"Lao Peng Wang, please take this elixir quickly. I can hold it for a while."

After fighting with the wolf king for so long, Lao Peng must have spent a lot of strength.

The wolf king, who has only half of his strength, should be able to resist with his current self.

It doesn't take too long, as long as Lao Peng Wang completely absorbs the efficacy of Jiuchi Golden Lotus.

LV Xian made a plan in her heart and quickly performed the magic of resisting demons.

Yun Yun and Youying immediately entered LV Xian's body. The aura of the ocean pushed LV Xian into the eighth level of Wu Shuai territory!

Compared with before, they have fully improved two small realms, which shows how much benefit they get in the wolf family treasure house.

LV Xian took a deep breath and looked at the wolf shadow in front of him.

The wolf's claw, which was constantly stretched out towards himself, met LV Xian's body surface and was immediately destroyed by Lei Ling.

Because of the thunder and lightning on LV Xian's body, these wolf shadows dare not get close to LV Xian.

"Eh? These wolf shadows seem to be afraid of my jiuxiao golden thunder body."

Seeing this phenomenon, Lu Xian can instantly conclude that he is the essence of the king of the moon.

The wolf king was also a little surprised

"Old fellow, your vision is still so good. The human boys you are looking for are so difficult. Your physique actually carries the power of thunder."

The wolf king smiled insidiously. He looked murderous and almost solidified his blood.

"Hum, is it so murderous? That may not be enough to see the wolf king."


A thick murderous spirit swept out like a sea of corpses.

Taking advantage of this time, Lao Peng Wang quickly swallowed the nine foot Golden Lotus into his stomach.

As soon as Jiuchi Golden Lotus entered the abdomen, it melted instantly and turned into a strong aura, with a steady stream of vitality.

Transforming the body of Lao Peng Wang, every inch of flesh and blood seems to be reborn under the effect of Jiuchi Golden Lotus.

Lao Peng Wang Yijing

"What kind of magic medicine is this? It has this effect."

His old body seemed like a dead tree in spring. His cultivation, which had been stagnant for a long time, was also loosened at the moment.

Qi and blood is like a volcano, ending its deep sleep and starting a new wave of explosion.

The wolf king is like a lion fighting a rabbit, shooting at a meteoric speed.

"Human boy, die!"

Sirius fist

The huge wolf shadow swallowed up the full moon, the terrible power shook the earth, and the whole silver border was shaking.

"Is this the power above the big demon? It makes people feel war."

Lu Xian's blood was boiling, and lightning turned into a thunder snake and coiled around him.

Rolling thunder light falls on the earth, and the body is cast like divine iron.

"Sirius fist, then I'll show you the power of the dark devil evil god tiger!"


A huge ghost of the evil spirit tiger appeared, a tiger roared and the mountains and rivers throbbed.

The endless magic light shines, and all the monsters are courtiers. A claw covering the sky and earth bombards the Sirius fist of the wolf king.

"My fist represents the dark devil evil god tiger. It's called Tianlei evil god fist!"

With one blow, the heavens tremble

Compared with the Sirius fist of the wolf king, it was no less than that. It didn't fall behind at all.

Two terrible forces collided together, and the towering column of light stirred the clouds and clouds of the nine days.


"Ha ha, the wolf king is just like this. I, LV Xian, will crush you sooner or later!"

Lu Xian was full of war spirit, like a god of war coming back to the world to conquer this world.

Dragon elephant fist!

Lu Xian blew out another punch, and the ancient dragon elephant trampled on the earth.

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