Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 32: Duel arena

Facts have proved that Mrs. May has not deceived people. When the caravan changed to walk north, countless low-level warriors flooded in from the west. These are low-level warriors who don’t want to get involved in the melee over there, and they also brought accurate news. This time there was indeed a super melee. The reason was that the most precious treasure was found in a relatively weak mountain collar. Scramble, start a melee.

What kind of treasure is it that can cause more than ten Tianzun to snatch? Why didn't the supreme **** Shura, the big boss in the Land of Destruction, come forward to stop it? Xiao Lang and others are not aware of these things.

Xiao Lang had his persistence and principles, but he was not a fool. If they really dared to go to the west with this strength, there would be no bone left.

After going all the way for seven or eight months, they can often see battles between warriors, which makes no sense in God's Domain. Maybe you angered the other person with one look, and he will kill you too.

Xiao Lang's only choice was to follow the caravan to the Xuemei Mountain. The realm of Xiao Devil and the others needed to be consolidated, and Xiao Lang also needed to repay his gratitude. At least he had to find a way to integrate one or two magic skills to make him feel more comfortable. If the kindness owed to others is not repaid, he feels like a throat.

The caravan moved forward quickly, and Xiao Lang began to retreat again, preparing to comprehend the remaining ten magic skills, and studying carefully to see if he could find a fusion point of one or two magic skills. Mo Qingqing and others have also been cultivating a stable state, and Demon God Xiao has also begun to consolidate his divine body.

Due to the melee in the West, the caravan began to run at full speed for fear of being affected. Something happened halfway and was intercepted and robbed by a group of great gods and warriors who escaped from the western mountains. Needless to say, Mrs. May's group of gods killed them and fled.

After more than two months, the caravan entered the Xuemei Mountain leader. This time there are still one or two hundred vehicles in the caravan that have not been sold. This time, the business is obviously a loss, but it is impossible to deal with natural disasters. .

Xiao Lang was not fusing his magical skills, and it wasn't that he didn't work hard. This thing had to pay attention to the point of fit. Not all magical skills can be integrated.

Three months later, the caravan entered a super large city, Xuemei City, the main city led by Xuemei Mountain.

Xiao Lang and the others were all awakened. The Devil Xiao Xiao hadn't succeeded in consolidating his divine body, but he had already condensed seven or eight. This thing doesn't need to be done deliberately, the chaotic aura absorbed in the body and the chalcedony in the purple holy stone can help automatically transform it.

Looking at the towering Xuemei City, everyone felt their own insignificance. In Tianzhou, they could razor a city by themselves, but obviously not in God's Domain. The bluestone built in this city is a special material, which can absorb the energy attacks of everyone. Not to mention razing the city, the great warrior can smash a courtyard.

"Xiao Lang, you are not members of the Mei family, so you can't live in Meizhuang. This is the rule of the Mei family. However, your wife has arranged a small courtyard for you. You can settle there temporarily. Your wife will call you later. of."

Madam Mei was not showing up, and the maid Taozi came to pass a message, and Xiao Lang and others were taken to a small courtyard by guards. After the guards arrived, they explained: "In the city, you can do anything, but you can't do it privately. Otherwise, the wife can't save you. Anything can be solved in the duel arena. That is the only thing in the city. Place. Of course... only one side can come out after entering the duel."

The guard didn't say a word about the rest, Xiao Lang and others didn't care, they were not young and frivolous. How can you provoke others if you are fine? Even if others provoke me, I can't bear it too much.

Xiao Lang and Mo Qingqing had a conversation. Since Heishan Ling was also in a melee right now, it was really not the time to go there. After all, Mo Qingqing's grandfather was just a middle-class family in Black Snake City, and he might be participating in the war at the moment. As for the Xuanyuan mountain collar, don't talk about it. If you want to go there, you have to traverse more than a dozen mountain collars. You can only live first, keep inquiring about the news, and wait for the right time to talk.

