Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 23: Man God has something to say

The six demigods basically never deal with the internal affairs of Tianzhou, but this time the Hall of Soul Destruction is so high-profile, which makes countless families in Tianzhou surprised and terrified!

Soul Destruction Hall wants to unify Tianzhou, who dares to stop, who can stop?

The only forces that can stop the Temple of Soul Destruction are the other five semi-god forces, but the Hongmeng Venerable and the Putuo Mountain Lord are dead, and even if the two major forces remain, they can't make waves. Barbarian gods and Qingmushi were disabled, and the clerks were also killed and injured in countless forces. Naturally, he couldn't fight against Soul Destruction Hall. The Lord Mochizuki was a beast **** who ignored human disputes, and had friendship with the Master of Soul Destruction Hall.

The only thing that can contend with Soul Destruction Hall, seems to be the remnant soul behind Xiao Lang? Recently, Yun Zishan has been out of customs and his strength has risen sharply. Soul Destruction Hall cannot fight Xiao Lang, Yun Zishan can! If Yun Zishan wiped out Xiao Lang, then there would be no problem with Soul Destruction Hall's dominating Tianzhou.

Everything is very clear. The patriarchs of the major families are all mature old things, and they quickly figured out the context of the matter. But what they didn't understand was why the Soul Destruction Hall wanted to dominate Tianzhou?

With the strength and influence of Soul Destruction Hall, what is the point of unifying Tianzhou? What can they get? Is it just a hegemonic authority, it is worth fighting for the Lord of Soul Destruction Hall?

No one could figure it out, but Emperor Lingdi, the Demon Emperor Lingdi, responded to the call immediately! Announcing the surrender of hundreds of thousands of prefectures in the north, northwest and east of Tianzhou, and supporting the Lord of Soul Destruction Hall to become the absolute hegemon of Tianzhou.

Ouyang Cui Cui Mu Mountain Ghost Xian Emperor and the others were dumbfounded, and they didn't dare to gather together to discuss what to do, they just kept sending messages. It is not a shame to submit to the Palace of Soul Destruction, but after submitting, it will definitely not be as free and powerful as it is now. Maybe several super families will slowly decline. If Killing Soul sees that family upset, that family will most likely disappear quietly in the long history of Hanoi...

It's just that there is no good way to send a message. They don't have the courage to fight the Soul Destruction Temple. The only way is to ask the Lost God Palace and the Barbarian God and Pavilion Master Wangyue for help. As long as any of them stepped forward, it would not be so easy to destroy the soul to dominate Tianzhou.

Snowflakes of information flooded into Qingcheng Mountain, and Nanban also had countless scouts quietly on the Mansacred Mountain. The calm Mochizuki Lake also became noisy, and people continued to risk their deaths to ask for help.


None of the three powers made a sound, and the Lord Mochizuki still uttered words that he would ignore all internal human disputes and go to harass Lake Mochizuki and kill Wuxia...

On the third day of the news, Ye Feiyang announced surrender! On the fourth day, the Emperor Crescent Moon declared his surrender. Since the matter can't be undone, the weight of surrendering in the heart of Palace Master of Soul Destruction must be heavier.

The entire Tianzhou is now equal to half of the power and territory surrendered, but the remaining few people are still dreaming of a miracle, dreaming of Qing Mu Shi and the wild **** to stand up. As for Xiao Lang... they don't expect it anymore. They are afraid that if they won't appear in a few days, the city of Xiao Emperor will be turned into ruins, right?

The fifth day!

Nanban made a sound, making Ouyang Cui Cuimu Mountain Ghost Larch Xian Emperor's spirits shocked, and the Man God spoke a word, Nanban Ten Territories will not participate in the Tianzhou dispute, but...anyone who dares to make trouble in the Manshen Mountain, kill it !

This sentence is normal, and Man Shen has always had this attitude, but when he made this voice at this point, he naturally expressed dissatisfaction. If the Soul Destruction Hall wants to unify Tianzhou, then the Lost God Palace and Soul Destruction Hall must also be surrendered, otherwise it will not be called a true unification.

It only took a long time for the barbaric **** to speak, and the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction responded immediately.

All imperial peak powerhouses gathered in the northern, northwest, eastern, and southwestern Tianzhou, all teleported to Crescent City, and then rushed southward violently.

The Lord of Soul Destruction didn't say a word... the war went straight!

Fengyan revived, Tianzhou war clouds were covered, all eyes were on Nanban, countless scouts lurked in Nanban, and the battle report was sent back to Tianzhou as soon as possible.

Mu Shangui was very nervous, because the knife was still working as a mountain slave in Manshenshan, and the knife would inevitably be implicated in this battle. But he didn't dare to go to the Manshen Mountain, because the Manshen had confessed that anyone who dared to go to the Manshen Mountain would be killed by the enemy.

The army is mighty millions, the lowest level is the pinnacle of the human emperor, the devil emperor Lengyueling is the vanguard, and the emperor is countless.

The battle was about to start, and the victorious balance was clearly leaning toward the Soul Destroyer Palace. Not to mention the millions of troops, even the Master of Soul Destroying Palace would be enough to razor Nan Barbarian. Now everyone can only hope, and Qing Mu Shi has joined forces with the gods, otherwise no one can stop the Soul Destruction Hall Master's butcher knife!


Tianzhou is noisy, and the Undersea God Mansion is quiet. Xiao Lang's soul was sucked into the void, and the seventh heart demon came.

It was still the old place, and it was still a familiar aura, Xiao Lang's soul did not have the slightest wave. Reading those three ancient books was of great help to Xiao Lang. At least at the moment he read "Jingxin Mantra", his heart was empty and his heart was like a rock, even on the cusp of the storm, there would be no tremor.

The sixth wave of heart demon was terrifying, and the seventh wave of heart demon Xiao Lang didn't know what kind of test he would go through. He just knew that he must win this time, for himself, for his family, and for the people in the west.

"This time the heart demon, there are only three waves. If you can survive, not only will the heart demon survive this time, there will be no more heart demon in the future!"

A message suddenly appeared in his mind, not only did Xiao Lang not be happy, but secretly warned. The inner demons have changed from ten waves to three waves, which is more terrifying, needless to say. As for not going through the heart demon in the future, he didn't care. If he died this time, what else would he talk about?

A light spot in the sky gleamed, attracting Xiao Lang's attention, and then the light spot gradually expanded, getting brighter and brighter, making Xiao Lang afraid to look directly at it. And Xiao Lang gradually became a little drowsy, and then completely lost his mind and passed out.

When Xiao Lang Youyou woke up, he found that he was no longer in the void. And he also found a very peculiar problem. He was not a soul, but a living person. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt so real, and even squeezed his thigh, it hurt, not like he was dreaming.

He was in a very unfamiliar place, a luxuriously decorated attic. The snow-white carpet was spotlessly clean, the candles in the attic swayed, and the corners were filled with refreshing Zen incense, which made people feel refreshed and refreshing. One autumn night.

This attic is very strange. Xiao Lang walked around in the attic and looked at the windowsill to make sure he had never been here. He was wondering why this demon was so strange? There was a slight sound of water in the next room.

He secretly warned, and with a thought, Xu Mijie's ruthless sword appeared in his hand. Everything is exactly the same as reality, another word of love shining in his heart, and the hand of Split God is also released, he held his breath and walked to the next room.

Since it is a demon, avoiding it is definitely not a problem, only to go head-on and find a way to crack it.

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