Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 22: Venomous bee attack

Xiao Lang gathered around and sat on the corner of the city, and the knife and others secretly refined the purple sacred stone to increase their strength. Xiao Lang absorbed the Chaos Spiritual Qi alone, anyway, he couldn't condense the divine body, so he wouldn't go to extravagantly refine the purple sacred stone.

There is a huge planet similar to the sun outside the God’s Realm, which can constantly glow and heat, and the God’s Realm will not move, but the planet is revolving around the God’s Realm, so the God’s Realm is also divided into day and night.

The difference in temperature between night and day in God's Domain is huge, and if it weren't for Xiao Lang and the others to be powerful at night, they might all be frozen to death. Although everyone's energy is running, the whole body is covered with hoarfrost, and there is the limit of freezing on the face.


The sky was dark, and countless chariots in the city flew out, attracting the attention of people outside the city. Countless warriors swarmed up, Xiao Lang and the others were also awakened, Mo Qingqing stood up for the first time, the energy movement shook the ice outside his body, and shouted at Xiao Lang and the others: "Xiao Lang, quickly go over. There will be no chance later."

Xiao Lang and the others swept their eyes and could easily see the scene outside the city. It was a caravan coming out, and under the protection of hundreds of guards, one chariot slowly flew out of the city.

This chariot has no wheels. It looks like it is floating in the air. There is a snow-white fox in front of it. The fox is more than three meters long, and there are three large tails on the back. It is tied by black ropes. The chariot is attached to the neck.


Seeing that Xiao Lang and the others hadn't moved, Mo Qingqing gave a low voice again and walked toward the convoy first.

Xiao Lang and the others looked at each other and walked forward helplessly. When I first entered God's Domain, I was unfamiliar with everything, and everyone was low in strength.

On both sides of the road were demi-divine warriors, afraid to get too close, staring at the guards next to the caravan. Their strength is too weak, they are not qualified to enter the city, let alone find quests in the city to earn purple holy stones for cultivation. The only chance is to serve the caravan and earn a little purple sacred stone.

Soon all the caravans came out. There were a hundred tanks in full. Xiao Lang whispered and asked Mo Qingqing with some doubts: "Why are there so many tanks? Even if there are more cargoes, use space to load them. Isn't it all right?"

Mo Qingqing was still wearing men's clothing, lowered her head and said, "You can hold things in your space? Many mountains are filled with poisonous bees, and young poisonous bees are very delicious food and can nourish the soul. The big people like to eat very much. If you want it to be delicious, you have to eat it right now. So many live juvenile bees naturally need to be transported by caravans."

Xiao Lang suddenly realized it, but he was full of emotion in his heart. It was just a kind of food ingredient that was so aggressively transported by the caravan. Coupled with the manpower and material resources of the arrest, the restaurant must make a profit. Calculated like this, a plate of juvenile bee food is absolutely sky-high.

"you you you…"

Soon an old man who looked like a manager came over and pointed his finger at the demi-divine warriors at random. Those warriors immediately bowed their hands and thanked them with joy, and hurriedly walked towards the caravan.


The old man looked towards Xiao Lang's side, and when he pointed his finger on Xiao Lang's head, Xiao Lang shrank his head slightly and turned his face away, a little embarrassed and uncomfortable. Unexpectedly, the old man mocked and pointed his finger directly at that side, ignoring everyone in Xiao Lang...

Mo Qingqing felt helpless, knowing that Xiao Lang had such a status in Tianzhou, he was a little uncomfortable to serve the beasts, so he didn't say anything. In fact, she was very upset in her heart, but in order to survive, she had to abandon her dignity.

Xiao Lang's own people had no objection, but the group of demigod warriors next to him were unhappy. Xiao Lang's pretending to be high-minded has affected their ability to earn the Purple Sacred Stone.

"Hmph, what pretend to be? Don't stand up if you don't want to take the task..."

