Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 12: duel

Ling Di's reaction was already late.

When Xiao Lang passed through Lengdi City, Leng Xinger was leading a group of princes in the most luxurious restaurant near the square, the super bright light shining above Lengdi City, how could it not attract everyone's attention?

Leng Xing'er is wearing a red floral skirt today, her appearance is extremely comparable to Mu Xiaoyao, this floral skirt is a little bit revealing, looks **** and sultry, a pair of phoenix eyes are also affectionate and light waves flow, let The young masters were constantly in a trance, and their hearts were surging.

The restaurant is Lengyue Pavilion, the most luxurious restaurant in eastern Tianzhou. They all sit on the top floor without walls. They are all light gauze that can not only prevent outsiders from detecting, they can also have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery and overlook the entire Lengdi City.

The breeze is slow, mixed with the virgin fragrance of Leng Xing'er, the beautiful dance of the dancers, and the melodious cappella of the singer make the sitting inside Ouyang Xie, Ling Feixian, Xianlongyu, Mandrill, Wan Ziqing feel like a fairyland, Can't do it by yourself.


The light of the super teleportation array broke the cozy atmosphere in the Lengyue Pavilion, Ling Feixian stood up immediately when he saw that it was the Ling Emperor's mansion that was teleported by, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"See Palace Master Xiao, see you adults!"

The kneeling and loud shouts of a group of guards caused Leng Xing'er and Demon's Manner Ling Feixian's expressions to change suddenly, and Ouyang Xie and others also showed a hint of surprise.


Seeing Xiao Lang's incomparable appearance, Ling Feixian was transported from Emperor Ling's Mansion again, and he suddenly snorted, but he didn't dare to say anything.


Ling Feixian's murderous aura attracted Xiao Lang's attention. How powerful is Xiao Lang's soul? How terrifying is perception? His gaze swept towards Leng Yuege for the first time.

Leng Yuege was several kilometers away from the teleportation array, and was separated by a few heavy gauze. It stands to reason that most people would never be able to detect the situation inside. But at that moment, Ling Fei's body drew a few steps back again and again, obviously deterred by Xiao Lang's gaze.


The corner of Xiao Lang's mouth was curved, and his face was awe-inspiring. When his eyes turned, he didn't walk towards the city lord's mansion, but led everyone towards Lengyue Pavilion. In Your Excellency Leng Yue, he leaped slightly, shooting straight up like a cannonball, and easily stepped into the top floor of Leng Yue Pavilion. Xiao Demon God and the others did not fly, but also jumped into Leng Yue Pavilion.

"See Palace Master Xiao!"

Xiao Lang came uninvited, Ouyang Xie and Xiao Lang made good friends, Xian Longyu, the nephew of Emperor Xian, and Wan Ziqing, the grandson of Crescent Moon, were also considered to be familiar with Xiao Lang and bow their hands. Ling Feixian and Mandrill smiled casually, and their eyes flickered, not knowing what they were thinking.

Leng Xing'er's beautiful eyes are shining, but as the host, it is impossible to drive the guests out, right? She quickly regained her composure, with a charming smile at the corner of her mouth, and said faintly: "What wind has brought Palace Master Xiao here? Lengyue Pavilion is brilliant."

"You are polite, just sit down! By the way, Xing'er, I have a great thing to do with your father this time, please ask him to come over."

The boss of Xiao Lang took the lead without any kind of courtesy, not to mention taking the position of Leng Xing'er, as if he were in his own home, greeted everyone to sit down.

The crowd was photographed by Xiao Lang's aura, not daring to say anything, and sat down with a dry smile. Leng Xinger heard something good? Suddenly he hesitated a little, and finally passed the information to Emperor Leng. After sending the message, she lifted up the slim money and walked to Xiao Lang, poured Xiao Lang a glass of wine, and then asked, "What good thing? Can Palace Master Xiao know something about it?"

The location in Lengyue Pavilion was sufficient, Xiao Devil and the others lined up and sat quietly, and their maid served fragrant tea and wine. But there were too many people, those dancing girls and singers went down, Xiao Lang is such a big man, and there are so many emperors naturally dare not to be presumptuous.

