"Who are you? This is the holy courtyard of Tiandao Pavilion. People without permission can't get close to it easily."

The two guards at the door stopped LV Xian.

"Who am I? I'm the one who came to make trouble in your Tiandao Pavilion."

LV Xian sneered and asked Ye Fan to go without doing anything. These are just some martial king Jiuchong.

It's not worth doing it yourself. Let Ye Fan practice.

I just gave the boy a whole suit, and at least it's also the spirit of the earth. Anyway, it should have its own style. It's invincible in the territory of King Wu.

"Ye Fan, these people will teach you to deal with them. Don't let me down."

"OK, master, I will make a quick decision."

Ye Fan's breath gushes out crazily, like a mountain rising from the ground.

The thick earth breath swirls around Ye Fan, and the earth suit is worn by Ye Fan.

Immediately, Ye Fan's power was raised to the point of half a step of Wuhuang.

The power of the earth and a steady stream of power poured into Ye Fan.

Earth seal!

Ye Fan's hands are bound and printed, and a yellow spiritual seal emits a thick smell.

It was like hundreds of mountains hovering in Ye Fan's hands, and the earth under his feet fell a bit.

"I'll show mercy. I'm not an innocent person."

Ye Fan moved the huge seal in his hand and smashed it at the two men.


The force like the collapse of mountains and rivers pounced on them.

The two guards couldn't resist this powerful force at all.


The guard fell to the ground, and the loud noise attracted countless people to stop.

"It's really brave of someone to make trouble in Tiandao Pavilion."

"Hum, look, these people will soon be killed by Tiandao Pavilion."


They are all looking out tens of meters and dare not move forward. No one is sure what will happen next.

If it is the upper class power of Tiandao Pavilion, it will be suppressed with a strong hand.

Wouldn't that involve themselves? They don't want to do such dangerous things.

Many disciples came out of the Tiandao Pavilion, all of them low-level Wuhuang.

"Where did you come from? You dare to make trouble in our Tiandao Pavilion."

"Are you blind? Can't you see where this is, Tiandao pavilion?"

Those are a group of extremely arrogant boys, all of whom are as old as Ningchuan.

When they saw Ye Fan, they became arrogant.

Seven or eight people surrounded Ye Fan. LV Xian was ignored by them and only thought he was a follower of Ye Fan.

After all, talented people will have several followers around them.

If ye fan dares to make trouble in Tiandao Pavilion, he must have some capital.

Ye Fan, wearing the earth suit, pays no attention to the group of people around him.

I'm wearing a semi holy weapon! This is only a half step sage can give full play to his full strength.

These people are just low-level Wuhuang. They can't even break through their own defense.

Stand here and let them fight. They can't kill themselves.

It is because of this earth suit that ye fan has this confidence.

"Let's go together. I, Ye Fan, can defeat you alone!"

The arrogant tone and rebellious look stimulated this group of people at once.

Their high self-esteem immediately pricked.

"Damn it, this boy is so arrogant. Let's teach him a lesson!"

"If I don't kill you today, I'll be a student of Tiandao Pavilion."

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