"Yes, what kind of stuff? Who do you think you are?"


An unabashed contempt came from nearby, Xiao Lang held his hands tightly, and the veins burst. Xiao Dao and Xiao Demon God glared at him, if Wuhen hadn't grabbed them for the first time, he would have to do it. Dulong also looked at a few people gloomily, and poisonous mist emerged from his body.

Soon the caravan chose a hundred handymen, and all of those 100 handymen entered several tanks, and the guards entered the tanks one after another. The three tails of the wind fox were swaying, and the body was also suspended, flying quickly into the wilderness, only leaving behind shadows, which disappeared instantly.

"The speed is really fast!"

Xiao Lang sighed, and the remaining demigod warriors who had not been selected returned to sit under the city wall, continuing to practice or whispering.

At noon, another caravan came out. Xiao Lang's attitude was much better this time. Xiaodao and others were also told by Xiao Lang to act low-key, but their luck was not so good and they were not selected.

On the morning of the third day, another huge caravan came out, this time with a total of 500 chariots, and Xiao Lang was selected successfully. The six people entered a chariot, which was very spacious but simple, with nothing inside, and more than a dozen semi-sage warriors had been sitting in it quietly.

There were twenty people in a chariot, which was obviously a bit crowded. Everyone could only sit side by side, and there was nowhere to sleep. But since it's here to act as a servant, everyone doesn't have much to say.

The chariot quickly flew in a circle around the city towards the west, and the poisonous bee collar was in the most east of the land of destruction. This cargo was naturally sold to the western city or mountain collar. As for why you exit from the gate here, it is because... there is only one gate in this city.

The speed of the chariot is very fast, but there seems to be a restriction inside the chariot, making everyone feel like sitting cross-legged in the room, without any bumps or vibrations.

Xiao Lang's few people practiced honestly, while the others practiced silently without speaking.

At sunset, the caravan stopped, and a voice sounded in everyone's minds: "All come out to do things, pick up things from me, the service is not good, if there is any problem with Fenghu, immediately get out of it."

Xiao Lang and the others paused, but the rest of the people in the chariot quickly walked out, received a space ring from a general manager, and got busy quickly.

"One hundred and one?"

Xiao Lang took a space ring with a number on it, which clearly indicated which wind fox he was going to serve. Mo Qingqing and others also took the space ring and looked for the wind fox according to their respective numbers.

There are a lot of clean water and some items in the space ring, and there is also a manual indicating how to serve the wind fox. The text was also written in a small seal font. The small knife and others naturally did not understand. Xiao Lang unloaded the ropes of the wind fox from the chariot and brought it over to explain to the small knife Xiao Moshen and others. Everyone began to silently bathe the wind fox with clear water. He took out the food, cooked it and fed it, and helped the wind fox catch the lice and comb the hair...

After busying until midnight, everyone finally made the Fenghu wait more comfortable and settled down before returning to the chariot to continue to meditate.

The life is calm and comfortable, but it is a bit embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it is nothing to put down dignity.

Mo Qingqing also found out that this caravan would pass through hundreds of cities and arrive at Baishiling a year later. It’s not too far away from the Black Snake City where Grandpa Mo Qingqing’s family is located. After arriving at the end, each person can get a thousand Purple Sacred Stones. Of course, if things are not done well, or if they leave privately, there is no Purple Sage. Stone.

The peaceful life was broken after half a month. When the caravan was walking in a wilderness, it was attacked by wild animals.

Venomous swarm!

"All of you fled immediately. This time there are millions of poisonous bees and a few queen bees. We can't protect you. Those who survive can receive a thousand purple sacred stones from me and escape immediately!"

The general manager shook the sky and burst into the ears of all the handymen. Mo Qingqing reacted for the first time, and shot away from the outside, eagerly shouting: "Run away, the queen bee is more powerful than the ancestors, there are in this caravan Countless young bees, they will never give up unless they kill everyone."

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