Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 131: Kneel down!

After the corpse emperor was cleaned up, Xiao Lang and the two began to study the three doors! The sentiment rushed out and slammed into the two doors respectively, but one door actually opened?

"Wuhen? How about it?"

Xiao Lang glanced at Emperor Wuhen, and only one of the three doors could be opened? He has no bottom in his heart. Is this door alive or dead?

Wuhen is still collecting weapons from a distance. Now there is no danger. I don't know which door Yun Zishan has gone to, so it's not easy to chase them. A few hundred weapons are more than 100 million profound stones.

Hearing Xiao Lang's call, Wuhen Tiandi nodded but did not divination. After collecting the last dozens of weapons from a distance, he rushed over at the fastest speed and sat cross-legged to divination.

"It's actually... lucky?"

Emperor Wuhen opened his eyes and said with joy, such a hexagram is very rare, and he is very firm in his calculation. Xiao Lang didn't hesitate when he heard that, and asked the evil lord to call the four corpse emperors to open the way in front.

Behind the gate is another corridor. Xiao Lang is a little inexplicable. Why are there so many corridors here? This is the cemetery of the ancient gods. In other words... the ancient gods all died here, and it stands to reason that even the ancient gods died here, so what can kill them will be a more powerful existence, but the palace here is strange but has not been destroyed.

Going all the way, without encountering any danger, after walking for an hour, three more doors went out in front of him, and then Xiao Lang played out of sentiment, only one door could open again!

"Weird thing!"

The two of them were confused as they proceeded. It is not clear why only one of these three doors can be opened?

Next, the two encountered an evil thing again. After half an hour, three more doors appeared in front of them, and only one door could still be opened.

This is not the point!

The point is, the corpse emperor at the forefront of this door can't even enter! However, Xiao Lang could easily get in. The Emperor Wuhen behind wanted to follow in, but was stopped by an invisible resistance!

"what's the situation?"

Xiao Lang was taken aback and quickly jumped out, scanning carefully, but there was nothing inside the gate. But Wuhen Tiandi tried to enter, but was bounced back again.

"Wuhen, you try again?"

Xiao Lang sat up, his soul came out of his body, and carefully locked the door. Wuhen walked forward and was bounced back, but Xiao Lang sensed a slight energy fluctuation.

The door has an invisible prohibition!

Xiao Lang and Wuhen Tiandi were shocked and looked at each other with incomparable doubt. Why could Xiao Lang go in, but Wuhen Tiandi couldn't, even the Corpse Emperor. It's the same person, Xiao Lang has two eyes, one nose and one mouth, but the prohibition prevents the entry of Emperor Wuhen?

Xiao Lang tried to walk inside again. Sure enough, he could easily enter again, but he hesitated, standing at the door, his eyes flickering...

Can someone control it? Only let Xiao Lang in? Or is the remnant soul of the ancient **** in control? Both thought that this might be xing, otherwise they couldn't explain at all.

Emperor Wuhen groaned for a while and said: "My lord, go in, I'm waiting for you. It's probably a good thing, otherwise the bans here are so terrifying, and it won't be so troublesome if someone wants to kill us."

Xiao Lang thought about it, and felt that it was the truth. There was no way back anyway, and the two couldn't go out at all, only rushing forward with their heads covered.

Let the evil master remnant soul order the four corpse emperors to stand on the spot, and Xiao Lang slowly walked inside. Cao Teng could still be released, he let Cao Teng explore the way forward, running all the way.

Inside the gate is a small side hall, an empty space with nothing. There is a passage on the left side in front of the Piandian, which is obviously connected to another Piandian!

Xiao Lang walked into the passage towards the side hall in front of him, but he was shocked when he glanced at it!

The entrance is a huge main hall. The main hall is no longer empty. Instead, there are huge white jade pillars everywhere, with a diameter of ten meters, and each two pillars are separated by tens of thousands of meters. Each white jade pillar is carved with various reliefs. , All were monsters Xiao Lang had never seen before.

"These monsters are so powerful, but the reliefs make people feel heart palpitations. If they were real monsters, how powerful would they be?"

Xiao Lang glanced a few times, feeling his heart pounding and shocked. All these monsters were carved to life, and they felt like they were real. It seemed that the next second they would roar out and tear Xiao Lang into pieces.

The hall was so large that Xiao Lang's vision was so powerful that he couldn't see the top at a glance. He glanced at it a few times, and then started walking forward nervously, but Cao Veng didn't dare to touch the stone pillars for fear of touching the restriction.

"call out!"

When he passed between the two stone pillars and made sure that there was no danger, he speeded up and walked forward. Although he didn't feel the danger, Xiao Lang's back was cold, and cold sweat was constantly coming out of his forehead. He felt a little breathless, just because the monsters on the relief gave him a strong pressure.

He walked tens of thousands of meters without danger, his footsteps suddenly stopped and his eyes were tightly squinted, the ruthless sword in his hand appeared, the words of love from his body whizzed out, and the remnant soul of the evil lord floated out, splitting the gods. The hand is also released.

He uses all his magical powers, like a big enemy! The spirit was tightened to the extreme, and the atmosphere did not dare to spit out.

Because... there is a person standing in front!

A strong man who made him just see his back, but felt deadly and dangerous.

And this is still a...dead man! Xiao Lang did not feel any signs of life.

Although he released his magical powers, he still didn't dare to attack first. There was a feeling in his heart that if he dared to move, he would be wiped out.

Who is this person? Why was he so powerful after he died, just a figure from the back, and the slight breath on the corpse made Xiao Lang feel like he was waiting to die? He almost knelt down and worshiped at some point.

Although he didn't know who this person was, Xiao Lang was 100% sure that this was definitely one of the ancient gods. He has seen a demigod powerhouse, not to mention that the dead are not so terrible even if they are alive, so he feels suffocated.

"What to do? Retreat or advance?"

Xiao Lang groaned, not knowing what to do, so he could only stand still and hold his breath.


Cold sweat was dripping from his forehead, hitting the black floor, making a crisp sound, and there was silence around him. This sound made Xiao Lang feel cold all over.



A silver bell-like laughter came from the left, and Xiao Lang almost jumped out of his heart. He finally moved, and quickly moved back several kilometers, his gaze suddenly turned to the left, and his face suddenly sank a bit.

A purple figure slowly walked towards the main hall on the left, with picturesque eyebrows, a thin figure that was weak but ecstatic, and a beauty mole on the center of the eyebrows was very eye-catching.

Yun Zishan walked slowly, and only Xiao Lang was in her eyes. She was holding a dark token with two characters on it, which were exactly the same as two of the three large characters on the first black gate. If Xiao Lang had not admitted wrong, it would be the word "Tianyu".

She stood up tens of thousands of meters away from Xiao Lang and looked at him from a distance. She raised the token with a wanton smile on her face, and shouted: "Xiao Lang, two choices, surrender to me or die! In this hall, Not to mention your strength, even a demigod has to kneel down!"



[Author's digression]: Five chapters are here!

The WeChat account announced that the number of friends I followed has reached more than a thousand in a few hours. Thanks for your love, a chapter will be added at 3 in the middle of the night.

With the attention of friends on WeChat, it broke through three thousand, add more!

Name: Yaoye, account number: yaoye588

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