Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 38: Leave

The carriage of Mei's house outside was already waiting. Xiao Lang led everyone out. Unexpectedly, when he was at the door, Dulong suddenly said: "Master, I won't go, I will only follow the master in this life!"

Xiao Lang was shocked and was about to persuade him a few words. Dulong’s voice transmission came again: "Master, don’t persuade, where are you in this life, I will not leave unless you kill me."

Xiao Lang was speechless for a while, how could this half-dragon man be so mindless? Have a future with him? It's just that he insisted that Xiao Lang didn't have much to say, and the voice transmission of Wuhen and the others left Dulong behind.

The few of them were all great lords, and they didn't bother, but the knife was a little afraid to look at Xiao Lang, so he bowed his head in silence. Mo Qingqing looked at Xiao Lang with complicated eyes, but Xiao Moshen's eyes were flat, without a trace, arched his hands.

Xiao Lang didn't say any nonsense such as taking care, and everyone didn't say anything, everything was silent. The carriage left quickly, Xiao Lang and Dulong stood at the door, watching the carriage go further and further, the figure gradually became lonely...

"Poison Dragon, tell you something, I am the abandoned body of the gods. I am destined to not be able to condense the gods in this life. Therefore, there will be no great achievements in this life. If you change your mind, I can still take you to Mei's house now. !" Looking at the distant street, Xiao Lang spoke lightly with the crowds around him.

The poisonous dragon followed Xiao Lang's gaze and looked forward. There was no mood swing on the dull face. He calmly said, "Master, the poisonous dragon doesn't speak much, but you are the owner of the poisonous dragon all your life."

"Go in, have two drinks!"

Xiao Lang turned around, barely showing a smile on his face, patted Dulong on the shoulder, led him into the courtyard, took out some fine wine, and the two of them drank each other.

This day Xiao Lang drank a lot and was very drunk. For the first time after he came to God’s Domain, he was drunk. Perhaps he was a little bit sad about his physique, perhaps because he parted ways with his brother, a little sad, or he was a little confused about his dark future. , Or maybe I miss my relatives far away in Tianzhou...

Dulong was not drunk, but after Xiao Lang was completely drunk, he helped him to the bed. Looking at the depressed Xiao Lang, a smile appeared on Dulong's mune face, and he muttered to himself: "Master, do you know that our race is very difficult to transform? Is it ordinary people who can help us transform? People? The poisonous dragon is waiting for you to soar into the sky."


Xiao Lang didn't stay in Xuemei City for too long, he had already transferred the 30 magic skills to Madam Mei. They had been arranged to enter Mei's house, and Xiao Lang had no worries about the future. He saw people very accurately, Mrs. May was such a character, and he said he would take care of them with the knife, so he didn't worry anymore.

He is going to leave!

The Great God Tianyu said that his remnant soul can only be retained for three years, and more than a year has passed now. The Great God Tianyu was kind to him, it wasn't him that Xiao Lang was killed by Yun Zishan long ago, so he had to go to Xuanyuan Mountain.

Now that he had made up his mind, Xiao Lang immediately got busy and went to the city lord’s mansion to investigate news and tasks. After three days, he got a message that a small caravan was going to the West Wanyan leader to gather the guards, and Wanyan Ling and Xuanyuan Mountain are two adjacent mountain collars.

The melee among the dozen or so mountain leaders is not over yet, but there are always people in this world who are not afraid of death. As long as they have benefits, they will naturally dare to take risks.

Xiao Lang and Dulong became glorious members of the guards, of course, this is mainly because of the face of Dulong. The poison dragon was in the late stage of the Great God at this moment, and the venom was still very cruel, so it was naturally attracted by the caravan, and Xiao Lang also took a ride.

The caravan set out after two days. There were not many chariots but nearly a hundred, and there were only a few hundred guards, and they were all in the Great Divine Realm. There were only two gods, which was far behind the Mei's caravan. .

The caravan walked out of the city and began to assemble handymen. Xiao Lang sat on the chariot pedal and looked at the city behind him in silence. In the dimness, he seemed to see Xiao Moshen and others waving goodbye to him in a courtyard.

"call out!"

Suddenly a black innuendo came, and Xiao Lang grabbed it and discovered that it was Space Ring. When he was surprised, a familiar voice sounded: "This is for you, madam. She asked me to tell you a good journey and have time to come back to play. play!"

A figure flashed away at the gate of the city, Xiao Lang swept the space ring, his eyes suddenly shrank, because there were one hundred thousand purple sacred stones in the ring, and one...Chaos Stone!

Since Mrs. Mei knew that she was the abandoned body of the gods, she even presented such a precious Chaos Stone? This thing is a million purple sacred stone, and it is not something that ordinary people can buy. Mo Qingqing Wuhen and the others have refined this thing before their strength soared.

He is destined to not be able to condense his body in this life, and Mrs. May's previous investment was wasted. Continue to waste now? This made Xiao Lang feel very uncomfortable, but he was even more grateful for Madam May. If it was a win-win situation before, at this moment Xiao Lang was completely regarded as a friend.

The caravan was pulled out soon, but the chariot was the same chariot, and it was very fast, but Xiao Lang felt like a dream in his heart. Feeling the city going farther and farther behind him, he sighed for a long time, wondering if he could meet his brothers in this life?

There are not many things to guard, just on duty at night, encountering wild beasts or bandits to come forward and kill. This trip to Wanyanling would take a year or two if it went well. After arriving at Wanyanling, a low-level guard like Xiao Lang could get 10,000 Purple Sacred Stones.

The price can be said to be very high, but Xiao Lang didn't care. Sitting in the chariot, he instead thought of the Wanyan Ruoshui who was as bright as a bright moon. This time I just went to Wanyanling. I wonder if I can meet the allure woman who fascinated men in the world again? And the twin sisters who are famous in God's Domain with her Huawanyan Ruyu?

The caravan guards watched the night every five days, so Xiao Lang did not refine the Chaos Stone. In fact, he thinks that it is a waste to refine Chaos Stone. It is a luxury for someone who is destined to have no great achievements to refine such a precious Chaos Stone...

Xiao Lang gave the one hundred thousand purple sacred stones donated by Mrs. Mei to 40 thousand Dulong, allowing him to further consolidate his strength. He also began to refine the purple sacred stone. The energy gold beads in the one thousand and eight acupoints were still very small. This journey was extremely dangerous, and it was useless to keep the purple sacred stone.

The poisonous dragon was a ferocious venom in the late stage of the Great God, and was considered highly valued by the leader of the caravan, and was given a separate chariot. The two of them did not have time to watch the night, so they both closed up and began to practice.

Two days later, a sound rang in Dulong's ears. Dulong opened his eyes and woke up Xiao Lang. He said in a deep voice, "The master has a wild beast, and it's time to fight!"


Xiao Lang put away a purple sacred stone that had not been refined, and shot out. This caravan is more than just a club for him. The caravan was destroyed, and he couldn't go to Wanyanling, so he must try his best to keep the caravan.

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