kill. In just an hour, all the heavenly demons were killed, and Xiao Lang's heavenly demon army was further expanded. This time there was less damage and only nearly a hundred people died.


Xiao Lang felt that it was too slow to wait for the heavenly demon to come to the door, and simply led the team to rush away to find the heavenly demon to attack. He didn't need to be scouts anymore. He took the lead in flying ahead, using his powerful soul to detect the fluctuations ahead, as long as it was not a large-scale demon army, he would immediately kill.

With the domesticated Heavenly Demon Legion standing in front, Xiao Langqing's suppression of the Heavenly Demon went very smoothly. With grass and vines healing, the number of domesticated demons has been increasing. In just a few days, his demons have reached thousands, with four high-level demons and six or seven hundred intermediate ones.

With such a powerful Celestial Demon Army, the human emperors behind Xiao Lang don't need to go to war. Watching the theater behind Xiao Lang, it was all Xiao Lang and Xiao Demon God killing the emperor and other heavenly emperors.

In a flash of half a month, Xiao Lang collected thousands of demon gods into the void in advance, and then was sent out surrounded by white light.


Seeing the casualties of Mushangui and Ouyang Cuicui's army, the people on Xiao Lang's side took a breath. Despite the help of the hunting squad, their number was once again lost hundreds of thousands...

And the people of Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui saw that the number of the Western Army Corps had not decreased and they were shocked. Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui spoke to Xiao Lang at the same time: "Emotion is useful?"

"It's pretty useful!"

Xiao Lang nodded, but the two looked at each other. Ouyang Cuicui burst into a drink, "No, next time we have to go with you, otherwise our people will be dead by then, and we two old guys will do it. Palace Master Polished!"

"call out!"

The green wood jade from a distance also came, and the emperor Lingdi Xian also shrank when he saw the loss on Xiao Lang's side, but green wood jade was surprised and asked: "Can Qing Dao domesticate the devil on a large scale?"


Xiao Lang said decisively that he hadn't lied and couldn't have been on a large scale, otherwise he would have swept the entire battlefield of Heavenly Demon.

Qing Muyu's eyes dimmed immediately, and he was about to ask Xiao Lang a few more words but flew away with someone away.

Back outside the square, Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui continued to communicate, but Xiao Lang smiled bitterly and told them to look for Qingmuyu. If Qingmuyu agreed with him, he would be fine.

When Qing Muyu came back, Ouyang Cuicui immediately stood up and walked towards Qing Muyu and spoke in a low voice. Qingmuyu kept looking suspiciously towards Xiao Lang's side, but he was the one who didn't care about refining profound stones.

Qingmuyu pondered for a long time before explaining: "The combination of your three legions will cause more demon legions to encircle and suppress you. It may also lead to the king of demon, so being together is not a good thing. Of course... if Xiao Lang had no objection, I would not object!"

Mu Shangui and the two hesitated, and they walked back to communicate with Xiao Lang, and passed Qing Muyu's words to Xiao Lang for a ruling.

"Since Qingmuyu said so, let's go together! If the king is out of the sky demon, it can be handed over to the hunting team. Isn't the existence of the hunting team suppressing the sky demon king?"

Xiao Lang shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Since he was a Heavenly Demon King, there must be not many. They are all purging and suppressing the demon, and they will definitely meet the demon king in the future, will it be different day by day?

Seeing that Xiao Lang agreed, Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui were shocked, and the legions they were leading were also excited. No one wants to die, since following Xiao Lang can reduce casualties, that's the best.

Everyone rested and recovered, Xiao Lang refined the profound stone, half a month passed by, Ling Emperor Xian Emperor Demon Emperor brought people over, Crescent Moon Heaven Emperor and others went to the battlefield of Heavenly Demon. This time, Emperor Ling and the others were still seriously injured, but it was much better than the first time.

The hunting squad has not come back, apparently constantly wandering in the battlefield. Hunt down high-level demon, or fight against demon king.

The Xiaolang profound stone is refined like flowing water, and countless martial artists are jealous. People are more popular than others...

"Xiao Lang, the time is up! Let's go!"

Half a month later, Qingmuyu appeared outside the Soul Destruction Hall again, greeting Xiao Lang and the others to move forward. The three legions flew towards the valley. There were originally 2.8 million warriors, but at this moment there are less than 1.5 million. , We can see the fierce fighting.

The three legions merged into one legion, and they all teleported away from Xiao Lang's original teleportation formation. As for the fierce beasts and sea beasts, they went their separate ways.

Soon they came to the battlefield of the demon again, and the two major legions joined the strong here like a cloud. Xiao Lang and Ouyang Cuimu Mountain Ghost, together, did not stand still and wait for the rabbit to rush in one direction, actively attacking and killing the demon.

Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui are both real Supreme Heavenly Emperors, and with the four high-level Heavenly Demons domesticated by Xiao Lang, there are ten Supreme Heavenly Emperors here. The Emperor of Heaven is even more than several hundred, and the remaining warriors are mostly the peak warriors of the Emperor of Humanity. The fighting power of such a large army can be imagined.


All the Heavenly Demon Legions encountered were easily swept away, the high-level and intermediate Heavenly Demons were domesticated, and Xiao Lang's Heavenly Demon Legions continued to grow. The casualties on the Legion’s side have also been reduced to a minimum, making Mushangui and Ouyang Cuicui’s secret choice very correct this time...

Cao Teng kept devouring the Heavenly Demon, and I don't know how many Heavenly Demon had been swallowed, but Xiao Lang was extremely disappointed that Cao Teng had not evolved. It seemed that this thing was really delicious?


There was a vague shout of warriors ahead, Xiao Lang stopped everyone from moving forward for the first time, and Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui also noticed. The three of them glanced at each other and let Xiao Devil and Emperor Slayer lead the team to stay where they were, and the three of them quickly ran forward.

I saw eleven warriors and a group of demons fighting from a distance, and a human-like monster in mid-air attracted the attention of the three of them, who just glanced at them and immediately determined the identity of the monster.

Demon King!

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