Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 80: Three ultimate domains

Xiao Lang didn't bring anyone to the ancient **** forbidden place, only Xiao Bai. Wuhen needed to sit down, so Xiao Lang didn't bring him. The knife wanted to follow and kicked Xiao Lang.

He arrived at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain but was a little bit distressed. Qingmushi and Qingmuyu were killed, afraid that the people on Qingcheng Mountain would have run away early? No one controls the restriction, and I don't know if this stone step can go up?

He walked upward step by step, and the mountain-like power was immediately suppressed. He breathed a sigh of relief, his body is very strong now, this little pressure is nothing to him.


Xiaobai yelled strangely, and then two green lights shot into the mountain. After a while, the pressure on Xiao Lang's shoulders suddenly disappeared, and he gave Xiao Bai a surprised look. Only then did I remember that Wuhen had said that Xiaobai had the inheritance of Fanxin Great God? Can the green light in your eyes crack many restrictions?


Thumbs up to Xiao Bai, Xiao Lang quickly walked up, Xiao Bai proudly stood on Xiao Lang's shoulder and cried non-stop.

Going up to Qingcheng Mountain, it turned out that there was no one in the fascinating palace, and those maids and servants had already escaped. Xiao Lang didn't stop, went straight to the back half of the stage, and jumped down.

Xiao Lang didn't pass out this time, and he clearly felt that his body was wrapped in a ray of light in the air, and then his body appeared in front of a large hall.


Looking at the three characters "Tianyu Hall" above the main hall, Xiao Lang understood that it must be the Great God Tianyu who knew he was here. The doubts in my heart have risen again, why the font inside is Xiaozhuan? Does Tianyu Great God have anything to do with the earth?

He took out a token to inject energy, and the door opened immediately. He took Xiaobai all the way straight in, and soon arrived at the palace where the Great God Tianyu was.

Seeing that stalwart figure again, Xiao Lang's inner pressure was not so great, but the might of the Great God still made him a little breathless.

He bent over and bowed his hands respectfully and said, "My lord, Xiao Lang is here as promised."

"The peak of the demigod? It's only been more than a year, right? Still feeling the death of love? Very good!"

A cold voice sounded, the Great God Tianyu didn't appear the remnant soul, but just spread the word. Xiao Lang was silent, without self-effacement, waiting for the instructions of the Great God Tianyu.

The voice of the Great God Tianyu quickly sounded: "But the exercises you practice are actually not the right way. There are some exercises similar to the demon realm, and the realm rises so quickly. I think it is swallowing the energy of others?"

"Well, I went to the Celestial Demon Realm not long ago, and swallowed more than one billion Celestial Demons, and I felt the death of love in the Celestial Demon Realm!

Xiao Lang did not hide it, answered honestly, and then asked a little strangely: "My lord, where is the Demon Realm you are talking about? Does it mean the face of the Demon Realm? By the way... Will there be any problems with my cultivation like this?"

"Sky Demon Demon Realm? Humph!"

The Great God of Tianyu snorted disdainfully: "The Heavenly Demon Realm is only a second-class domain, and within the Chaos World is nothing more than a shudder of the ocean. The Demon Realm I am talking about is the ultimate domain, and the center of the Chaos World has three major domains. The human power is the main power, and the peak powers of every low-level domain eventually go there. One is the monster domain, all kinds of beasts, vegetation elves, heaven and earth wonders, and finally go to the monster domain. There is a lot of chaos, there are creatures of all races, and there is extremely chaos. The practice methods are mainly to devour other people's body energy! The practice methods you practice are similar to the demon realm. The big problem is that the foundation is unstable. Of course, you have been stable for several years. It's not a big problem."

"God's Domain? Demon's Domain? Demon's Domain?"

