Finally, LV Xian found the trace of clouds in a thick layer of clouds.

Behind it, a silver bird chases after it, and its breath is pleasant. It is the strongest of the big demon!

"My God, is this Yin Xupeng?"

LV Xian's eyesight was excellent. She saw the identity of the monster chasing yunyun at a glance.

What surprised LV Xian was that there was a big demon of Yin Xupeng here.

What does this big demon of Yin Xupeng want after yunyun?

"Yun Yun, I'm coming. Come here quickly!"

The clouds in the sky heard LV Xian's voice and quickly flew in the direction of LV Xian.

LV Xian and Youying quickly stopped in front of yunyun.

"Stop, what are you chasing yunyun for?"

LV Xian directly opened the thunder pattern, and the surging thunder force surged on the body surface.

The shadow is more cruel, and the virtual shadow of the dark devil, evil god and tiger appears behind it.

The powerful blood vessels made the Yin Xupeng fear in his eyes, and the speed slowed down.

With such strong blood, how can you appear in such a place? "

Yin Xupeng questioned curiously. After all, there are basically no such powerful races in such places.

Lu Xian's face was cold and did not give the silver virtual Peng face at all.

"What do you mean by chasing my contract beast? I want you to give me an explanation."

Yin Xupeng showed a humanized shock in his eyes and looked at LV Xian carefully.

"Are you the demon master of the Terran? Are these two monsters your contract beasts?"

"Yes, they are all the contract beasts of LV Xian."

Hearing LV Xian's own admission, Yin Xupeng began to talk with LV Xian.

"Terran boy, you are really young and promising. Even the Royal demons of our yinxupeng family are accepted as contract beasts by you."

After that, there was no hostility. The attitude of Yin Xupeng made LV Xian confused.

What does Yin Xupeng want to do? He speaks so politely.

"Excuse me, what do you want to do after my contract beast?"

The silver virtual Peng didn't say, and the clouds around him began to tell the truth.

"Brother, what do these people say is that I go back to be the king. King Peng is dying and asks me to go back to manage the yinxupeng family."

LV Xian was shocked and thought it was something very serious. It turned out to be a great good thing.

This is a group of younger brothers. LV Xian can't slow down.

Ask yunyun to inherit the throne, but yunyun still doesn't agree.

No, Lu Xian suddenly had an impulse to directly put clouds into this silver virtual Peng.

Yunyun continued to look at LV Xian innocently, and then said Nuo Nuo

"I don't want to be a king. I want to always be by my brother's side and protect my brother."

When Lu Xian heard yunyun's words, she couldn't help warming her heart.

Yunyun has considered himself in everything. It's really warm.

And LV Xian also lamented yunyun's simplicity, which had to thank herself for not instilling bad ideas into yunyun.

LV Xian mercilessly praised herself in her heart, and then said to another silver virtual Peng.

"So you want yunyun to be king. In this way, discuss me with yunyun and give you an answer at that time."

Yin Xupeng nodded

"OK, I yinliang is waiting for you here, just for the future of my yinxupeng family!"

After stabilizing the silver beam, LV Xian turned and began to deceive yunyun.

No, how can this be called deception? The LV Xian thief smiled happily.

"Yunyun, my brother takes you to have a look. My brother hopes you can become a king. After becoming a king, yunyun can better protect his brother."

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