Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 34: spy

"how is this possible?"

Young Shao Rong stood up in disbelief. Not only did many people in his field have their eyes full of consternation. Great gods and demigods are completely different concepts. One is a mortal and the other is a god? Xiao Langneng's three or five moves were already very defying, and at this moment he actually killed a great late stage god?

Did Xiao Lang hide his strength?

This is even more impossible, because whether it is a divine body, an innate divine body or an acquired divine body, you can see through it at a glance. What's the problem with Xiao Langshi's mortal body?

Many people thought of the dreamlike little palm. Naturally, there was a reason for the underestimation of the warriors in the later stage of the Great God, but the terrifying power of this little palm was the real killer move.

"Third-class or second-class magic skills?"

Fan Shao's face became serious. He recently fell in love with Rong Shao's younger sister and wanted to have fun, so he was nearby, and Rong Shao happened to ask him for help, so he didn't think much about it.

His family is considered a big family in the city, but he is somewhat unwelcome in the family, but there is still a vision. He pondered for a long time, glanced at the peak of a great **** behind him, and whispered: "Fantasy, you go up and play. Be careful, don't be pecked by eagles!"

Another guard spoke to the master of the duel, and soon the shield of the ring opened. Everything in the city must be respectful of rules and laws. But these are for ordinary warriors, and the law is no different from pamphlet for the children of the big family, and now this Fan Shao obviously belongs to the family with privileges.

"Xiao Lang be careful!"

This momentum is stronger, and it is a master of hundreds of battles, obviously not comparable to Mo Qingqing's peak of the great **** who uses Chaos Stone to ascend to the sky in one step. Xiao Lang just glanced at his eyes and knew that he had encountered the greatest rival in his life.

Xiao Lang didn't speak, stood quietly and didn't make a move, nor did the other party make a move. The two looked at each other like two ferocious beasts, looking for each other's flaws, and killing them with one blow.

After a while, Xiao Lang was defeated, and the opponent's momentum was too strong. His realm is too low to resist. If he continues, his momentum will only get weaker and weaker. If the opponent attacks again, he will be as fierce as a nine-day mad dragon, completely crushing him to death.


The energy on his body surface circulated, and a mist began to appear. This was an auxiliary magical skill among the fifty combat skills given by Mrs. May. It's not very useful, it affects the eyesight of the opponent, so it's just a mystery.

The fog gradually filled the ring. This fog naturally cannot affect the vision of such a great god, but it prevents the sight of people outside. The opponent still didn't move, Xiao Lang could only operate the Heavenly Demon Transformation, release some clones, and slowly rush towards the opponent.

One thousand meters, five hundred meters, three hundred meters!

Xiao Lang moved!

Combining magical skills, the small prajna palm pierced the air, bringing up a scream of piercing the air, which also caused the space to rippling.

Since the opponent doesn't make a move, just lead the snake out of the hole!

"call out!"

The other party was waiting at this moment, his body turned into an afterimage, and even Xiao Lang couldn't see the other party's true shadow. The speed is appalling.

"Crystal Armor!"

Since he couldn't see clearly, he didn't watch it, Xiao Lang immediately released the fusion magic crystal battle armor, and then his soul came out of his body and began to lock the opponent's true body!


A palm came from the space like a ghost, and easily attacked Xiao Lang's back. The Crystal Battle Armor was rippling with water, successfully dissolving the palm of the giant palm that could break the mountain, but the Crystal Battle Armor also burst like a bubble, and Xiao Lang's body also flew up.

It's the right time to bet!

Xiao Lang saw a trace of astonishment flashing in the opponent's eyes. What he wanted was the result. The soul controlled his body to twist forcibly in mid-air, released the God Splitting Hand, and then suddenly grabbed it forward.


Dozens of dragon claws are coming through the air, and there is an electric arc shining in each dragon claw, the breath is extremely terrifying! And with dozens of dragon claws, this great **** pinnacle warrior can't judge that it's just the real body?

At this moment, the soul of this great **** pinnacle warrior is about to break, but what can he do at such a juncture? He can only grit his teeth and ignore the dragon's claws, the energy flowing in his body, a war knife appeared in his hand and then it spins quickly. If Xiao Lang dared to attack, he would definitely be hurt by his whirlwind.

Will Xiao Lang retreat?

The answer is no. How could he give up after getting such an opportunity? At the moment, the crystal armor was condensed on the surface of his body, and the God Splitting Hand continued to grab it!


Flesh and flesh flew across, blood splattered, God Splitting Hand was a little bit stronger because of the blessing power of unicorn claws, and the guard who grabbed the peak of the Great God in close proximity was naturally not a problem. As long as the shield is broken, can this person not die?

However, Xiao Lang was obviously uncomfortable. The Crystal Battle Armor was crushed again, and a crack was drawn in his lower abdomen, and his colorful intestines could be seen.

The mist gradually weakened. Xiao Lang knelt on one knee, holding his belly in his hands, blood was still overflowing in his palms, but he was already closing his eyes and healed his injuries, and his breath had stabilized.

On the other side, the head of the great **** pinnacle warrior has become ragged, a headless corpse is still standing in place, and the scene of the sword in his hand hanging down is bloody.


Fan Shao stood up suddenly, his eyes were shocked, he knew the strength of this man very well. This one has been with him for five or six years, and the family has been ordered to protect him. Was killed by a demigod warrior at this moment? How did he explain to the family after returning?

There was an uproar in the audience. Due to the interference of the prohibition and the mist released by Xiao Lang, they did not see the detailed process of the battle just now. They thought that Xiao Lang would definitely die, but they did not expect that only minor injuries would destroy the pinnacle of a great god. ?


Xiao Dao grinned, Xiao Moshen and Wuhen stared at each other and secretly frightened. They were extremely worried just now, how to say Xiao Lang is not a divine body, and his realm was suppressed to death. But I didn't expect that the Great God Peak was not Xiao Lang's opponent.

The ring was opened, and the poisonous dragon flew up to help Xiao Lang down. Xiao Lang swallowed an elixir, and the movement healed for a while has already healed a lot, at least there is no bleeding from the wound. He didn't say much, just confessed indifferently: "Go back!"

"Shao Fan, they are leaving now!"

Rong Shao saw Xiao Lang and others walk out of the duel, and Fan Shao had a gloomy face and said nothing. Shao Rong died today with two of his subordinates. They were a little bit unbalanced. He was about to provoke a few more words, but he was swept over by Fan Shao.


Fan Shao took the two guards and left. Rong Shao slapped him without any anger. Instead, he followed up. Shao Fan was really angry this time. Obviously, this matter will not end.


When Xiao Lang and the others had just returned to the other courtyard, a group of Xuemei City guards immediately surrounded the entire courtyard. A deity guard captain walked in very domineeringly, glanced at everyone, and Leng Youyou said: "Someone reported that these are the spies of Changfeng collar, all arrested!"

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