Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 89: Energy Gold Ball

Cao Teng left suddenly, Xiao Lang did not explain to anyone, including Hong Dou, they did not explain. No one had seen this little girl like an elf. Xiao Lang just wanted to keep her in his heart forever, like a child possessing a secret that belongs to him.

Although Cao Teng said that he would come to him, Xiao Lang had a feeling in his heart that he might never have a chance to meet Mei'er in his entire life. The Demon Realm is one of the three ultimate realms, and Xiao Lang didn't know if he could go to the God Realm, let alone the Demon Realm. Moreover, the demon domain is the place where the beast demon and charm spirit are located.

There is also the matter of Ouyang Lengyan, don't have to think about it, listening to Can Hun's tone is afraid it will be difficult to resurrect. Supreme God? The two words supreme represent the supreme supreme, ordinary gods dare to call the supreme god? He dared to think about it.

The partial hall of his cultivation was destroyed, and he didn't explain too much, only that there was a little problem in his cultivation. He found a side hall to continue his cultivation, still not disturbing him.

He didn't visit Mu Xiaoyao and the others, he knew very well that his face was sad, Hong Dou and the others were as careful as a hair, and they would definitely be able to see the clues, but that made everyone worried.

He sat in the side hall without cultivating, just in a daze. Three or five days later, he finally recovered, put away his depressed mood, concentrated on practicing, and continued to comprehend the second level of Prajna palm.

While refining the profound stone, he began to think hard, and the body quickly refined the profound stone mechanically. Soon a strong aura came from the side hall where he was. The guardians outside were relieved. Many people saw Xiao Lang's disappointment and sadness. At this moment, they were relieved when they saw him starting to practice.

He kept his mind completely silent in his cultivation, thinking about whether he went or not, even Mu Xiao Yao was pregnant with the child. Only in this way can he forget Meier, forget about cold smoke.

One month, three months, four months!

The profound stone has been refined for nearly one billion, and the soul gold ball in his mind has become as big as a grain of rice from a small eye. The soul power inside is extremely surging, his soul is gradually becoming stronger, but he still has not figured out how Compress energy into the cave.

After another month, he routinely began to explore the soul, and it was very gratifying to watch the soul golden beads gradually grow larger. Sensing the slow rotation of the soul golden bead, watching the soul whirlpool quickly rotate, he suddenly thought of something, and his soul was shocked.

Immediately, he was extremely excited to make the soul return to the body immediately, stopped practicing, opened his eyes and laughed: "I thought about it, whirlpool, golden beads! Since the power of the soul can turn into whirlpools, it can be compressed from whirlpools into a soul golden bead, my body Why can't the energy inside be compressed into energy gold beads? Then all the energy can be compressed into the acupuncture points."

Several changes have taken place in the soul space. At first, the semi-liquid soul body began to grow larger. After filling the entire soul space, a soul vortex appeared. His soul has been sublimated in essence, and it has been several times stronger. Then after the soul vortex filled the entire soul space, soul gold beads appeared again.

The small soul gold ball contains the majestic soul power. If the demon energy in his body can be converted into energy gold beads, it can easily be stored in the acupuncture path.

Thinking of acting immediately.

Xiao Lang controlled a trace of energy to slowly enter an acupuncture point, quickly controlled the energy to spin up, and then he waited for the golden beads to appear in the soul vortex.

However... the whirlpool has been spinning for many days, and he also controlled it to turn faster and faster, turning left and right, but there was no golden bead condensation.

He stopped and began to spin more energy in to form a whirlpool. But this time it didn't spin at all, because there was too much energy, it almost burst the acupoint!

He became sad, paused for a long time, and then tried another method. He first controlled part of the energy to enter the acupoint and slowly rotate, and when the vortex formed, he immediately mobilized energy from the outside into the acupuncture and added it into the vortex.


The vortex turned faster and faster, and the energy inside became more and more, and Xiao Lang became more worried. Because he couldn't control this vortex anymore, it was spinning on its own, and the energy outside was actually drawn in and continuously added. It depends on the situation. This acupoint is about to burst...

Meier left! He would be injured as soon as the acupuncture point was broken, and his cultivation could only be stopped, and he could only continue his cultivation after he was treated with a spiritual medicine.

While mobilizing the energy near the acupuncture points and leaving, he quietly noticed, if the situation is not right, he can only forcibly intervene and mobilize the energy.


A few days later, a dusty golden bead of energy began to slowly appear in the energy vortex, but he couldn't find it if he carefully explored his spiritual sense. It made Xiao Lang ecstatic, as long as the first energy golden bead appeared, it could condense the second, third...the eighth one.

Xiao Lang also understood better, why can such a palm of the body increase its combat power several times? This energy golden bead compresses the energy, and the energy contained in it is several times stronger. Once used, so much energy is poured out, and the power is naturally great! And he also felt that the energy in the energy gold beads was twice as strong as ordinary energy quality.

Xiao Lang went into his cultivation completely silently, and when his soul was out of his body, he condensed the energy vortex several times faster. After these vortices are formed, they do not need to be controlled by him at all, just like the vortex in the soul space, they are constantly rotating, continuously absorbing energy from around the body, and condensing energy golden beads.

Two, fifty, one hundred, three hundred...

Xiao Lang concentrated all his attention and quickly controlled the energy, condensing a vortex of energy in the acupuncture points, and after he stabilized, he controlled the energy to go to the next acupuncture point to start to condense.

After spending more than a month, a whirlpool appeared in every one thousand and eight acupuncture points in Xiao Lang's body.

If Xiao Lang's body is probed by a powerful warrior, he will be surprised to find that Xiao Lang's body has become a large formation, with more than a thousand energy mysteries all over his body, and the energy lurking in his body is slowly flowing into those acupuncture points. Go, and finally be compressed into energy gold beads.

The energy gold beads that were condensed at the beginning were only a little thicker than the hair. It is estimated that all the energy in Xiao Lang's body has been absorbed, and the one thousand and eight energy gold beads are as big as rice grains, but the energy in the body is absolutely More than twice as powerful.

"Huh, you're done!"

Xiao Lang waited for a few days to confirm that everything was stable before he retracted his soul and opened his eyes. It's been more than half a year since Mu Xiaoyao will give birth in one or two months. He wants to go out and wait for the birth of the child to continue his cultivation.

"Huh? By the way... the energy in my body is being absorbed by the acupuncture points and turned into energy gold beads. The body of refined black stone could not absorb energy before, because the energy in the body cells is almost saturated, right? Now in the body. The energy has entered the acupuncture points, can it continue to absorb the energy of the black stone?"

He remembered one thing, pondered for a while, and decided to try refining a few profound stones. As a result, the refinement easily confirmed his idea, and the body could absorb energy again.

He was very excited. Although his body was not condensed into a divine body at this moment, he was constantly absorbing energy and continuously compressed into the acupuncture points. After these billions of profound stones are all refined, I wonder how terrifying the energy in his body can reach? Will it be possible to maimed the great **** with one move?

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