Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 75: I will raise your family

Yun Zishan was very intelligent, and he had calculated the loneliness once. This person was very good at acting, not only his eyes, words, but also the feeling for Xiao Lang, he seemed to have a trace of love for Xiao Lang. This person Xiao Lang eats soft or hard, and has been unable to kill her many times.

For example, last time, Yun Zishan was not destroyed for the first time. If he destroyed Yun Zishan at that time, Qing Mushi would not betray him again. It is very likely that Soul Destruction would change his mind.

So although he agreed to heads-up, he would never be soft-hearted.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and his sentiment was released, but instead of attacking Yun Zishan, he shot towards the soul that was being chased by dozens of heavenly demons. But Soul Destruction had been prepared for a long time, and avoided it immediately. Xiao Lang didn't care either, he kept releasing his emotions and attacking the souls, and he didn't mean to fight alone with Yun Zishan.

It is very difficult to deal with a group of demon kings. Although the demon kings are constantly killed by him, his body is also injured. The power of the demigods in the body is consumed like water. At this moment, it is even more painful to have Xiao Lang cooperate with the attack. Words.

"Xiao Lang, didn't you mean heads-up? What are you waiting for?" Yun Zishan drank softly again, but Xiao Lang directly ignored him and continued to attack Mie Soul.

at last!

After Mie Hun evaded Xiao Lang's attacks a dozen times, he was finally hit. He stood there for a second without any accident. Four or five Heavenly Demon Kings attacked Mie Hun. The shield he had just released broke immediately, and it was too late for him to wake up. The left shoulder and back of his lower abdomen were scratched and the intestines in the lower abdomen were also broken.


Extinguishing the soul spouted blood, and the black energy poured out from his body, turning into a black dragon, drowning four or five heavenly demon kings, a shining divine soldier appeared in his hand, and suddenly swept away, the heads of the five heavenly demon kings shot up. , He took up the blood in the sky and ran towards the distance.

Xiao Lang no longer paid attention to Soul Extinguish, and instead began to attack the Pavilion Master Wangyue. Pavilion Master Wangyue now transformed into a gluttonous beast whose silver and blood red pupils were heart palpitating. Every attack it made The demon king flew, but his body was also scarred.

After Xiao Lang's love-killing attack, Pavilion Master Wangyue was caught by the swarming Heavenly Demon King and his scales fluttered. Many bones were broken, and dark red blood was spilled across the sky, and he was immediately hit hard.


The beast **** was severely wounded and dying. Those fierce beasts and sea beasts who had been ordered by Pavilion Master Wangyue not to move in the distance finally couldn't help it. All the riots attacked from the heavenly demons, and the blood pagoda Zhangge Aogu was among them...

Xiao Lang saw that he could only stop attacking Pavilion Master Wangyue, and even explained to Mo Qingqing, mobilizing a part of the Celestial Demon King who attacked Pavilion Master Wangyue, and surrounding the entire Celestial Demon battlefield.

At the same time, Xiao Lang also ordered Wuhen and others to pay attention not to let Mie Hun and Pavilion Master Wangyue escape. His gaze fell on Qing Mu Shi.

This old man once helped him and asked Qingmuyu to save him, but after the first betrayal, he had already drifted away from Qingmushi, and after the second betrayal, his heart was completely cold.

When he saw that Qing Mu Shi was chased and killed by the Heavenly Demon King, he didn't feel any waves in his heart. Since Qing Mushi chose Yun Zishan, he should suffer the consequences of his mistake.

So he asked Mu Xiaoyao and Mo Qingqing to lean over to the large group. Mu Xiaoyao was no longer so stupid. She put on her robe first, and then slowly changed her body. The knife was immediately shocked when he saw it, and then everyone was ecstatic, but he was very scrupulous about Mo Qingqing.

