Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 66: The soul is very special?

The face of the Demon Realm was in chaos at the moment.

Countless top heavenly demon kings were all mobilized, and they all went to the sea of ​​hell, looking for someone, a warrior from a foreign land.

There was such a big incident in the Crazy God Castle. Eight great leaders and dozens of imperial children were all killed, which naturally attracted the attention of the Demon God. The two demon gods circled the mad **** fort and easily found some clues. Mo Qingqing didn't dare to conceal too much, and probably said the matter aside. The two Heavenly Demon Gods were furious, and immediately issued a Heavenly Demon God Order, summoning many leaders in the Heavenly Demon Realm to start looking for Xiao Lang with the Heavenly Demon Crystal.

The last time Xiao Lang destroyed hundreds of purple sacred stones in the Hell Sea had already made the Heavenly Devil God furious, and now he dare to kill their royal children? After some investigations, it was quickly determined that Xiao Lang had gone to the Hell Sea again, so the Hell Sea was rioting at this moment. There are constantly flying around in the Hell Sea with the Heaven Demon Commander holding the Heaven Demon Crystal in his hand. Once he finds Xiao Lang, the Heaven Demon God will immediately come and kill him.


Dozens of chiefs and more than a thousand demon kings have been in the Hell Sea for a full month, but they have not found anything. Xiao Lang is missing, or lurking.

Heavenly Demon Crystals are not omnipotent, they will only have induction unless they are tens of thousands of meters away from Xiao Lang. The sea of ​​hell is too big, and there are too many heavenly demons inside. Xiao Lang has a strong aura of heavenly demons and knows how to change. The Heavenly Devil God hadn't noticed last time, unless these great leaders were really lucky to get close to Xiao Lang's 10,000 meters, they would not find them at all.

Moreover, the Heavenly Demon Realm is too big, and no one can be sure that Xiao Lang is still in the Hell Sea, maybe he has already lurked to another Heavenly Demon God's territory. After searching for another two months, those leaders were also annoyed, and the search speed was also a bit slower. They are distinguished, pampered, and they are naturally impatient after running for two months...

Xiao Lang was still in the Hell Sea, and he was still in a cave hundreds of thousands of meters below that island.

He has been asleep for two months. Those big leaders are all searching in the island and under the sea. Naturally, it is impossible to detect Xiao Lang in the cave under the island.

Xiao Lang's state is very bad, just as the emperor Tianma felt, he was in a very bad state.

His heart is dead!

He fell asleep and told himself subconsciously not to wake up, because when he woke up, his heart would be confused and his heart would hurt. This is a kind of hidden hint of the soul. For example, before going to bed that night, a person tells himself that he has a very important thing tomorrow morning.

Xiao Lang kept hinting to himself in his soul and didn't want to wake up, so he was sleeping all the time, if he kept hinting. Maybe in this life... will sleep forever until the energy in the body is exhausted and die.

Cao Teng has been guarding by the side. It is not that it does not want to wake up Xiao Lang, but can not wake up at all. Xiao Lang is a deep sleep. Unless Cao Teng touches Xiao Lang's soul, it will be difficult to wake up no matter how the sound is transmitted. .

Move Xiao Lang's soul? Cao Teng didn't dare, it would be bad if a bad soul had a problem. Of course, there is another main reason. Xiao Lang’s soul has some problems. The vortex of his soul turns faster and faster, and the soul-eating elixirs lurking in his soul are crushed by the high-speed rotation of the soul vortex. At this moment, it has been evenly distributed within Xiao Lang's soul power, and there are signs of fusion?

The toxin of Soul Eating Pill is very powerful, otherwise Mo Xue would not be able to destroy Xiao Lang in a single thought. The toxin of this Soul Eating Pill was actually a kind of Gu poison, with a trace of consciousness of his own, so Xiao Lang wanted to expel it many times, but there was no way to do it. And at the moment Xiao Lang was deeply asleep, the vortex in his soul suddenly accelerated its rotation, crushing and fusing the poisonous oath of the soul-eating pill?

Cao Teng doesn't know what is going on? And how does the power of the soul merge with the poison? This is like a person who has countless toxins in his body and is about to become a poisonous person? Cao Teng was anxious, and quickly sent a message to the remnant soul for help.

Remnant soul checked it a bit, and couldn't figure out what was going on, but he gave a rough answer. Xiao Lang's soul is very special. Those toxins are no longer toxins, but have been refined by the soul vortex. Turning into pure energy will not harm Xiao Lang's soul.

Cao Teng was relieved, but faintly blamed this remnant soul for testing Xiao Lang so much. Although she dared not express her dissatisfaction openly, she secretly decided to tell him the truth after Xiao Lang woke up, telling him that they were not dead. The remnant soul left a sentence and disappeared in Cao Teng's body: "If you really do it for Xiao Lang's good, you shouldn't tell him the truth and let him survive this test. As long as he can survive this heart disaster, his The soul will be sublimated in essence. If a person wants to transform a butterfly, he must experience the pain of breaking the cocoon. How can he grow without experiencing wind and rain? His soft-hearted illness cannot be corrected after this time. This life is destined to be at the bottom of the well. Looking at the beautiful starry sky."

Cao Teng silently continued to guard Xiao Lang silently, constantly transmitting voices to Xiao Lang to wake him up.

Xiao Lang's still didn't wake up, but the vortex in his soul grew larger and larger, which originally occupied only one-half. At this moment, because of the high-speed rotation, it had already filled most of the soul space.

Three months later, the whirlpool in Xiao Lang's soul space actually filled the entire soul, and his soul power was driven by the whirlpool, surging and surging, and his soul was at least twice as powerful.

He finally woke up quietly!

Cao Teng's continuous sound transmission is actually a kind of soul hint, sending a signal to Xiao Lang, and the soul has returned to normal, finally awakening him who was in deep sleep.

The moment Xiao Lang opened his eyes, there was also a dead silence in his eyes. He swept around blankly and saw the blue grass vines swaying happily. There was still no look on his face. He sat alone in the cave, not knowing where he was going and what to do?

Revenge back to Tianzhou? How to go back? What is the meaning of revenge? Even if you kill Miehunyun Zishan, can the red beans be resurrected?

His whole person is extremely negative, he doesn't want to do anything, he doesn't think about anything, muddled. Cao Teng tried to tell him the truth several times, but remembered the remnant soul's words, and finally endured it, quietly accompanying Xiao Lang.

There was no light in the cave, only the faint blue light shining from the body of the grass and vine, shining on Xiao Lang's sluggish face, flashing, very strange.

After half a month, Xiao Lang finally stood up, turned into a high-level demon and walked out of the cave, wandering in the sea of ​​hell. He didn't think about where to go, nor did he think about what to do. He just felt that the cave was very stuffy, very depressing, and he wanted to go out and breathe.

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