Chu Yun jumped up excitedly

"Is this Qingcheng? It's so beautiful. It's much better than those palaces in my family."

Lu Xian smiled bitterly. Chu Yun really didn't know his happiness in his blessing.

Does she know that the palaces she despises are what many people dream of?

Countless people want to obtain noble status and want to be born in the imperial world.

But Chu Yun doesn't like it. This is their envy of each other's life.

They came to Qingcheng, which was completely different from Tiancheng.

The whole city feels green because it is near the mountain.

The walls of Qingcheng are all deep stone mines excavated from the depths of the mountains.

These deep rock mines are as solid as a rock, and only the strong of King Wu can break them.

And after years of baptism, they are all covered with green moss.

Now Qingcheng and Dashan are together without any sense of disobedience.

Zhu Zheng walked in front. The soldiers at the gate saw Zhu Zheng's face and immediately stood in awe.

"Lord, are you back?"

"Well, these are my friends in the back. Open the door and let me in."



The heavy gate opened slowly, and LV Xian finally saw the face of Qingcheng behind the gate.

It was a green brick street, full of comfort everywhere.

"Is this Qingcheng? It's a good place for the elderly."

Chu Yun looked around and thought it was very beautiful. There was no extravagant beauty of the imperial palace. There were natural beauty and simple beauty everywhere.

Zhu Zheng's pride on his face has become much stronger. He can satisfy a military emperor and princess, which makes him happy.

"Please come with me and come with me to my city master's residence

I'll send someone to collect all the information about the dark organization. "

LV Xian nodded and followed Zhu Zheng to the city master's house. Zhu Zheng's city master's house is not in the middle of Qingcheng.

But on the other side near the mountain, this architectural style made LV Xian very curious.

"Master Zhu Zheng, why did you set the city master's residence here?"

"It's here because this green mountain is the patron saint of Qingcheng

It is said that this green mountain was blessed by the mountain god and has always blessed the land of Qingcheng. "

LV Xian heard the familiar words, the protection of Mountain God?

Mountain God, this guy actually goes to protect a mountain. Is there anything different about this mountain?

"Master Zhu Zheng, go and ask someone to collect information about the dark organization

I'll wait for you here with the princess. Lord Yao Yue can also go out and inquire. "

LV Xian did it and directly moved a task to Yao Yue.

But you still need money to ask the ghost to push the mill, not to mention this kind of old man essence.

LV Xian took out a drop of Huaqing spirit pool water from the demon space.

"Lord Yao Yue, you should be able to enter the Emperor Wu after swallowing this drop of water from Huaqing lingchi."


Yao Yue looked at LV Xian excitedly. It has been his wish for many years to break through the emperor of Wu.

But after working hard for so long, there is still no progress.

Even when I watched LV Xiandu's heavenly punishment before, it only brought him one step closer to the Emperor Wu, and then there was no substantive change.

Now that Lu Xian gave himself a drop of lingchi water, he could break through to the emperor of Wu. How could he not be excited?

Yao Yue carefully took over the Huaqing lingchi water handed over by LV Xian.

"Lv Xian, thank you for giving me this opportunity. When Yao Yue becomes the emperor of martial arts, I'll let you send me."

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