Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 93: Flying Cloud Disk

A familiar person entered the ancient **** forbidden land. Xiao Lang was given preferential treatment this time, and a white light wrapped him, and then he was directly transported to the Tianyu Palace. Moreover, the lineup in the Tianyu Palace is extremely luxurious, and the remnants of the five great gods are all welcoming Xiao Lang.

"Participate in five adults!"

Xiao Lang bent over and bowed, and didn't kneel down. The five people didn't care, but a ray of light lit up in their eyes, shooting towards Xiao Lang. At this time, Xiao Lang also naturally reacted in his body, the soul aura enveloped his body, preventing the five people from investigating.

"The soul has reached the realm of the soul golden pearl, this kid is really a freak!"

The enchanting and enchanting woman gave Xiao Lang a deep look and sighed, "Generally, it will take hundreds of years to cultivate to the Great Divine Realm, or the soul will turn into golden beads if there is a great chance? This kid, we actually explored Nothing about his situation..."

The natural protective effect of Xiao Lang's soul succeeded in preventing the four great gods' remnant souls from exploring, but it couldn't prevent the Tianyu Great God from exploring. Because Great God Tianyu had already moved his hands and feet on that token, and Xiao Lang refined the token, Great God Tianyu could detect the situation in Xiao Lang's body through the token.


The Great God Tianyu was shocked and unparalleled. He stared at Xiao Lang's disbelief and said: "Boy, why do you have that kind of energy gold beads that resemble soul gold beads?"

He could clearly detect the surging energy in Xiao Lang's body, which was absolutely no less than a great **** who had cultivated for a hundred years. Xiao Lang's divine body was not condensed, but his body and energy were comparable to a great **** who had cultivated for a hundred years. How could he not be shocked?

Xiao Lang blinked his eyes in a daze, and said, "Sir, I only practiced according to the cultivation method described on the palm of the Prajna! Did I practice wrong?"

The Great God Tianyu smiled bitterly, fearing that his father hadn't thought that someone could actually practice Prajna palm like this? Xiao Lang's cultivation in this way was afraid that his combat power would increase by at least five times!

His eyes flickered several times without much explanation, but he just explained: "Okay, you just need to be careful with your strength, you should be 50% sure to reach Xuanyuan Mountain safely. We will work together to break the seal later, you are the last few days Let’s set off to God’s Domain! How to go to God’s Domain and what to pay attention to when you go to God’s Domain. Maps and the like are all in my treasure chest. You can go to the treasure chest to refine my treasures later, you I’ll understand, I hope I can help you a little bit."

"Treasure Pavilion?"

Xiao Lang nodded secretly. The Great God Tianyu seemed to be the leader of the five. Obviously there would be a lot of treasures, and he would be able to protect himself even more if he went to God's Domain.

The Great God Tianyu confessed again: "You remember that you went to the vicinity of Xuanyuan Mountain. You can take out the Tianyu Order, and someone will take you to see Tianzun Xuanyuan. Then you will give the Tianyu Order to Tianzun, and you don't need to worry about the rest! Of course... if you want to stay in Xuanyuan Mountain, someone will take care of you. Okay! Now you go to the Treasure Pavilion to refine the Flying Cloud Disk. Everything is in the Flying Cloud Disk. You must also take the Flying Cloud Disk to God's Domain. , Otherwise it will be torn apart by the wind of chaos space,"

Xiao Lang bent over to pray to the others, and walked straight to the treasure chest. Only then did the few people sigh with sorrow.

"His Royal Highness, the talent of this kid can be compared with you! Returning to Xuanyuan Mountain, I might be able to help Tianzun."

"Yes, my Fanxin Sword is still in his hands. Obviously it was a divine body that was destroyed by him. It is a rare thing to destroy a divine body with a mortal body."

"I hope this kid can reach Xuanyuan Mountain safely all the way, and he can also let Tianzun help us take revenge and kill the white-eyed wolf!"

Several people sighed with emotion, but the Great God Tianyu suddenly said: "Okay, let's prepare for each, collect the remains! Prepare to crack the seal, and give all the treasures to this kid. He has a little more means and walked to Xuanyuan Mountain alive. The chances are also greater."

The Great God Tianyu made an order, and several remnant souls disappeared!

Not long after, the five remnants of the soul suddenly appeared in the midair of the ancient gods forbidden land, and the breath of the five sighs was completely released, shocking the entire Tianzhou.


The five remnants of souls began to bloom with fiery red light, obviously burning their soul power, preparing to use the last strength of the five to break the seal.


Each of the five people burned their soul power, and the entire Tianzhou was immediately enveloped in an aura of destruction. Countless people knelt down in panic. All the powerful looked solemn and did not know what had happened. And Xiao Devil and the others couldn't get in touch with Xiao Lang, everyone was anxious, and they actually started to prepare for the future.

It didn't take long for a ray of light to shine in the north, and that ray of light was like a huge meteor shower, illuminating the entire northern part of Tianzhou, and the sky in Tianzhou also bloomed with colorful rays.

Tianzhou was suddenly in chaos, and countless people fled around, but they didn’t know where to flee?


Half an hour after that beam of light lit up, the sky in Tianzhou suddenly fluctuated, and the light became brighter, like a huge firework blooming. After the fireworks bloomed, the sky in Tianzhou suddenly changed color! The originally gray sky turned into a blue sky.

An extremely strong breath enveloped Tianzhou, under that breath, flowers bloomed, withered trees in spring, some old people who happened to be about to die unexpectedly came back to life...


This situation cannot be explained, only miracles can explain.

Ouyang Cui Cui Mu Shangui and the others understood something, they all looked at the blue sky, tears streaming down their faces.

The cage of Tianzhou was finally broken, and finally there was no need to worry that Tianzhou would be destroyed because of the exhaustion of the profound stones in hundreds of thousands of years, and finally he could fly freely in the vast world. The most important thing is that the cultivation speed of all people with Chaos Spirit Qi will increase, and Tianzhou will also have the opportunity to have a great power.

Xiao Lang was in the Treasure Treasure Pavilion of the Tianyu Hall at this moment. He didn't know that the seal of Tianzhou had been opened, and he didn't even feel the shock of the Tianzhou space at this moment.

He just looked at the treasure called Feiyunpan in front of him... and burst into tears.

this moment!

He also confirmed that the earth is definitely in the chaotic space, and the powerhouses in ancient China have also been to God's Domain, and there have also been people in God's Domain who have been to Earth.

Because the flying cloud disk is oval, with an inner chamber in the middle, the shield is lit up at the moment, this magic weapon is all dark gold, I don't know what material it is made of, it looks very beautiful.

This is not the point, the point is that this thing is very similar-flying saucer!

The Great God Tianyu said that if you want to go to God's Domain, you must take a flying cloud disk. In other words...If you want to fly in chaotic space, you must also have a flying cloud disk. And this thing looks exactly the same as the ufo photographed by many people in the previous life. In addition, Xiaozhuan is the universal font of God's Domain, but it appeared in the Qin Dynasty in China?

The only explanation is that the earth is somewhere in the chaotic space, and in ancient China, the strongest people went to God's Domain and brought back the words of God's Domain.

Thinking of the many arrogant and boisterous figures in ancient Chinese myths and the countless unsolved mysteries on the earth, Xiao Lang was thoughtful and secretly excited.

I don’t know if I can see the great figures in ancient Chinese mythology when I go to God’s Domain this time.

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