Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 4: Hit me!

Xiao Lang quickly recovered his composure. He glanced around and immediately looked at Mo Qingqing and said, "Are there any warriors with the strength of gods among these pirates? How does our flying cloud disk compare to their flying cloud disk speed?"

Xiao Lang's calmness infected Mo Qingqing, and her beautiful eyes flashed and immediately said: "This pirate group has only a few flying cloud disks, and the speed is a bit slower than ours. Obviously it is not a big pirate group, so there will never be a **** , If their leader is a god, there will definitely be more than that!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Xiao Lang's mouth, and with a sudden wave of his big hand, he pointed at the Feiyun disk in the middle and shouted, "That's easy! The Feiyun disk flew at full speed and hit me!"


Mo Qingqing covered his small mouth, Wuhen Xiao Moshen and others also shrank their eyes, and then Mo Qingqing showed a ruthless look in his eyes, and immediately controlled the flying cloud disk to fly at full speed, rushing straight towards the most forward flying cloud disk.

Three flying cloud disks appeared in the distance just now, and the magic blue slowed down to avoid collision with the flying cloud disk in front. Only then did the flying cloud disk behind them chase up and encircle. At this moment, the Feiyun Disk accelerated, still looking like a piece of jade and stone burned, and immediately frightened the Feiyun Disk ahead.

The speed of Xiao Lang's flying cloud disk was very fast, tens of thousands of miles in the blink of an eye. Seeing that it was about to hit, the opponent's flying cloud immediately drew an arc and flew to the side. A warrior wearing a golden mask flew out and stood in the void. Raising his hand and waving a big palm, the big palm is powerful, causing turbulence in the space, obviously not the strength that a demigod warrior can possess!

"Open the shield!"

Xiao Lang stood in the hall without panic at all, energy quickly circulated in his body, his palm was activated, and he also raised his hand to slap.


Prajna palm is very distinctive, colorful, and there is a layer of dreamlike light on the outside, which makes people feel between illusion and reality. The big colorful palm rushed towards the big golden palm in front of him, and at that moment Mo Qingqing's beautiful eyes suddenly brightened, because Xiao Lang's palm swiped out the spatial shock that was much stronger than the opponent.


The colorful big palm easily shook the golden big palm apart, pierced through the air like lightning, and patted the big divine warrior and Feiyun disk.


The light on the opponent's flying cloud disk kept shining, although the shield was not broken, but it flew out a million miles with one palm. That great **** even flew out long ago, and a **** mist floated in the air, frightening Emperor Xian and others...

Knock the great **** away with one palm? Also knocked the opponent's flying cloud disk into the air?

Hasn't Xiao Lang not condensed his divine body yet? How can you resist the great god? Originally, Emperor Xian thought that he had broken through the demigod and the gap between Xiao Lang was not too big, but at this moment he couldn't feel the need for comparison.

"Prajna palm? Xiao Lang, you can't show it!"

Mo Qingqing smiled like a flower, and actually controlled the Feiyun disk to stop in the air. He just drank the energy and said, "Go away!"

"It turned out to be a member of the Xuanyuan family, offended it!"

A dry laughter rang out, and then several flying clouds flew away quickly and sullenly. Xiao Lang looked at the sorrowful expressions of everyone, and smiled sullily. He also did not expect that the deterrent power of the Prajna Palm could be so great?

Xiao Lang couldn't figure it out, but Mo Qingqing looked at Xiao Lang with profound meaning and said, "Xuanyuan Mountain and Tianmo Mountain are both famous in the land of destruction. Xuanyuan Tianzun and the ancestor of Tianmo have been famous for hundreds of thousands of years. Don't dare to offend, because...the Prajna palm is impossible to cultivate unless the direct descendants of the Xuanyuan family. Xiao Lang, did you actually practice Prajna palm to a great extent? I also said that letting Grandpa take care of you was a waste of effort. Palm, you will be treated favorably when you go to Xuanyuan Mountain Ling!"

