Countless days of thunder fell and turned into thunder pillars, circling around LV Xian.

The flowing arc is like an electric snake, which makes people palpitate.

"Oh? The power of Tianlei, but even the power of Tianlei can't match the realm of saints."

Lu Xian smiled, and the divine power in her body was her greatest dependence.

The four thunder pillars were waved by themselves and fell directly to Liang Tu.

"Come on, I haven't fought with the realm of saints yet."

Liang Tu's face shows disdain. He is a saint in this world.

He is the strongest, standing at the top of the strength pyramid.

"Do you think these four heavenly thunder pillars can trap me? It's just wishful thinking!"

As a saint, the law into the body, a holy blood can deter demons.

One hand can mobilize the power of heaven and earth. What if you are a divine power.

The four thunder pillars are comfortable, and the terrible thunder falls together.

Liang Tu Leng hum, raised his hand to his head, and an invisible barrier blocked Tianlei.


LV Xian was surprised. He didn't expect that the realm of saints was so strong.

"Sure enough, I underestimated the saints in the world, but I may not be able to break through your defense."

LV Xian waved and opened the space to resist the demon, and the three appeared.

"I haven't let you exercise for a long time. Now let's loosen your muscles and bones."

"Ding, you make yunyun feel happy, experience + 9999!"

"Ding, you make Youying feel happy, experience + 9999!"

"Ding, you make Mingming feel happy, experience + 9999!"


All of a sudden, nearly 30000 experience arrived. When Lu Xian found out their strength, he was stunned.

All are demon emperor level 9!

Liang Tu and the ghost were shocked. LV Xian was so powerful that she was still a demon master.

And the power of the contract beast is so much stronger than itself.

Seeing the strength of the three of them, LV Xian was blinded. Did these guys eat up all the treasures in their demon control space

Otherwise, why did you ascend so fast and reach this point.

LV Xian hurried into the demon space consciously. Seeing that the king ginseng lingchi was still safe, LV Xian was relieved.

"Great. I thought these black sheep had hollowed out my family."

Yunyun three are eager to look at Liang Tu and the ghost behind him.

Youying: "it's so interesting to be in the realm of two saints. I've been taught and practiced by the gods for a long time

I'm going to explode the cultivation of Lao Tzu. Today I'll check and accept the cultivation results. "

Yunyun and Mingming express their recognition that the sage in front of us is the best practice.

Yunyun: "brother, don't use the magic method first. Let me have a good play first."

LV Xian nodded. He didn't worry that yunyun three would suffer.

After all, it is taught by the gods and is above them anyway.

Liang Tu sneered. Even if it's a contract beast, can it still be like this boy.

Do they all have divine power? In the present world, divine power is not so cheap.

"Even if there are three nine level contract beasts, let me teach you how to be a man!"


Liang Tu raised his hand high and mobilized the heavens to press down.

The earth is shaking, and the smell of terror is palpitating.

Clouds turn into human form, and the law of wind and the law of space merge.

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