"Hey, it's up to you three to see if our yinxupeng family can survive this crisis. Don't waste so many of my treasures."

Outside, the meaning of fighting is soaring, and the sound of fighting is mixed.

Deep in the valley, three divine lights of different colors intertwined with each other, and their strength increased steadily.

LV Xian's physical strength has stepped into the dual level of Wu Shuai, and the first thunder pattern has been made into a great success. The power of a whole Lei Ling Stone has such power.

Lu Xian licked her lips

"It's a pity that there is only one Lei Ling Stone. If there are more than ten pieces, my first Lei pattern will be perfect."

If King Peng hears it, he must roll his eyes. This Lei Ling Stone is enough to cause looting.

You boy still wants more than a dozen Lei Ling stones. How many do you want when it's a roadside stone?

Yunyun's side is awe inspiring and stays by yunyun's side and doesn't want to leave.

It seems that the wind in this space is only under the jurisdiction of clouds.

"Brother, there are many more moves in my mind. I feel very strong."

Lu Xian was delighted that the fragments of the sigh of the wind had such an effect.

It's really a surprise that he can bring other talents to yunyun.

LV Xian called out yunyun's attribute template.

Contract beast: Yun Yun

Experience: 5683

Blood: all levels, three grades and inferior

Realm: big demon Level 3

Talent: speed, silver warhead, Silver Feather arrow, Silver Feather cutting, silver breaking, silver light eye, wind harp

Magic power: sigh of the wind (fragment)

It has been promoted to the third level of the big demon so soon. The speed of promotion is really fast.

This makes LV Xian a little Alexander. Their strength has improved so fast. Isn't he at the bottom.

After yunyun finished his cultivation, the shadow came to an end.

At the moment, the shadow is murderous and deliberately stirs the wind and cloud.

LV Xian seemed to see a sea of corpses and blood, and the prestige of countless strong men was pressed out.

"I just understand the potential in the stone tablet of killing God. I can't understand it. My strength is not enough."

Less than 10%, LV Xian was even more surprised. To know the blood of the dark devil, evil god and tiger, coupled with the power of the God killing tablet, it was a perfect match.

Now the power of Youying has also successfully reached level 5 of the big demon, and its strength has improved rapidly.

"This stone tablet also contains many talents, which I have memorized."

Hearing the words of Youying, LV Xian laughed wildly in her heart and got up and bowed respectfully to Wang Peng.

"Thank you, old Peng Wang's baby. This time our strength has soared. This crisis of yinxupeng family is up to us."

Then he quickly walked out of the valley with clouds and shadows.

The clouds rolled up the wind and carried LV Xian and Youying to the outside of the valley.

This is yunyun's understanding of the wind. As long as she is where she is, her control of the wind is absolute.

When I arrived outside the valley, I saw a scene full of corpses and blood.

Yin Xupeng and purple MOON WOLF are fighting over the body.

Countless bodies fell down one after another. For a time, they looked like a sea of corpses.

You Ying's eyes brightened

"It's all demon pills. I'm going to send them this time. I won't worry about my food in the future."

As soon as his body rose to the size of a hill, he jumped out.


A tiger roar startled the mountain forest. The purple moon wolves only felt their blood tremble, and their bodies stopped unconsciously.

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