Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 122: Puppet mechanism


Xiao Lang and Wuhen obeyed Qingmuyu's words, and did not dare to use energy. They let their bodies directly fall down quickly, feeling that they were falling faster and faster, and Wuhen's face turned slightly blue, if it weren't for Xiao Langzai would have been flying Tianli together long ago.


The speed was getting faster and faster, both of them were a little bit painful in their eardrums by the sharp piercing sound, and their minds were a little dizzy, and slowly the two of them fainted completely.

Without their knowledge at all, a white light wrapped them up, and then the two suddenly disappeared into the air.

After a while, Xiao Lang woke up quietly, and he was on alert for the first time, his eyes swept like knives, but the scene he saw gave him a big headache.

The gray sky and the gray surroundings were filled with black mist, like haze. The visibility can't reach fifty meters! With such powerful eyesight, he can see a kilometer clearly even at night, not to mention the black fog is weird.


Heavenly Emperor Wuhen quickly woke up, but he was not nervous but very excited. This is the cemetery of the ancient gods! He has waited for the great opportunity for decades, is it finally coming?


Xiao Bai got out of Xiao Lang's sleeves, and looked around, looking around with a pair of rice-pea-like eyes, also very excited. The surroundings are a wilderness, and at a glance there is nothing to remove the weeds.

"Beware of rocks and trees!"

Thinking of Qing Muyu's words, Xiao Lang swept his gaze over the few small stones on the left front, and did not feel relieved when he saw the vision.

The ancient gods forbidden land actually said the periphery and the core land, but Xiao Lang didn't know exactly where the periphery and the core land were. Xiao Lang didn't know how to get out, and he didn't even know where there was danger.

He stood a little dazed, and paused for a moment before saying, "Go!"

Emperor Wuhen also began to investigate everywhere, cautiously, any disturbance would attract the attention of the two. Xiao Lang questioned Wuhen and Xiaobai, and found that the visual distance between them was closer.


Xiao Lang suddenly let out a deep cry, and then asked the Emperor Wuhen to warn him. He flew across the void, trying to see if he could enter the crack in the space.


Not unexpectedly, the space cannot be torn apart!

Qingmuyu once said that it is very likely that this place cannot fly through the void. He took out another skull and said to the remnant soul of the evil lord inside: "Evil lord, can you sense your emptiness? Or...Can you take us into your emptiness?"

The evil lord swept around, his expression dignified, and without a move, he asked: "Master, is this ancient **** forbidden land?"

Xiao Lang was startled, and exclaimed, "Do you know this place? Have you been in this place?"

The evil lord said sadly: "No! When I learned about this place back then, my strength had reached the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, so I couldn't enter! No need to try, if you can't escape from the space here, the bans here are extremely powerful! One is not good, it is a demigod. The strong can kill in seconds, the master is more careful. I don't know the situation inside!"

Xiao Lang put away the remnant soul of the evil lord, a little frustrated, turned his head and looked at Wuhen and said: "Wuhen divination, count as good or bad, go there?"

Wuhen quickly made a divination, and the ending was also not as expected by Xiao Lang, and could not be calculated.

Xiao Lang pondered for a moment, his legs suddenly jumped, and his body shot into the air. His body is extremely strong at the moment, he can jump up to a kilometer high in one jump, he wants to try if he can fly in mid-air.


As a result, he had just jumped up to 800 meters, and a piercing roar sounded. Such a powerful soul of Xiao Lang had vague signs of passing out again. He quickly turned a somersault in the air and fell down.

Can't fly, the prohibition here is really strong!

There was no way, Xiao Lang casually found a direction and walked straight. There is a clone of Cao Teng who can explore around, but the situation is unknown at the moment, Xiao Lang does not want to use Cao Teng, because he is afraid that Cao Teng's exploration will touch the restriction here, and it will be bad.

I walked slowly all the way, avoiding big trees and stones immediately. After walking for an hour, I didn't encounter any danger. I just seemed to look at the surrounding scenery and I didn't know where I went.

"Wuhen, make a mark to avoid illusion here and go to the road of repetition!"

Xiao Lang and Wuhen Tiandi confessed, and he immediately took out some small objects and marked them vaguely on the ground. The two continued to move forward, and walked again for half an hour, only to find that the first three directions were jungle.

Watch out for trees and stones!

Xiao Lang hesitated. Although the lurking woods were vaguely not dense, Xiao Lang didn't dare to enter, and finally he decided to go back the same way and bypass the large woods.

After retreating tens of thousands of meters, Xiao Lang turned to the left, and after half an hour of walking, he encountered a forest again!

Go around!

Xiao Lang didn't retreat, and walked slowly around the forest far away, but after half an hour, he encountered a stone forest!

The two were dumbfounded! Finally Xiao Lang gritted his teeth and shouted: "Go!"

Avoidance is not a way. The stone forest ahead is not dense, far less than the peaks of the Evil Lord’s Remnant Soul, and the stone is a dead thing. What is the danger?

The two of them passed between the two boulders, keeping their footsteps at the lightest level, fully guarded, and proceeded slowly.

It's okay!

After passing a few Shifeng easily, there was no danger or even the slightest sound. The stones were like dead objects. Xiao Lang and Wuhen Tiandi did not relax their guards, but their speed increased a little.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, a warning sign surged in Xiao Lang's heart. The ruthless sword in his hand appeared out of thin air, his eyes fixed on a huge pinnacle in front of him.


There was a loud noise, and an extremely strange scene happened.

The Shi Feng in front of him moved unexpectedly, and a piece of huge boulders suddenly fell on the ground, raising a piece of dust, and then the boulder condensed into a stone man. And Shi Feng from all directions also fell in pieces, forming a stone man, standing up, and besieging Xiao Lang.

"There is a problem with the puppet technique, the stone!"

Xiao Lang let out a deep cry, the ruthless sword in his hand flashed with blue light, and a huge blue sword qi burst into the air. The ruthless sword qi faced the stone man several hundred meters high and several tens of meters in front of him. Originally, in Xiao Lang's view, the Ruthless Sword was the Great Emperor's Divine Weapon, and his attack power at the moment was definitely comparable to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, and this stone man could easily burst.


The stone man did burst and turned into small stones, but the little stones condensed again, and instantly turned into a huge stone man, nothing happened.


Emperor Wuhen also shot, and the long sword in his hand drawn a sword aura, but his sword aura only caused some broken stones to burst on the surface of the stone, and there was no chance for the stone man to re-condense.

"call out!"

The huge rock arm slammed down in the air, with a scream of air, the stone fist with a diameter of ten meters contained powerful power, which made Wuhen Tiandi feel heart palpitations.

"Split God's Hand!"

Xiao Lang's right hand lit up with a dark golden light, his body leaped lightly, and he actually grabbed the stone fist.


The power of God Splitting Hand is beyond doubt, Xiao Lang's body is comparable to the Heavenly Emperor at this moment, and God Splitting Hand can kill any Supreme Heavenly Emperor under a sneak attack. The huge stone fist suddenly turned into powder, swaying in the air.

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