LV Xian's strength has improved rapidly. These two rules are really powerful.

LV Xian's whole breath has changed, if he was a king before.

Now LV Xian is the king who orders all!

Lu Xian has two pupils, one of which surges the five element law and the other accommodates the law of life and death.

The five elements and life and death are the foundation of this world. LV Xian has touched some things that only saints can touch.

LV Xian slowly put her breath into her body.

All the visions were calm. LV Xian saw the stunned sun Tian ahead.

Sun Tian is completely ignorant now. He has been ignorant since just now.

Seeing the appearance of the gods and the disappearance of the falling land, I saw the great improvement of LV Xian's strength.

It didn't take long before and after that. It really changed too much.

Now LV Xian has finally returned to normal, and sun Tian is finally going to speak.

"Lv Xian, what happened? Why can't I feel the existence of the gods?"

Lu Xian smiled. What should I say

"Master Sun Tian, the gods have left the fallen land and are in another space

This is equivalent to that your task of keeping God has been completed, and you are now free! "

Sun Tian is demented. What incredible things did he hear?

I'm free!

Sun Tian was trembling with excitement. He had been trapped in this place for many years.

I dream of leaving here, but the land where the gods fell has always bound me.

Now I'm free and I don't have to be bound by the falling land anymore.

"After so many years, can I finally see the world now?"

Lu Xian suddenly thought about something.

He came to sun Tian and asked a very understanding question.

"Master Sun Tian, you are free now. You might as well follow me to see this world."

"Follow you to see this world?"

Sun Tian was lost in thought, but LV Xian was nervous. It was related to whether he could have a bodyguard of a semi God strong man.

You know, the demigod strong is the strongest in this world now!

LV Xian felt that her idea was really wonderful. She thought of this method for herself. She was really too smart.

Sun Tian thought for a while and decided to follow LV Xian to see the present world.

"I'd like to go with you."


LV Xian really loves this cursed forest. Where is this cursed forest.

It's my own lucky forest. I get a great harvest every time I come.

Now the best opportunities in the cursed forest have been given by themselves. It is estimated that they don't have to come in the future.

"Master Sun Tian, follow me closely. I'll take you to see the world now."

Lu Xian turned into a thunder and lightning. Without the power of the gods, the curse of the forest is gradually disappearing.

In a few months, the fierce place that turns people pale will completely change its name.


Two lights penetrated the ancient well and came all the way outside the Heavenly City.

Only here is the most suitable place for sun Tian to vent his happiness.

Sun Tian has been trapped for so long. He will definitely want to vent.

Outside Tiancheng, there are mountains and trees everywhere. No one will be there.

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