"Let's go!"

Xiao Lang left a word indifferently, and no longer said it, leaving behind an unfathomable back.

He didn't want to explain too much about the Great God Tianyu. After all, Xuanyuan Tianzun and the ancestor of the Tianmo were opposed, and the remnant soul of the Great God Tianyu had not dissipated yet. He himself didn't want to leave the label of Xuanyuan Mountain collar on him, but he was secretly excited. It seemed that although he couldn't condense the divine body, at least the road to Xuanyuan Mountain would be much quieter.

Walking into the room, Xiao Lang thought of the palm just now, but he could practice in the chaotic space casually? Even if you are fully aware of Thousand Chance Burst, if you want to use it with Prajna Palm, you must experiment, otherwise there is no combat power on paper?

Xiao Lang continued to comprehend in the room, and when he was ready to fully comprehend, he went out of the hall to open the shield and experiment several times.

The Thousand Chance Explosion is not too complicated. Xiao Lang has basically mastered it after spending more than a month. He practiced again, and found that the chaos aura was still divided by the acupoints, and immediately walked out of the hall outside.

There was only Mo Qingqing in the hall, and the rest of them were in retreat. Seeing how powerful the Chaos Pirates are, even if they can't comprehend the way of heaven, they will use the Chaos Spiritual Energy to transform their bodies. The quality of the chaotic aura is several times higher than the heaven and earth aura in Tianzhou. Although it cannot condense the divine body, inhaling some chaotic aura can still make the body stronger.

"His Royal Highness, I have recently realized a magical skill. I want to test it. Let's open the shield!"

Xiao Lang and Mo Qingqing said, she immediately rolled her eyes, pointed to a room and said, "When you refined the Feiyun Disk, didn't you find that one of the rooms was a practice room?"

Xiao Lang was taken aback, and smiled bitterly: "I saw it, but it's a pity that my attack is more domineering, I'm afraid of blowing up the practice room!"

"Ha ha!"

Mo Qingqing covered her mouth and laughed, shook her head and sighed: "The restrictions on the practice room in each Feiyun disk are specially enhanced, not to mention your strength, this Feiyun disk is so advanced, even the gods can’t open it. . And those prohibitions can absorb energy, so you don’t have to worry about hurting yourself..."

"good stuff!"

Xiao Lang walked inside as soon as he heard it, and found that it was several times larger than the rest of the room, and Wuhen was practicing marksmanship in it. Obviously, he had asked Mo Qingqing a long time ago. This is the practice room.

"grown ups!"

Wuhen saw Xiao Lang coming in and hurriedly stopped, Xiao Lang waved his hand at will: "You practice yours, I recently practiced a magical skill to try my power!"

Wuhen nodded but didn't move. Instead, he looked at Xiao Lang excitedly. The things in Xiao Lang's hands are all good things!

Xiao Lang ignored Wuhen, running a mass of energy in the palm of his hand, and that mass of energy quickly rotated in the palm of his hand, being compressed continuously, and finally compressed to the size of a thumb, before he slammed forward.


The forbidden light on the wall shone faintly, there was no vibration, and there was nothing more in the practice room. Xiao Lang nodded in satisfaction, secretly saying that the restraint of the practice room was really strong.

Wuhen frowned and was a little puzzled. At first he thought it was a very powerful magical skill, but he didn't expect it to be so small? He stabbed a shot casually, and it could make the restrained light flourish. Could it be that the magical skills that Xiao Lang cultivated were not as powerful as the storm spear method?

Xiao Lang quickly answered Wuhen’s doubts. He first ran the Prajna palm, and then forcibly compressed the Prajna palm into a small palm. In the end, the huge Prajna palm was compressed ten times smaller, and Xiao Lang suddenly slammed forward. go with.


With a loud explosion, the entire prohibition trembled, and the Feiyun disk shook violently. Wuhen, Mo Qingqing and the others as well as the cultivators were unsteady and fell to the ground...

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