Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 16: Xiao Devil's roar

Scimitar Mansion is a large mansion in the southwest of Tianzhou, and the palace owner is a famous emperor of the southwest. Scimitar City is a palace city. Although the catastrophe of the gods has also ravaged some cities in the southwest, the Scimitar palace is more eastward and survived.

Today, Scimitar City is very lively and beaming, because the young master of Scimitar Mansion is getting married! Although the other party is just a young lady from a small family, the young master Scimitar just likes it, and everyone can only wish.

The clansmen and relatives of Miss's family have arrived in the most luxurious restaurant in Scimitar City. When the auspicious hour arrived, Master Scimitar took a famous horse and brought a group of people to welcome his relatives. The restaurant is right next to the square. The square is full of people, all congratulating the scimitar. It is very lively.

The atmosphere on the top floor of the restaurant is not so beautiful at the moment. A graceful woman is wearing a red robe, wearing a red cloth to cover her face and bowing her head in silence. On the only chin that can be seen, a line of tears keeps falling. Jiao Chu was still trembling slightly.

A middle-aged man in a Chinese robe next to him kept sighing, his face was very anxious, and begged: "Zhe'er, didn't we say on the way? Why are you crying again? Today is your happy day. Be happy, Master Flying Sword is already waiting below, don't you want to kill Daddy like this?"

The woman cried for a while, and finally raised her head to reveal a pitiful face of Pear Flower and Yu Chuchu, and gritted her teeth and said: "Father, my daughter doesn't like him, my daughter...has a sweetheart, does it have to be married?"


A middle-aged man on the other side snorted coldly, and shouted: "Su Zhe, why are you so confused? What's not good about Scimitar? The character, appearance, strength, and family are not the best in Tianzhou? We have already received it. The betrothal gift was given, that was a total of ten million profound stones! Are you saying not to marry now? Do you want to kill our Su family? The power of the bent family is overwhelming, playing with our family and trampling an ant to death, don't cry! This is your fate, you accept it!"


The woman's delicate body trembled, and finally she no longer shed tears. Her eyes were filled with hollowness, as if she had lost her soul. The maid next to her quickly touched up her makeup, covered her red hijab, and walked down.

The bride came down, and the square was full of noisy, the voices of congratulations burst into my ears, Mr. Scimitar smiled and thanked him frequently. He took the bride on the tall horse and rode towards the city lord’s mansion. go with.

Su Zhe let the scimitar hugged Xiaoman's waist and walked towards the city lord's mansion, her face was covered with a red hijab and her face was invisible. If someone lifts the red hijab, you can definitely see the despair and fate in her eyes...

"Da da da!"

In the congratulations along the way, the warhorse walked to the city lord's mansion, Young Master Scimitar jumped down, hugged Su Zhe and walked inside. Su Zhe stopped suddenly, turned his head and swept the crowd around the square, and finally sighed sadly and walked back towards the city lord's mansion, the desolation that could not be hidden from his back.


At this moment, a teleportation array was lit up, and everyone in the square was disapproving, thinking it was a guest who came to congratulate.

"Su Zhe!"

But the next second--

A shocking roar rang out, and then a body shot away from the teleportation array, staring at the bride who was about to enter the city lord's mansion, her face was full of excitement, and she continued to burst out loudly: "Su Zhe , Su Zhe, I am a demon, I am a demon!"

Su Zhe's body trembled, and her body suddenly turned and lifted the red hijab. Her beautiful eyes of despair saw the rushing Demon God Xiao shining like stars, but her expression changed in a flash, and she shook her head and said, "Magic, what are you doing? You go, I don't know you!"

Devil Xiao had rescued Su Zhe back then, when Su Zhe asked his name, he casually said the magic word, and did not say that it was Devil Xiao. In addition, there were not many people who knew him in the West, so Su Zhe obviously didn't know the true identity of Xiao Demon God at the moment.

Xiao Moshen paused, seeing Su Zhe's eyes full of pleading, tears still in his eyes, and he was a little at a loss. How did Su Zhe not know him anymore? Doesn't she want to disturb her marriage by herself?

At that moment, Devil Xiao Xiao's face was full of loss, and his body was also lonely. He stared at Su Zhe foolishly, feeling that the world suddenly became dark and there was no light.

Young Master Flying Dao frowned. He didn't know what was going on, but seeing Su Zhe like this, he naturally knew that his bride and the person in front of him might have something, and he gave a cold snort of dissatisfaction.

Demon God Xiao rushed over, and the guards outside the teleportation formation had long been nervous, and there were also many secret guards in the square. Seeing that Young Master Flying Sword was upset, dozens of people immediately burst into tears with weapons in their hands and spirit power running: "Who? Who dares to make trouble in Scimitar City? Get out of the way immediately, or you will kill you!"

Who is Xiao Demon God?

He had been affected by Xiao Futu since he was a child, cruel and grumpy. Originally, Su Zhe's words made him feel extremely sad. The group of people roared and rushed towards him with a knife, their bodies flashed in anger, and their palms kept shining. One individual suddenly flew out like a kite, but in an instant, dozens of people were all fanned out.

"Magic, go quickly, go quickly, or you will die!"

Su Zhe was very anxious when she saw it, although she knew that the Demon God was strong. But... this is Scimitar City, masters are like clouds, Young Master Flying Sword's father is still a powerful heavenly emperor, and Devil Xiao Xiao will definitely die if the trouble goes on.

The devil's body became stiff, and when he saw Su Zhe's tears raining down, his eyes were full of concern, and his whole person suddenly became confused. Then he reacted instantly, and he said with a trembling voice: "Su Zhe, are you caring about me? You don't want me to die? Don't you hate me? Do you? Tell me-Su Zhe, do you like me? If you like Me! Even if the king of heaven is here today, I will take you away. People block killing, and gods block killing God!"

Demon God Xiao roared the last word, his murderous aura suddenly raged, his black hair danced wildly, and his whole body became enthusiastic. His hands were soaked with countless blood, and his murderous aura was so powerful. For a while, hundreds of thousands of people in the entire square were deterred by his murderous aura, and many low-level warriors fell to the ground and knelt directly.

Su Zhe was not shrouded by Xiao Devil’s aura, but she still did not dare to directly express her inner thoughts. Her tears fell more violently. She squirmed her lips for a long time, and finally shook her head and said: "Devil, I, I... Let's go!"

Xiao Moshen walked with tiger steps, black hair dancing wildly, his eyes were like electricity, and he walked forward step by step. He stared at Su Zhe firmly, and then he drank: "Su Zhe, don't care about anything, I just ask you, you... Do you want to go with me! As long as you say yes, no one in this world can stop us from being together! Reply... Answer... Me!"


Su Zhe hadn't answered yet, a cold snort sounded, and then more than a dozen figures in the city lord's mansion rose into the sky, all of them were Emperors of Heaven. An old man in a Chinese robe burst out loudly from afar: "Why madmen dare to make trouble in Scimitar City? Believe it or not that old man will kill your family?"

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