Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 119: Travel far

The domestication of the demons went well!

There are almost no groups of demon now, but even if there are groups, the grass can easily kill them. After a few rounds of attacks by Xiao Lang and Xiao Moshen, the high-level heavenly demon was hit hard, and they could easily take it down with the evil master's soul attack. Not only was it domesticated, but the soul was refined by the evil master and became a slave.

All the top scouts in the west were dispatched, and all the scouts in the Asura Hall were dispatched to investigate for Xiao Lang where there was a high-level demon. Xiao Lang kept flying across the void and riding in the teleportation formation, seeing the high-level and intermediate-level heavenly demons all take down and send them into the void space of the evil master.

For half a month, Xiao Lang had captured more than 30 intermediate-level heavenly demons and fifteen high-level heavenly demons. As for the low-level heavenly demons he encountered, he had killed all of them. There are very few demons lurking in Tianzhou, and most of them were captured in the sea of ​​ice and snow and Luanlunhai.

Xiao Lang was planning to continue his search, but the Asura Hall sent a message to him, saying that Qingmuyu was looking for him.

The demon was basically eliminated by the hunting team, Xiao Lang gave up domestication and flew all the way back to Xiaodi City through the void, only to find that Qingmuyu was still waiting for him.

Let Xiao Moshen go back to rest. Xiao Lang took Qingmuyu into a partial hall and waited for the maid to deliver the tea. Then Xiao Lang asked, "Master Qingmu, what's wrong with me?"

Qingmuyu hesitated to speak, and after hesitating for a moment, he said faintly: "Xiao Lang, first of all, thank you for saving Tianzhou. If it weren't for you, Tianzhou would become history, and the descendants of mankind will live in the void for generations. Inside, you don’t need to question your credit, it is destined to stay in history!"

Xiao Lang was startled, then smiled faintly, and said indifferently: "This is what it should be. I am also a citizen of Tianzhou. Naturally, I have to contribute to Tianzhou. This matter is anyone, as long as I can do my best. of."

Qingmuyu said again: "I once said that as long as you can contribute to this catastrophe, we will stand by your side! It's just... this time you'd better not fight against the Lord of Soul Destruction! You still don't build this dynasty. Up..."

After looking at Qingmuyu for a few moments, he found that his eyes had escaped. Xiao Lang showed a self-deprecating expression at the corner of his mouth and said, "Master Qingmu, are you here as a lobbyist?"

Qingmuyu's old face blushed and said in embarrassment: "Naturally not, but now father and the gods are in retreat. You don't know, the human body is a complete picture of heaven. If you lack a hand and a leg, your strength will be greatly reduced. , In the future, they will not make progress in their cultivation. So they all used the elixir and prepared to reconsolidate their hands and feet, but it will take at least ten years to fully condense new hands and feet. Father and the barbaric **** are not there, and Pavilion Master Mochizuki and Miyue The relationship between the lord of the palace is very good, now you are fighting against him, I am afraid... Tianzhou will have another civil strife!"

Xiao Lang suddenly narrowed his eyes when he heard it, and he was silent.

Can the broken hands and feet of Qing Mu Shi and Man Shen actually regroup? Even if I really broke my hands and feet completely, I'm afraid Cao Teng can't help him recover, right? Broken bones can be connected, flesh and blood can be torn together, but this completely broken hands and feet, unless there is a means against the sky, otherwise it absolutely can not be agglomerated.

Pavilion Master Mochizuki actually befriended the Master of Soul Destruction?

This was something Xiao Lang hadn't expected. He only met Pavilion Master Mochizuki a few times, and didn't understand this beast **** who had lived for tens of thousands of years. However, since he is a beast god, his strength is definitely not weaker than the wild **** Qing Mu Shi.