Xiao Lang secretly remembered it, and it seemed that the outside world was really fast and vast. The pinnacle warriors of all major domains will go to the three ultimate domains, and the powerhouses of the three ultimate domains must be like clouds, and there are murderous intent everywhere. Xiao Lang felt relieved when he heard that there was no problem in devouring so much energy. At this moment, his soul had a trace of a heavenly demon aura, and he was most worried about his body.

The Great God Tianyu fell silent for a while, and then spoke again: "In fact, the five of us are not from Tianzhou, we are from God's Domain! Wrong... Actually, we were chased and killed in Tianzhou! At that time, all five of us were seriously injured, that person He was also injured by our joint efforts. Fearing that our fish would die, he sealed Tianzhou. In the end, he successfully trapped the five of us in Tianzhou."

"That's it!"

The doubt in Xiao Lang's heart was resolved, but he thought of something, and asked with some surprise: "My lord, why don't you go from the Heavenly Demon Realm? The Heavenly Demon Realm is not sealed, you can go to the God Realm from there."

The Great God Tianyu sighed slightly: "We belong to Tianzun Xuanyuan in God's Realm, but Tianzun Xuanyuan and Tianmo Tianzun are enemies of life and death. If we dare to go to Heavenly Demon Realm, we may be torn apart by the Heavenly Devil God. Fragment..."

"Tianzun?" Xiao Lang murmured, but didn't ask more.

"young people!"

Great God Tianyu's tone suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "I want to trouble you to go to God's Domain to find Xuanyuan Tianzun, tell him that the five of us are dead, and let him help us get revenge! Can you help us with this favor? ?"


Xiao Lang was a little shocked!

Great God Tianyu once said that they were subordinates of Xuanyuan Tianzun? Now let him go to Xuanyuan Tianzun again? It means that after tens of thousands of years, what kind of bird is still alive? Is it possible to live forever after breaking through the Great God Realm?

He was silent for a while, and said with a wry smile: "My lord, now the passage to the Heavenly Demon Realm has been ruined! There is no Chaos Spiritual Energy in Tianzhou. Do you think I can break the seal in the sky with me?"

Xiao Lang couldn't break the seal that the five great gods of Tianyu couldn't break, how could he break the seal? Besides... the five of you are just Xuanyuan Tianzun's subordinates. If you die, you will die. Will that Tianzun care? Isn't it true that this subpoena is not spread?

The Great God Tianyu was silent for a while before he said: "We will help you break the seal. All the spirit power of our five souls should be broken! We were all seriously injured back then, and we were afraid that the enemy would be guarding nearby, so there was no Break the seal! But if you want to go to God's Domain, this strength is a little too weak, I am afraid that you will be killed if you have no chance to reach Xuanyuan Mountain..."

The Great God Tianyu fell silent, and finally said: "Go back first, try to understand the fifth stage of Qingdao, and there is a third-class magic skill in the sixth pillar, you take it back and practice! Of course... if you can't If you break through the fifth realm of emotion and you can't realize that magical skill, you won't use it."

"Love killing? Is love the most murderous meaning?"

Xiao Lang asked, but Tianyu Great God did not explain. He had no choice but to go inside the sixth pillar of the aisle, and clicked on the eyes of the wild beast on the relief. As expected, another secret grid appeared, with a dark golden cheat book on it, with three large characters "Parajang Palm".

When Xiao Lang saw these three characters, they were actually in Xiaozhuan font again? The doubts in his heart rose again, and he plucked up the courage to ask: "My lord, does your font... come from the earth?"


Tianyu Great God let out a startled sound, and casually explained: "What earth, celestial ball? This font is a general font of God's domain, which is more difficult to recognize. Please feel it with your heart."

"Well, good! My lord, let me take my goodbye!" Xiao Lang respectfully bowed out of the hall, but a storm was set off in his heart.

Tianyu Dashen is not a human being on the earth, this font is the universal font of God Domain? And this font is used by Qin Dynasty? Such a weird font can't happen so by chance, just the same.

Could it be that someone in ancient China had been to God's Domain?

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