Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 115: Savior

One side is a human warrior, and the other side is an alien monster. They are also powerful, and the soul is also very powerful. The most important thing is that the energy in the body is exactly the same after cultivation?

Such a weird thing happened in front of Xiao Lang alive, which surprised him. The first feeling in his mind was whether he would become an extraterritorial demon if he continued to cultivate?

But soon he waved away this idea, because the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor did not mutate until the eighth level of cultivation. What is he still afraid of in the seventh stage? I'll talk about things in the future. If he is lucky enough to survive the seventh time of the heart demon, he will be able to see the Emperor Demon again, and then ask again.

The question now is... swallow or not?

If swallowed, his body will continue to grow stronger, and the seventh stage realm will continue to rise, so many demon may be able to directly reach the seventh peak! Once he reaches the peak, his strength will definitely change upside down. Because the God Splitting Hand is powerful and powerful with his body, if he reaches the seventh peak, he might be able to kill under a sneak attack by a semi-god strong!

The seventh peak light is estimated to be able to sweep the emperor with the strong power of the **, but... if it reaches the peak, the ancient gods will not be able to enter. And this is the energy in the alien body, will it mutate if you swallow it like this?

Another choice!

Xiao Lang was very entangled, and even Cao Teng sent him several times and asked him if he wanted to transmit energy, but he did not respond.

"Master, do you continue to transmit energy?"

Mei'er transmitted the sound again, and Xiao Lang finally woke up. A cruel color flashed in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Pass it all!"

The sixth stage of the Heavenly Demon Combat Technique has cost him so many profound stones, and the seventh stage is likely to be ten times that of the sixth stage, so it will cost billions, even tens of billions of profound stones!

There are so many profound stones, unless all the profound stones in the spiritual veins of Tianzhou are dug out. Less than two years have passed, Yun Zishan is actually barely able to reach the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, and will definitely surpass him if he continues. Even if he digs out all the profound stones in Tianzhou, it will take time. Maybe before he dug up the profound stone for refining, Yun Zishan broke through the semi-god state...

Starve to death the timid, support the courageous to death, how daring the people are, how productive the land is!

Xiao Lang decided to fight!

Let Xiao Demon God continue to protect the law, the Cava Teng clone began to flow back and forth continuously, conveying the energy that was swallowed to him, and then he immediately refined the energy, making the physical body continue to grow stronger!

He probably sensed it, swallowing the energy of a low-level demon, it was actually comparable to the energy of refining twenty profound stones!

"Not bad!"

Xiao Lang was very satisfied. If he swallowed 100 million low-level heavenly demons, it would be equivalent to refining 2 billion profound stones. Even if all the mineral veins in Tianzhou were used by him with 2 billion profound stones, it would take a few years to dig out so many.

Since he was going to swallow it, Xiao Lang didn't want that much. Immediately enter the state of the soul leaving the body, so that not only can the energy that has been swallowed be refined, but also the surrounding situation can be detected, without the devil Xiao Demon protecting the law.

The demons were swallowed piece by piece, and the nearby demons soon turned into skeletons. The blood tower and their spirits were shocked, and they actually counterattacked. Dozens of beast kings swept past. Those high-level demons were not opponents at all. Once they were hit hard, they would be swallowed by grass and vines.

An hour!

The crisis in the south was temporarily brought under control, Xiao Lang stopped refining energy and controlled the grass and vines to rush north.

"Xiao Lang, why are you here now? You are late, I am afraid that they will all die out because of Mietian..."

The Lord of the Soul Extinguishing Hall saw Xiao Lang and Xiao Demon God rushing towards him as afterimages, and he was overjoyed and murmured somewhat resentfully. Xiao Lang swept away, and he found that Mie Tian Mie Di was dripping with blood, half of Mie Di's body was bloody, and one hand was still dead in the air.

"Hall Lord, Mountain Lord, trouble you to lead the Heavenly Demon King away!"

Xiao Lang ignored the injuries of the two and some of the Beiming Heavenly Emperor, and confessed to the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction. Cao Teng whistled out immediately and began to devour the low-level and intermediate-level heavenly demons.

"it is good…"

The Master of Soul Destruction and Mount Putuo had long been waiting for Xiao Lang to come, and the two of them flashed constantly, attacking more than a dozen demon kings in the distance with all their strength, and then... ran away quickly.

However, this time, the Heavenly Demon King didn't follow all of them, but instead left one. Xiao Lang immediately looked at Mietian with a sneer and said, "Go up and stand up, otherwise my grass vines will be crushed, and everyone will die! "

The Angel Slayer grinned with bare teeth and shot an attack before asking Xiao Lang eagerly, "Xiao us heal?"

Demon God Xiao coldly snorted, obviously angry at Mitian's shamelessness, but Mitian almost wiped out Xiao Lang back then, so now he still has the face to ask Xiao Lang to help? Xiao Lang smiled and said, "It's okay to treat you, but at the moment the grass and vines are swallowing, I'm afraid it will... swallow you too!"

"Hmph, count you cruel!" Mie Tian Mie Di and the others shook their backs, looking at all the demon that was constantly turning into bones, naturally did not dare to let Xiao Lang heal, and quickly flew forward to fight the demon king that day.

Fortunately, all the powerhouses in the void have come out, and there is constant support. Since the low-level and intermediate-level demon were all covered by Xiao Lang, everyone only attacked a small number of high-level demon and that demon king, even if they could not be eliminated, it was easy to resist.

Only half a day!

The situation was immediately reversed. Because tens of millions of low- and intermediate-level demons were swallowed, the first wave of attacks by the demons had been suppressed. The six demi-god powerhouses took those heavenly devil kings around in a circle in the west, and they were already preparing to eliminate them one by one.

And the great emperors here, with a group of Supreme Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Emperor powerhouses, followed Xiao Lang and began to counterattack. Although the counterattack is very slow, those high-level demon always need time to clean up, and occasionally a single demon king also needs the combined efforts of the great emperor and the supreme emperor to kill, but the situation has completely changed.

The west is huge!

Hundreds of millions of heavenly demons are not completely gathered together, although the human peak powerhouse legion has died from 8 million to less than a million! But those who can survive are the strongest. Now there is no need for this group of people to face the low-level and intermediate-level demons in the sky. It is only necessary to slowly eliminate the high-level demons.

A few days!

The demon in the central part of Tianzhou was killed by most of them, and the demon king was also killed by six semi-god powerhouses. When the news spread, Tianzhou was shaking, and there was a lot of joy, and more big family members who had entered the void space also came out to help.

No one wants to live a lifetime, or even their children and grandchildren, in a small void. The fact that Tianzhou can keep is the most exciting thing for everyone.

The prestige of the six demigods and Xiao Lang was unparalleled in Tianzhou, especially Xiao Lang, the greatest hero, who was comparable to Tianzhou's savior.

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