Xiao Lang thought of a question, what if he and Pavilion Master Wangyue go to war? Do those Beast Kings listen to him, or do they listen to Pavilion Master Wangyue? After a while, he laughed bitterly, the demon he domesticated, the demon king could betray with a loud roar. It is estimated that if Pavilion Master Wangyue really started the war, they would only be able to attack the Blood Tower. He and the blood tower are friends, but the beast gods are their gods...

He had already guessed what Qingmuyu meant for him. Venerable Hongmeng and Mount Putuo were dead, the God of Lost Gods retreats, and the Lord Wangyue and the Temple of Souls have made friends. Once he goes to war with Temple of Souls, he will be very Tragic! So Aoki Yu asked him to give up the idea of ​​establishing a dynasty.

It doesn't matter to Xiao Lang whether he establishes a dynasty or not. Even if he does not establish a dynasty, he is also the overlord of the western region. He himself did not have the idea of ​​becoming the emperor of Tianzhou to dominate Tianzhou. Now Qingmuyu said, he pondered for a long time before saying: "I am not Yunfeiyang, I don't have such big ambitions! You can rest assured, Master Aoki..."

"That's good!"

Qingmuyu breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly took the initiative to talk about another thing: "You have now passed the sixth heart demon, and your strength has reached the emperor of heaven. You can enter the ancient gods forbidden area at any time to find the life source orb. If you get it. The life source pearl, father will immediately go out to help you resurrect your foster father! But I suggest you wait for a stronger strength before entering, but the inside is very dangerous, your chance of falling is up to 80%. fact, it’s best if you don’t go in. !"

"The ancient gods forbidden place, I must go in!"

Xiao Lang said with a firm expression: "When the west is stabilized, I will immediately go to Qingcheng Mountain, and then trouble adults to take it to the entrance of the ancient **** forbidden land!"

Qingmuyu was startled, and asked doubtfully: "So anxious? You won't practice for a few years? As long as you don't reach the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, you can go in..."

Xiao Lang is naturally difficult to explain, his realm strength is estimated to have almost reached the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. Can only deal with it vaguely, Qing Muyu didn't say anything, and left after a few conversations.

As soon as Qingmuyu left, Xiao Lang immediately felt the severity of the situation. He did not pick them up. Still in the void, the Master of the Stars was still guarding it. He thought about it, and decided to go to the ancient gods forbidden area after three months. If he could come out of the ancient gods forbidden area, he would immediately start refining profound stones and attack the eighth battle skill of the heavenly devil.

The Master of Soul Destruction is so anxious, although he doesn't know why he is not afraid of the remnant soul behind him, but maybe he will do it soon. Pavilion Master Mochizuki joined hands with him, and the remnant soul could only be used once, and he didn't know if it would appear at the last moment, so he had to hurry up.

As long as he can come out of the forbidden land of the ancient gods, as long as he can break through the eighth stage of the Heavenly Demon's combat skills, Xiao Lang estimates that his comprehensive strength can reach the semi-god state, even if the main battle of Soul Extinguishes Palace, he is fearless. Although... he is not even sure about these two things.

After thinking about things, Xiao Lang got busy, first entered the void space where Hongdou and the others were, established a seven-star chaotic world array, and moved the evil lord's tomb here. And let the killing emperor and others stay in the void space, after all, it will take some time for him to go to the ancient **** forbidden land, and he may... never return.

The construction of the western region was rapid. Numerous families in Tianzhou sent in human, financial and material resources, and many of the lost people returned to help the western reconstruction. In just a few months, countless cities have been erected, but it is estimated that it will not be possible for a few decades to fully restore the original prosperity.

Three months later, the situation in the west was all well and stable. Xiao Lang summoned his own people and told him to take a long journey. When he was away, the west was represented by Xiao Moshen as the chief of the palace.

He didn't tell everyone the truth, but just said to go to Qingcheng Mountain to do errands. Everyone had some doubts but couldn't ask more. However, just when Xiao Lang was about to leave, he accidentally received a voice transmission: "My lord, Wuhen is willing to accompany you on this trip, and maybe your trip with Wuhen will be much smoother!"

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