Xiao Lang had no intention of going out to hang out, mainly because he was too poor. Not only did Mrs. Mei not give him the Chaos Stone, but also the Purple Sacred Stone. He can walk around the street when he goes out, and can't do anything, so he might as well continue to comprehend the magic skills honestly.

Wuhen and the others didn't want to play, but Mo Qingqing kept going out to inquire about the news, obviously a little anxious inside. Wuhen didn't worry about letting the poisonous dragon follow her, Xiao Lang threw several magical skills to several people to let them understand. Madam Mei didn't say that she could not borrow it, and Xiao Lang would not stick to the rules. Instead, I realized it myself. Even if the secret is returned to Mrs. May, wouldn't it be possible to teach it?

Seven or eight days have passed, and Mrs. May said she wanted to be summoned but there was no news. Xiao Lang didn't care too much. He delved into divine skills and cultivated Chaos Spiritual Qi every day. What makes him a little sad is that he still has no way to condense the divine body. He wanted to ask Mrs. May, but if Mrs. May didn't summon him, he couldn't come to find him, right?

On the tenth day, Xiao Lang was still in retreat, but unexpectedly someone woke up.

The sound transmission was Wuhen, and his tone was very urgent. Xiao Lang knew that something was wrong, so he hurried out of the room, and saw the anxiety and atmosphere of Mo Qingqing's face. Xiao Moshen and Xiaodao didn't see anyone, and Xiao Lang's face immediately sank. Whispered: "What happened?"

"Xiao Lang, I'm sorry, this was caused by me!" Mo Qingqing's face was blue and white, Wuhen interrupted Mo Qingqing's words directly: "The poisonous dragon and the man are about to fight, and the devil and the knife have rushed past."


Mo Qingqing wanted to explain a few more words. Xiao Lang's body had already shot out. Wuhen saw that Mo Qingqing still looked guilty, and quickly shouted, "Lead the way!"

Mo Qingqing woke up, and quickly followed along with Xiao Lang and others to explain. Today Mo Qingqing went to inquire about the news as usual, but the news was very bad, and the Black Mountain leader was defeated. Mo Qingqing didn't pay attention for a while and walked out of her mind, bumping into someone. This was originally a trivial matter, but even though she was dressed in men's clothing, anyone who was not blind could see it. The person who was hit was a member of a small family in the city, so he flirted with him and wanted to lick the oil. The result angered the dragon. Needless to say, the dragon went to the duel with one of the opponent's men.

The dueling arena is in the center of the city. It is quite lively, and there are duels almost every day. After all, the city is so big and there are countless large and small families in it, and disputes will always occur.

When Xiao Lang and the others rushed to the duel, they breathed a sigh of relief. Although the duel was over, it was the poisonous dragon standing on the stage, and the corpse of the warrior on the opposite side was obviously poisoned to death.

"That person..."

Mo Qingqing's eyes locked on a man wearing a red armor. The man was also furious when seeing Mo Qingqing bringing people over. It's just that his subordinates have been brought down by the poisonous dragon. According to the rules of the duel field, this matter should be stopped and no longer entangled.

There are still many people onlookers in the duel arena. Of course, those warriors who have eaten their food and have nothing to do come to watch the excitement. There are free spectatories that don't look for nothing.

"It's okay, Dulong!"

When the poisonous dragon walked off the duel, Xiao Lang greeted him and patted him on the shoulder. The poisonous dragon smiled dumbly and said faintly: "I suffered a little internal injury, no major problem."

"Let's go!"

Wuhen knew the rules of the duel field. After the two sides had a duel, if it were not for a big grievance, they could not continue to entangle themselves, otherwise it would violate the rules of Xuemei City.

They wanted to go, but the other party was a little unhappy. Seven or eight people came from a distance, and the man headed by the red armor stared at the poisonous dragon and shouted, "Want to go? It's not that simple!"

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