"These Lei Ling stones should be enough for me to condense a second Lei Wen."

LV Xian directly plunged into the leiling stone pile, and the overbearing force of lightning rushed out and drilled into LV Xian's body.


The endless thunder and lightning will submerge LV Xian. Yulei will run to control all the thunder and lightning.

Outside the house, passers-by could see a piece of thunder enveloping here, and no one stopped to watch.

"What's the situation here? How can there be thunder and lightning? Is it Lu Xian practicing?"

"The lightning contains spirit. We can't get close at all. Although LV Xian has strong strength, it's impossible to bear these lightning."

"In this way, it is only possible that the great energy passing by stops here to practice."


More and more disciples gathered outside the door, and even some elders appeared.

Because the movement here is so great that people really doubt whether Da Neng can practice here.

Jiuxiao golden thunder quickly devours these thunder and lightning, and the thunder patterns float out of the body. The violent force rushes into jiuxiao and stirs the wind and cloud.

Just for a moment, a huge hole cloud appeared in the sky!

Under the pressure of heavy clouds, a huge hole appeared in the middle, in which some thunder and electricity were brewing.

LV Xian is brewing a lightning feast from the sky with the help of lightning potential.

Lu Xian's eyes were as bright as fire. She looked through Kyushu and reached the clouds in the sky through the eaves.

"Thunder and lightning? Then come more violently!"

LV Xian stood up and waved countless thunder snakes into the sky. Thunder snakes were like clouds, just like dragons entering the sea.

A lightning was completely formed, and huge lightning pillars surged in the clouds.

The onlookers were frightened by the noise and immediately backed away for fear of being affected by lightning.

LV Xian in the room flashed and appeared in the air the next moment.

Rolling thunder covered his body, so that people under him could not see his face.

Thunder and lightning rumbled down, and LV Xian greedily absorbed these thunder and lightning.

The thunder pattern grows rapidly, and there is a faint sign of splitting the second thunder pattern.

This sign made LV Xian happy.

"Is the second Lei Wen finally coming out?"

LV Xian worked harder to absorb the power of lightning. The whole person was like a bottomless pit, which had no end.

The act of swallowing thunder and lightning fell in the eyes of others, but it was an unimaginable thing.

"Those who practice here don't know who they are. They can be fearless of lightning."

"Although this is not Tianlei, it's not something our generation can resist. It's great power without loss."

"If only I could be a disciple of Da Neng, I really hope Da Neng can accept me as an apprentice."

LV Xian closed his five senses and absorbed the power of lightning wholeheartedly.

The second thunder pattern successfully appeared, which raised LV Xian's physical strength to the triple level of Wu Shuai territory.

Lightning slowly disappeared, leaving only a trace of arc floating around LV Xian.

The disciples and elders at the bottom were breathing more and more quickly. They could finally block up the elder's face.

Yang Ping was hidden in the crowd. He was very excited and the whole person ran out.

"Elder, elder, I came to beg you to accept me as an apprentice."

Yang Ping looked up excitedly. What he saw was LV Xian's face, which kept him awake all night.

He wanted to worship Da Neng as a teacher and avenge LV Xian! But why does your face appear?

"Lu Xian, why are you here, the elder?"

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