Xiao Lang smiled faintly, took a drink and swept the crowd, and finally fell on Leng Xing'er's face, sighing: "Xing'er is really getting longer and more beautiful, but you are in your twenties, right? It’s very difficult to find your in-laws for you? Today I specially brought the heroes of the West to come over and let you choose, as long as you see which one you want to tell me, I will do the rest for you!"


As soon as Xiao Lang's words fell, the whole room was suddenly stunned, not only demon Ling Feixian and the others were dumbfounded, but even Xiao Devil and them were dumbfounded. Leng Xing'er was even more shy and angry, blushing like blood, and her delicate body trembled and could not say a word.

Xiao Lang brought a group of heavenly emperors to propose marriage?

This is the so-called good thing? Let's not say that this is very abrupt, and it is even more impolite to say it in front of Leng Xing'er. Let's talk about the people brought by Xiao Lang!

Except for Xiao Devil God's young age, isn't that old man? Although the heavenly emperors are powerful and can't tell their age, they look young outside, but the madmen have been famous for at least 70 or 80 years, right? He is older than Emperor Leng's father, so he is also running for the election?

Mandrill Ling Feixian woke up and his face suddenly sank, and even Ouyang Xie Xian Longyu was a little uncomfortable. Xiao Moshen's face has not changed at all. It has always been as cold as ice, and the Emperor of the West is also a little embarrassed. On the contrary, the madman stroked his hair in a sao manner, and looked at Leng Xing'er affectionately, with coveted eyes in his eyes. , And constantly squirming his throat, it seems to be very thirsty...

"You, you..."

No matter how arrogant and arrogant, Leng Xing'er was just a little girl, who could stand the madman's wretched gaze, suddenly became so angry that she almost scolded her mother, and turned her face in grief.

Seeing that Leng Xing'er was like this, they immediately became angry. Ling Feixian was even humiliated by a madman outside Misty City last time. At this moment, the beauty was even more expressive in front of the beauty. He slapped the table and stood up and shouted angrily: " Madman, you are too presumptuous, you dare to blaspheme Miss Leng, what is your identity? A trash emperor dares to be so bold? This is not Emperor Xiaocheng!"

This is indeed not Xiao Dicheng!

But Ling Feixian's Lao Tzu was shocked, his son was so arrogant? The madman suddenly became furious. He stood up and looked at Xiao Lang unexpectedly, only to see him nodding faintly, and suddenly ecstatic, one leg turned into a shadow, and he kicked Ling Feixian away.


The madman is not strong but he is also the emperor of heaven, Ling Feixian has no chance to evade at all. Everyone clearly heard the sound of broken bones, and Ling Feixian shot out like a cannonball. His body gradually became smaller in everyone's eyes, and finally landed in a courtyard in the distance, crashing a loft.

The madman glanced at Xiao Lang again, and saw him nodding slightly again, he immediately rushed out with a roar, and screamed, "I say I'm a trash?***, I haven't grown up yet. I've been scolded by someone pointing my nose! What are you? Why can you pursue Miss Leng, but my madman can't pursue it anymore? Today I will fight you and will never die."

Everyone was shocking, even Leng Xing'er was shocked. If this madman rushed over, he was afraid that Ling Feixian would be tortured alive.

"Palace Master Xiao!" Leng Xing'er, Demon Ouyang Xie and others immediately turned their eyes to Xiao Lang, hoping that he could stop the madman. Emperor Leng hadn't come yet, and only Xiao Lang could stop it.

"Madman, you are so bold? Even if you are jealous, you still have to fight Young Master Ling?"

Xiao Lang slapped the table and stood up furiously, and said with righteous indignation: "Young Master Ling's family learned from the source, are you his opponent with outstanding talents? That's it! Since you are infatuated with Leng Xing'er, I won't stop you. Demon God, you are not allowed to help, even if he is killed by Young Master Ling, you must not collect the body from the madman!"

"Plop! Plop!"

Leng Xing'er Demon's Mandrill Xian Long Yu and the others all rolled their eyes and suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious...

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