Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 129: Arrest people

The Supreme Divine Weapon is nothing to Xiao Lang, the two corpse emperors in the Evil Lord's Heavenly Tomb have Supreme Divine Weapon! Xiao Moshen and him even took the Great Emperor's Divine Weapon, and Wuhen Heavenly Emperor followed without hesitation in the valley, winning Xiao Lang's friendship, and Wuhen's strength was too low, Xiao Lang simply gave it to him.

The Supreme Divine Soldier Xiao Lang looked down upon, but Wuhen Tiandi had been eager for decades. Not to mention that all ordinary Heavenly Emperors would not want the Supreme Divine Soldier? With a supreme magic weapon, the strength immediately increases and can sweep the average emperor.

The tomb of the Dragon Emperor was discovered that year, and it immediately attracted countless great families of Heavenly Emperors. At that time, Wuhen Tiandi and Madman and others also went, and they risked their deaths to rush in just for the Dragon Emperor's supreme magic weapon. It's a pity that they were not strong enough, and they were eventually obtained by Emperor Leng. For this reason, Wuhen several people still sighed for a long time. Didn't expect Xiao Lang to throw it to him casually now?


Seeing Emperor Wuhen gently touching the Supreme Divine Soldier, as if touching his own little daughter-in-law, Xiao Lang smiled slightly and disapproved. For him, as long as he is a sincere friend, let alone the Supreme Divine Weapon, the Great Divine Weapon is no problem.

The two quickly walked forward, and soon saw a door!

"How does it feel like going through five stages and killing six generals?"

Xiao Lang was secretly surprised, could it be true that he had to survive ten catastrophes like Wuhen Divination? The Supreme Heavenly Emperor has appeared now, although the corpse emperor is a little weaker than the living Supreme Divine Weapon, but if you continue to break through the barriers, I am afraid that you will meet the God!

The door was still a black door, and the same sentiment opened the door as soon as it exited, and it was also a hall inside. But this hall is different from the previous hall, because there are seven or eight doors in front of this hall, and the only way to go forward is to enter the small door.

"Follow me!"

Cao Teng probed, and there was no restriction, Xiao Lang said in a deep voice and Wuhen. Needless to say, this place is definitely more dangerous than the front, maybe there will be a corpse emperor of the great emperor level.

Going into a room, I saw that there was nothing but a small door on the left. The small door was open. The two of them walked in, only to find that there were two doors inside the door.

"It really is a maze!"

Xiao Lang walked into a small door casually. Inside was another room, but there were three doors. Cao Teng kept investigating, there was no danger, but there were countless rooms and countless doors, and the two of them turned around, but they were still in the room after turning around for a long time.

"My lord, this is marked by me!"

After another hour, Wuhen Tiandi exclaimed. Xiao Lang swept away and found that it was a mark made by Wuhen on the stone wall. The two of them turned back!

"Release the shield, step back!"

Xiao Lang let out a deep cry and released his emotions and blasted towards the stone wall. As a result, the stone wall lit up with colorful rays and a powerful reaction force sent the two people standing at the door directly into the air, slamming against the wall...

"Can't be destroyed, the room is exactly the same, how can this maze be broken?"

Xiao Lang let out a foul breath, got up and continued to walk towards the other door, each room had a special mark. As a result, after turning for a long time, all the rooms were marked by two people, but the two of them couldn't get out of the room, and even neither of them could get out...

"No need to go!"

Xiao Lang stopped in a small room and signaled Emperor Wuhen to sit down. Both eyes looked at each other with a wry smile.

Both of them have carved marks in all rooms, but they just can't get out of the maze. Needless to say, there are restrictions and controls, or there is no way out in this room!

There is no way out of the room, so it is the prohibition and control that caused the two to circle in it. The only way to go out is to break the ban. The problem is the prohibition on the wall of the room. The two of them can't open it. There is only one way out, walking in a specific direction...


Xiao Lang roughly estimated that there are at least thousands of rooms, and many rooms have four doors in the south, east, and north. In order to find the correct route, it is estimated that at least tens of thousands of times will be tried. Ten years will have a chance to go out...

Are you going to be trapped inside?

Xiao Lang and Wuhen Tiandi both began to ponder in silence, but after pondering for a few days, the two of them had nothing to do! Fortunately, the two people have enough energy pills, and they will not starve to death after being trapped for more than ten years, but they will go crazy if their hearts are strong after a long period of sleep!


In the end, Xiao Lang thought of the most stupid way to make a breakthrough in cultivation! Make yourself stronger, and then see if you can forcefully break this stone wall.

His own strength is about to reach the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, and he still has hundreds of millions of profound stones. After all refining, it may be possible to reach the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, reach the seventh peak of the Heavenly Demon combat skills, and reach the Semi-God Realm after breaking through. If he reaches the semi-god state, the power of his God Splitting Hand will definitely be stronger, and it's not impossible to break this stone wall forcibly.

Let Wuhen also practice, Xiao Lang took out the profound stone and entered the state of being out of his body!

at this moment--

His soul trembled suddenly, and he was extremely ecstatic!

Can his soul come out of the body? Does that mean that the soul can fly to the ceiling and look around? Looking for the right way out?

But at that moment he hesitated. After all, his trace of soul might not be able to penetrate the restriction on the ceiling, even if the restriction was broken by any chance, he would most likely be destroyed.


After pondering for a moment, Xiao Lang resolutely controlled the trace of soul to fly upwards slowly, and when he approached the ceiling, his whole soul trembled and became extremely nervous.

Up, up, up!

A trace of soul flew into the ceiling without any hindrance, but the restriction above was not touched? Xiao Lang suddenly became ecstatic, and continued to let the soul float upward.

A picture began to appear in Xiao Lang's soul, his soul seemed to float above the room, and countless houses could be seen.

"Continue to float upward!"

Xiao Lang became excited because he was sure that he could find a way out. As long as he found which room could lead to the outside and found the way to this room, he could easily go out.

"That room!"

Xiao Lang's soul continued to float upward, and finally found a way out!

Because there is a direction leading to a corridor! He quickly remembered the direction, and when his head turned dizzy, he wrote down the route to that room!

In the end, he was not sure, and let the soul continue to float upward, wanting to see if the corridor led to the exit.

"how is this possible?"


Xiao Lang's soul was shocked because he saw an extremely unexpected figure in the corridor! A woman in purple clothes sits cross-legged in the corridor, closing her eyes and practicing, with a beauty mole on the center of her eyebrows very eye-catching.

"Why is Yunzishan inside?"

Xiao Lang took back that trace of soul in an instant, then jumped up and shouted, "Wuhen keep up, let me arrest people!"



[Author's digression]: Made a very interesting thing, WeChat announcement number! Account: yaoye588

With the attention of WeChat, we will update the group message in the future, let you know the first time!

In addition, there are suggestions and comments about the Demon King, you can send messages to me on WeChat!

ps: No moles...

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