Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 91: Fail

The profound stone disappeared like flowing water, Xiao Lang's body could absorb as much energy as a bottomless pit, and the soul golden ball in his soul had become the size of a soybean. The golden beads in the acupuncture points are all formed, and the largest one has reached the size of a rice grain. Xiao Lang didn't know how much energy had accumulated in his body, but he felt that as long as he ran the energy, he could razed Xiao Dicheng to the ground.

How big is Xiaodicheng? This is the super giant city built by Soul Destruction with the financial and material resources of Tianzhou, at least five times the size of Hongdi City. With a radius of more than ten thousand miles, it can be seen how much energy has accumulated in Xiao Lang's body?

Two or three billion profound stones were refined, and Xiao Lang's refining speed accelerated. Because the energy of the profound stone enters the body, it doesn't need Xiao Lang to absorb it, and it automatically diverges from the meridians towards one thousand and eight acupoints. Xiao Lang's body became a bottomless pit, so much energy was absorbed...

Although the golden bead in the soul space was only the size of a soybean, Xiao Lang felt that the soul was at least ten times stronger. As soon as he ran the ice emperor soul determination, the surging soul power went crazy. He estimated that his love was destroyed, and now any demigod pinnacle could pass out directly, and it might even cause the soul of the other party to collapse.

He didn't start to practice the third level of Prajna Palm, not because his soul is too weak, but because he wants to see the limit of energy that his body can absorb. He still has 2 billion profound stones, ready to refine all his brains.


The profound stones in Xiao Lang's Xumi Ring continued to be taken out, and then the white light flashed, all being refined into his body. Then his hand flashed again, and thousands of profound stones appeared and refined. Xiao Lang has become a tireless machine. If the speed of refining profound stones is seen by outsiders, they will definitely be shocked...

One year and two months!

In just over a year of retreat, Xiao Lang has refined more than billions of profound stones. When the last profound stone was refined, Xiao Lang's soul returned to his body, and he smiled bitterly after searching.

All the profound stones in Xumi Jie of the Mie Hun and others add up to nearly 5 billion, all of which have been squandered. And his soul gold bead is only as big as his little finger, and the biggest energy gold bead in his body is as big as a soybean. I don't know if it is because the energy gold beads grow too slowly, or the energy in the profound stone is too low. However, the energy in Xiao Lang's body has reached a terrifying level. If he shoots a palm against the Soul Continent, I am afraid that the entire continent will sink...

He stood up and flexed his muscles and bones, his muscles and bones were crackling, and when he moved his hand, the space unexpectedly shook slightly, making his heart turbulent. If this strength is against them, it is estimated that they can't be killed by smashing them while standing?

After the profound stone was exhausted, Xiao Lang also began to concentrate on the third level of the Prajna palm. He checked the trajectory and path sequence of the energy flowing in the acupuncture points in the cheat book, and the soul immediately went out of his body.

He stopped all the vortexes in the acupuncture points, and started to control the energy of Tianling acupoint on the top of his head to flow towards Tianzhu acupoint at the earlobe. He turned around and affected the energy in Tianzhu acupoint to follow Yuzhen acupoint in the back of his head...

On the other side, the energy of the Taixi acupoint on the soles of his feet circulates to the Neiting acupoint, and then to Fuliu acupoint...

When the soul is out of the orifice state, everything becomes slow, and Xiao Lang controls the energy flow at the slowest speed, so he will start to control the flow of multiple energy in the acupuncture points at the same time.

Three shares, five shares, ten shares, thirty shares...

Xiao Lang controlled more and more, but they all circulated in the acupuncture points of various parts of the body, and did not dare to cross each other or even merge according to the secret skills.


When Xiao Lang controlled the 68th energy, the two energy suddenly collided with each other, bursting into a burst, and a blood hole was blown out in Xiao Lang's back.

He didn't panic, but slowly controlled the rest of the energy to stop, then he retracted his soul and opened his eyes!


He healed his wounds by running his mind, swallowing a pill, and smiled bitterly. In theory, his soul is stronger, and coupled with the state of being out of his body, he can easily control the flow of countless energy at the same time. In fact, he just controlled dozens of energy and did not feel tired. It's just that so many of them are easy to make mistakes, and if they make a mistake, they will explode and his body will be injured.

Now he is still controlling the energy so slowly, and the energy he drives is very little. If all the energy is mobilized later, his body will explode if it is not good.

The principle of Prajna Palm, Xiao Lang has now understood very clearly, that is, turning his body into a large array, with body energy as the array source, and one thousand and eight acupoints as the array center. The meridian is a string.

The first is to stimulate the body's potential, the second is to compress the energy to change the energy quality, and the third is the most important to turn the body into a large array of amplification, causing energy resonance, and it is normal for the combat power to increase several times.

After resting for a long time and waiting for his body to recover, Xiao Lang continued to practice. His soul is strong enough, but now he just lacks proficiency. This thing cannot be accomplished overnight, it takes a lot of time to study, understand, and experiment. And every time you test, you must be careful, otherwise your body will explode.

Constant testing, constant injuries. Every time Xiao Lang is injured, he must stop and heal his body. At this time, he missed the grass cane very much, and the grass cane can heal this injury in an instant, and he does not need to be so careful when experimenting, the speed can definitely be increased several times.

This is a very cumbersome process, which is like a formation idiot getting a secret technique for the ancient gods. Even if you set up a large array according to the secret technique, it will not be successful in a short time.

Xiao Lang spent three months, and in the end... he failed!

He stopped, because half of his body was blown to **** blood this time, and he knew he couldn't continue this way, otherwise the next explosion would kill him.

Lying in the cold hall, the energy and healing medicine in his body began to heal his body. He wondered that he had to think of a way. This was not an ordinary formation, but a formation in his body. He didn't want to die!

"Great formation?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang suddenly remembered that Heavenly Demon Great Emperor seemed to have left a copy of the ancient gods' restraint?

After the body was completely repaired, he took out a jade talisman, and the energy shining in the jade talisman, his body disappeared in the main hall and appeared in the underwater palace.

He refined the restrictions in the submarine divine mansion and the heavenly demon space, allowing him to freely enter and exit the two places. He walked into the apse and picked up a thick copy of the ancient **** forbidden to turn it over.

Since this prajna palm is to build a big formation in the human body, then studying some forbidden formations will definitely have an effect on the practice of prajna palm.

Holding the ancient god's restraint, he entered a state of selflessness, constantly comprehending the restraint, and constantly cooperating with the Prajna palm to compare.

Two months later, he finally let go of the ancient god's prohibition, sat up on the spot without going back, and continued to practice Prajna palm.

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