Xiao Lang flew down and stepped heavily on the ground. His whole body shot up and rushed towards Qingmushi. The dark golden light of his right hand was shining. There was no pupil in the eyes of the demon energy surrounding him, making Qingmushi feel deep in his soul. There was a chill everywhere.

"Xiao Lang, don't kill me! For the sake of Qingdi Patriarch's face, let me go?"

Xiao Lang shot out, the aura on his body was extremely powerful, surpassing all the heavenly demon kings, and the soul-killing and pavilion Wangyue were both hit hard just now. He already knew in his heart that he was definitely not Xiao Lang's opponent, and he could only plead with voice. .


Xiao Lang did not pause for a while, and continued to shoot forward. The corners of his mouth were all self-deprecating cold voices, saying: "I know that the descendants of your Qingmu family have been cultivating in a void space all the time. All depends on the face of Qing Emperor. I will take care of them! and Qingmuyu must die! I don't want to be sold a third time!"

Two black and white rays of light gleamed out, the dying of love started, and Xiao Lang's body rushed at a terrifying speed. A blue light shot out of Qing Mushi's eyes, apparently also releasing a soul attack. But Xiao Lang's soul was already terrifyingly strong. The vortex occupies his entire soul space, and Qingmushi's soul attacked and shot in, and was immediately crushed by the vortex, without affecting him at all.


The split **** gesture was unstoppable and grabbed into Qing Mushi's chest. Qing Mushi narrowed his eyes and smiled bitterly. He didn't say anything, but left a deep sigh.


Qingmuyu was even more miserable. He was chased by a few demon kings from the sky to the earth, but he could not get rid of it. When he saw Qingmushi being killed, he let out a cry of mourning, and he didn't run away but just stared at Qingmushi in a daze. The corpse fell from mid-air.

"Evil Lord, let those devil kings stop!"

Xiao Lang didn't understand the words of the heavenly devil, and when he saw Qingmuyu, he would be killed by the heavenly devil king, and he quickly communicated with the evil master.

The evil lord immediately cried out a few strange sounds. Those heavenly devil kings looked at Xiao Lang suspiciously. Xiao Lang patted a heavenly devil and flew towards Qingmuyu with his strength. There was no mood swing in his eyes. The sound said: "Master Aoki, I always think in my heart that we should be friends, why did the situation become like this? I don't think the reason is not me? Don't worry, your descendants... I will raise them, and this is for you Promise of."

Qing Muyu glanced at Xiao Lang and nodded. Suddenly countless blood arrows burst out from his body. He broke his veins, looked deeply at the sky and the surroundings, and finally closed weakly.


Qingmushi and Qingmuyu fell to the ground one after another, and the maze of Tianzhou, which had been ruined for hundreds of years, was completely annihilated...

The soul was still at large, Yun Zishan's beautiful face showed a trace of despair. Since Xiao Lang could kill Qingmushi and Qingmuyu, it showed that his heart was no longer soft. His only weakness disappeared, and she was invulnerable even if she had a thousand tactics.

Xiao Moshen Xiaodao Wuhen, they looked very pleased and pleased, but Ling Di and the others had cold feet, Xiao Lang became so cold-blooded, do they still have a way to survive? Duguxing smiled and murmured: "Tsing Yi, Lang'er is finally mature, you can rest assured..."

Almost everyone knew about Xiao Lang's soft heart. If it was nothing in the Soul Continent, it didn't matter if Xiao Lang had only one person.


This is Tianzhou. Xiao Lang is the head coach of a group of them. Behind him are countless families, and there are tens of millions of warriors who follow him. His softheartedness can sometimes become a fatal disaster. If he is still indecisive to the enemy, even if everyone is not exhausted by him this time, the whole army will be wiped out next time.

Xiao Lang didn't care so much, his gaze fell on Mie Hun again, letting the evil lord shout to stop the demon, he quickly shot towards Mie Hun, the cold words pierced the ear of Mie Hun: Soul-killing old dog, are you dictating yourself? Or let me send you on the road?"

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