Thunderbolt son forcibly stabilized the changes in his body and looked at LV Xian in shock.

The roar of ten thousand dragons really shocked thunderbolt.

"Shocked? Believe me, you'll die in my hands at most."

The whole Wanjin shopping mall was stunned. This thunderbolt was the famous King of Wu for a long time.

Now he was beaten by a hairy boy who didn't know where to come out and bled.

"Who the hell is this boy? Even thunderbolt is not an opponent."

"I don't know. Is it the new king of Wu? But there is no sign of breaking through the king of Wu during this period of time."

LV Xian looked at pilizi with ridicule. Now he hasn't used the inheritance of the God King.

Despite the inheritance of the divine king, there are not many moves he can use now.

But even if it's just a move, you can easily kill thunderbolt.

LV Xian slowly raised a finger. This time it was no longer driven by aura, but divine power!

Divine power, this is the most powerful force in the world, beyond the existence of all dharmas.


"Last time my heavenly finger didn't crush you, this time you will die completely under my heavenly finger."

LV Xian quickly gathered her strength on her index finger. The index finger falling on the nine days was more solid, as if it were a real finger.

Countless laws and profound meanings are condensed in one finger.

Even the wolf king was moved by the power of this finger because it had the power of law.

The people in Wanjin mall were stunned one by one. Is this power really what a young man should have?

You know, LV Xian looks only 18 years old.

Just 18 years old, do you already have stronger power than thunderbolt?

"God, I have a feeling that thunderbolt seems to be dying."

"How is this possible? No matter how strong he is, he can't be strong enough to kill King Wu

You should know that King Wu has communicated with the law. Unless the law is erased, it can't be killed. "

Lu Xian smiled, only controlling the finger falling from the nine sky.

Before, he simply couldn't control Tianzhi, but now, it's completely with his own mind.


Thunderbolt was heavily pointed by LV Xian and defeated to the ground from the air.


Thunderbolt's sternum was broken, and a mouthful of blood immediately vomited out.

"I don't believe it. It's only three months. How could you think of it so soon?"

"I came out of the cursed forest alive. There are the bones of King Wu's dead everywhere. Do you dare to go in like me?"

LV Xian looked at thunderbolt with disdain. His divine power gathered into a knife and crossed thunderbolt's neck.


The cold light flashed and the blood light splashed.

Thunderbolt son was very unwilling to fall in front of LV Xian and felt the loss of vitality in his body.

Ma Tian and the wolf king looked at LV Xian in horror. What happened in the past three months?

LV Xian made such great progress that she barely reached half step King Wu three months ago.

Three months later, with half a step of the strength of King Wu, three moves can strongly suppress King Wu.

This cursed forest, as expected, is still the same as the legend. Can it bring earth shaking changes to people?

The onlookers also sounded the same exclamation as the tide.

"Lv Xian is so strong that he killed the king of Wu."

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