Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 107: Tianzhou is over

The Ling Emperor Demon Emperor and the others had teleported out three days ago, and asked them to send someone back to arrange the funeral. After all, they couldn't eliminate too many demon.

It has only been a few months since I came to the battlefield of the Heavenly Demon. All the powerhouses in Tianzhou total more than 8 million people. At this moment, there are less than 4 million people left. More than half of the deaths are caused. Two Hainei Beast Emperors also died, but the Blood Tower and Zhang Ge Aogu were not dead. There are more than 10 million demon cleared, but for the hundreds of millions of demon in the battlefield, this is just a drizzle.

The six strongest men flew silently, leading their doormen to teleport in first, then the emperors teleported in, and finally a group of emperor warriors and fierce beasts teleported in.

With the demigod strong, the small-scale demon army swept easily. Millions of armies and millions of sea beasts followed mightily, rushing straight in one direction in an arrow formation.

Xiao Lang was in the third echelon, followed by Mushan ghost Ouyang Cuicui on the left side of the arrow formation, with Xiao Demon God and Killing Emperor beside him. He didn't understand, why did the strong demigod in the front walk straight toward this side? Is there a demon king here?

A day later, Xiao Lang got the answer after Qing suppressed nearly a million demon. Everyone was shocked when they saw the densely packed sky demons in front of them, because they all saw the scene of those sky demons shooting soul attacks into the air.

Even though the sky is gray, the millions of souls attacking everyone at the same time still feel very shocking, and the sound of soul attacks is continuous, one after another, not to mention that the number of demon in front has reached at least ten million, or more...

"This is the base camp of the demon. If we can break through this base camp and kill more than half of the demon inside, then there is still a chance to keep the demon on the battlefield, otherwise... everyone will run for their lives!"

The deep cry of Qing Mu Shi sounded, and then the body of the six major demigods turned into an afterimage, and they rushed into the demon group, because there are nearly a hundred demon kings there, they must kill enough to keep the shield of the big formation The Demon King!


Qingmuyu burst out with a loud shout, and light waves shot out in his eyes, releasing the soul attack, and at the same time a long sword appeared in his hand, and it was a magnificent and magnificent emperor's soldier.

"The final battle is related to the survival of Tianzhou. I hope that you will do your best to fight for the billions of people in Tianzhou!"

The white-clothed girl who was the doorman of Venerable Hongmeng also screamed, turning into a shadow and rushing into the group of heavenly demons ahead.


Millions of people shouted in unison, and no one saved a bit of energy, struggling to kill the gods, and all kinds of methods came out.

"Wow!" "Gatse!" "Goo!"

The sea beasts and fierce beasts also rioted, and their huge bodies rushed away, releasing all their talents and supernatural powers. The Blood Tower took the lead. Every time that huge foot was stepped on, they could trample some low-level demon to death...

In an instant!

The world changed color, the wind and clouds danced, countless swords, shadows, fists and palm prints broke through the air, and the shining light of countless swords and long swords illuminated the sky. The roar of the fierce beasts and sea beasts shook the world. The murderous aura of warriors, the violent aura of fierce beasts and sea beasts, and the evil aura of heavenly demons intertwined in the four fields, with blood and meat swaying, this place has become **** again!

Xiao Lang and Xiao Moshen both had red eyes, and Xiao Lang used a ruthless sword to continuously release ruthless sword energy, and his body kept condensing sentiment, once it condensed, he immediately shot out, shaking the group of heavenly demons in front of him into pieces of flesh.

Cao Teng was also released early and lurking around, devouring the corpses of the demon all the way. Fortunately, behind him are the Ghost Dance Killing Legion and the warriors in the west. It is not surprising that Cao Teng appeared mysteriously.

Although there were many heavenly demon in front, no heavenly demon king appeared, but the direction of the demi-god powerhouse disappeared, there was a vague tremor of space, and it was obvious that the heavenly demon king had been attracted to the past, and the battle was going on.

There is no Heavenly Demon King, there are so many powerful people here, and the Supreme Heavenly Emperor is at the front, so they swept all the way. However, there are too many demon in front, they are not shooting soul attacks towards the sky, but shooting towards here. The warriors here are also very dense, so casualties are inevitable in the end, and the casualties are still very large.

The demons were strangulated piece by piece, and the warriors were constantly hit by soul attacks, then rioted and attacked nearby people indiscriminately, and finally hacked to death by their own people!

This neighborhood has become a meat grinder. Every second, at least thousands of demon dies, and many warriors are shot by soul attacks. The demon over there seems to be unable to kill, but feels that the more they kill, the more...

"It seems that today is a lot of bad luck..."

Xiao Lang looked at more and more Heavenly Demons in all directions, and at fewer and fewer warriors, his heart was extremely heavy. Qingmuyu once said that nearly a hundred of the Heavenly Demon Kings are obviously at war with the six demigods at this moment. As for the heavenly demons, there are hundreds of millions, which he didn't believe before, but now seeing more and more heavenly demons approaching here in the dimness, he is undoubtedly convinced.

They strangled the demon very quickly, but the warriors consumed were also very fast, but in such an hour, more than one hundred thousand warriors had been killed in battle, and all of them died because of the attack of the demon's soul. There are too many demons, too many warriors, and a lot of soul attacks cannot be avoided.


Who cares so much at this moment? The demon rushed up and began to fight with the warriors, and the large army was divided into groups by countless demon to fight each other. Everyone's eyes were red, and many low-level imperial warriors even hugged the huge neck of the demon with their bodies before they died, and began to hoarse the demon with their teeth...

Cao Veng clones are all lurking on the ground, and only when the demon is severely injured or dying will they emerge and swallow them. Some of the heavily wounded demon's body defenses are reduced. Although Cao Veng does not swallow too quickly, it can help a little.

The war lasted for most of the day, and the number of deaths and injuries of the heavenly demon reached tens of millions, but the warriors' casualties were very heavy. Four million warriors are left with less than two million, and the Tiandi warriors have also suffered a lot of casualties, but the Supreme Heavenly Emperors are not few. And the demon in the distance is still endless...

An emotion called despair floated in everyone's hearts. Many of the heavenly power in the body of the emperor had already consumed more than half, and more emperors would die if they continued to fight. And those emperor warriors are estimated to be all killed in battle, and all the emperors of the sky will be commanders of polished rods.

Now everyone can only place their hope on the six semi-god powerhouses. In many people's hearts, including Ouyang Cuicui and the others, the six semi-god powerhouses are absolutely true gods and invincible!

Although Xiao Lang was not optimistic about the six semi-god powerhouses in his heart, he still hoped that they would be able to retreat and lead everyone to eliminate all the gods. So although the situation is getting worse and more and more people are dead, everyone still gritted their teeth and looked forward to their return...

Another half day passed, and a lot of the six major demigods came back, but when everyone saw them, they were all completely...desperate!

Because the six people were covered in blood, all of them wounded. The lord of the Mishen Palace had lost one of his arms, and one of Manshen's legs was gone. The Lord of the Soul Destruction Hall burst out loudly from afar: "The shield is about to be broken immediately, let's all escape for their lives, Tianzhou is over..."

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