No one else is there. Xiaobai can't stand himself anymore.

Xiaobai floats directly in front of Ye Fan and hugs Ye Fan tightly.

Ye Fan also hugged Xiaobai tightly and knew it after separation.

Two people know how important each other is to themselves.

So they held each other silently, as if they were the only one left in the world.

Outside the room

Cheng Yang suddenly stopped LV Xian and made LV Xian confused.

"Lord Cheng Yang, don't you know what you want to do when you stop me?"

Cheng Yang sighed. The look on his face was very dignified.

"Do you know why I want a saint?"

"Isn't it just to revive the grandeur of your Tiandao pavilion?"

Cheng Yang smiled bitterly. After all, the previous misunderstanding was too deep.

"That's just an external statement. In fact, the Tiandao Pavilion is the most glorious period since its establishment

Why should I waste that Kung Fu? That's not the real purpose. "


LV Xian was surprised. Could it be that there was something hidden in it.

"I don't know what your purpose is, Lord Cheng Yang."

Cheng Yang sighed long and helpless, even now he is a saint.

But there is still nothing we can do about it.

"Do you know the purpose of Tiandao pavilion?"

LV Xian shook her head. He really didn't know what the purpose of Tiandao pavilion was.

Cheng Yang took out a bamboo slip and gave it to LV Xian, and then described it like a trickle.

"I am the first leader of Tiandao Pavilion. The purpose of establishing Tiandao Pavilion is to resist the invasion of foreign demons!"

LV Xian was surprised. The external devil? This is the first time I've heard of such a thing.

LV Xian didn't interrupt and continued to listen to Cheng Yang.

"In ancient times, external demons crossed the continent. At that time, there were few saints

The first cabinet leader summoned all the saints to set up a Tiandao pavilion to train saints to resist external demons. "

LV Xian suddenly realized that this was the purpose of the establishment of Tiandao Pavilion.

Now Lord Cheng Yang is willing to reveal this problem to himself. There must be something wrong with the external devil.

"Lord Cheng Yang, I don't know if the external demons are making a comeback?"

Cheng Yang nodded heavily

"Originally, the power of the saints drove the demons out of the mainland and set up a large array

But now there is often a trace of exorcism around the border. "

Cheng Yang's face is dignified. Now it seems that the big array has not had much power after too many years.

LV Xian's face was dignified. Now he really didn't know anything about external demons.

"Lord Cheng Yang, can you tell me what kind of race exorcism is?"

"Everything is recorded in the bamboo slips I gave you."

Hearing the speech, LV Xian opened the bamboo slips and browsed them carefully.

In ancient times, foreign demons invaded, which was a group of demonic races, silkworm cannibals and everything on the mainland.

The prosperous mainland has been devastated by the torment of foreign demons

All saints of the Terran race rise up, among which there are more than 100 peak saints.


After reading it, LV Xian already had a general understanding of the external demons.

Even the situation in ancient times has a bottom in mind.

There were ripples in LV Xian's heart. Our ancestors tried their best to bring peace to us now. We can't just break it.

"Where is the big array of Lord Cheng Yang? Now take me to have a look."

"OK, I'll take you right away."

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