Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 110: oath

"Report, there are celestial demons coming ashore in thousands of miles south, and seven celestial demon kings have led the team. They have already plundered three cities, and there is no life left in the city!"

"Report! A heavenly demon came ashore in the northern grid house, and twelve heavenly demon kings led the team, attacking in all directions! The number of damage has reached one million..."


The war here is raging, and the scouts sent messages one after another, but everyone's hearts are sinking to the bottom. The coastline is too long, there are too many demons, and there are too few strong humans and fierce beasts.

"Mochizuki, if you take your people to the south, be sure to hold on for a while!"

Qing Mu Shi threw a heavy punch again and burst into a drink. The punch he punched was not big, but he rushed into the celestial demon group and immediately rippled in all directions, as if a rock was dropped in the lake and caused ripples. The body of the demon who was affected by the ripple burst instantly.

He also said to the Master of Soul Destroying Palace and Mount Putuo: "Destroying Soul, Putuo, you take people to the north to withstand it, and leave it to us here."

Mie Hun and Putuo looked at the densely packed celestial demons emerging from the sea, as well as the celestial demons who were attracted by the battle further away. They looked at each other with the Lord of the Lost Palace, the Barbarian God Hongmeng, and gritted their teeth and shouted: "You also stand up !"

After talking about the extinction soul, there was a long roar, and he took the Putuo Mountain Master to greet the more than two to three hundred thousand strong people and rushed north. Pavilion Master Mochizuki also gave a long scream, and the sea beast and fierce beast quickly flew towards the south with him.

The battle here is the first to start, and depending on the situation, this side is still the main landing point for the heavenly demons. It is estimated that many heavenly demon kings will rush in soon. Both Qing Mu Shi and Barbarian God were crippled, and their strengths were greatly reduced. Although there was one more Hongmeng Venerable, it is estimated that the most dangerous one is here.

The sea beast and the fierce beast were taken away, and the Hallmaster of Soul Destroying also took away two to three million people. Their strength was greatly reduced here, but everyone's complexion did not change at all, instead they released their spirit power and attacked even more crazily. . They have no retreat. If they can withstand one day more and kill more demons, more Tianzhou citizens will escape into that super void space.

"Devil King!"

A startled breath caught everyone’s attention. Above the distant sea, more than a dozen celebrity-shaped monsters flew up. The brown brilliance skin, the eyes without pupils, the eye that kept shining with dark golden light, 100 meters high. With a body like a giant, the evil and cold breath that came from far away made countless low-level warriors chill in their backs.

"Azure Wood Jade, let you suppress it here! Remember, once the demons rush up, they can't fight, slowly retreat, step by step! I don't want you to kill too many demons, just buy more time. !"

Qing Mu Shi burst into a shout, and his body flew away in the air. Venerable Hongmeng and the Barbarian God also flew up. Although the Barbarian God had broken a leg, the flight was not affected at all. The three of them quickly flew towards the Sky Demon King, and each released an attack that caused the Sky Demon King to scream, and then the three... actually flew away with more than a dozen Sky Demon Kings.

"Everyone listens to my orders! Soul power and Tianli attack in turn, don't save your strength too hard."

Qing Muyu roared, he naturally knew the meaning of Qing Mu Shi. The three of them are fast, and they want to delay the time to distract the Heavenly Demon King. There are too many demons, and Tianzhou’s extinction is inevitable, so deadly battles are no longer necessary. Their current purpose is to delay time!

Qingmuyu gave the order, and everyone naturally didn't attack with all their strength. The pressure on the side of the demons suddenly reduced, and under the leadership of countless high-level demons, they rushed towards everyone frantically.

"When attacking, retreat, the human emperor warrior retreat first!"

Qingmuyu gave the order in an orderly manner, and more than one million people immediately retreated slowly, attacking and blocking the demon with powerful soul power.

This retreat more demons came ashore, fan-shaped outflank. There are too many heavenly demons to resist. Everyone can only fight and retreat. With several great emperors and many heavenly emperors, they can barely resist the approach of the heavenly demons.

"Ah! Kill, kill, kill!"

"call out!"

People were constantly being shot by the souls of the heavenly demon, and they ran wildly and violently. Another heavenly emperor was shot and shot by the souls of two high-level demon and immediately ran away. Hundreds of people were hacked to death and finally killed by Qingmu Yu.

"Ah, it's not good! The fire is also crazy!"

Xiao Lang was shooting a ruthless sword aura, but there was a sound of panic and confusion behind him. His gaze swept away suddenly, and he realized that it was his own subordinate. He saw that the emperor that day unleashing an attack of heavenly power, easily swept the imperial martial artist of nearly a hundred times. He immediately resisted the grief, released his sentiment and directly killed the Emperor Huo Ye.

There are too many demons, and soul attacks come every moment. Although there are Supreme Heavenly Emperors in front of them, how can they withstand all the soul attacks?

"Master, Meier wants to devour the demon!"

When Xiao Lang was upset, there was a voice in his mind. He couldn't help getting a little angry, this child didn't care about what was going on, there were heavenly demons everywhere, her clone was not afraid of the heavenly demons being shattered?

He resolutely refused, and patiently sent a message to Cao Teng, telling her that the demons are now gathering in a group. If she dared to stealthily devour the corpses of the demons, the clones could either be dissipated by the inexplicable power in the body of the demons, or they would be scattered by the soul power here. Power attack shattered...

"It's okay, Master! Meier will be careful!"

Unexpectedly, Mei'er became uncharacteristically stubborn, Xiao Lang thought for a while, as long as the main deity of Cao Fuji is not dead, it doesn't matter if the clone is dead. So the avatar of Cao Veng was released immediately, and it sneaked away from the ground, devouring the corpse of the Heavenly Demon who had been killed by them.

The battle became more and more fierce, and the warriors suffered more and more casualties, and they retreated faster and faster. Despite one slipped away, but fortunately, most of the people in the western cities had already moved to the east. The casualties of ordinary people were not serious.

The expressions of Xiao Lang and Xiao Moshen became more gloomy, watching the countless cities of the Soul Mansion be razed to the ground by the heavenly demons, and the old men who refused to escape in the city were also eaten by the heavenly demons. The two of them had already regarded the Soul Mansion as their home. At this moment, seeing their home destroyed, they were naturally furious, and they almost ran away several times...

Three days later, everyone retreated to Xiaodicheng, and then Xiao Lang and the western powerhouse watched Xiaodicheng razed to the ground.

Xiaodi City is the original Shura City, with a history of tens of thousands of years. This big city has witnessed the prosperity and vicissitudes of Tianzhou. At this moment, it was trampled and destroyed by countless demons and turned into a ruin. Countless people watched the magnificent giant city in the distance turned into ruins, and their hearts were filled with endless desolation. It seemed that what was destroyed was not a city, but a civilization, the whole world!

Xiao Lang's eyes were red, and his whole body was murderous. He looked at the demons raging in the city, and secretly swears: "Heavenly demons, Xiao Lang, I swear to the sky, if one day I have enough strength, I will definitely Kill your lair from the passage of the valley and annihilate your whole clan!"

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