This sentence was so low that he could only hear it himself.

With that, Tiandao separated and stepped directly into the array.

In ancient times, this large array sacrificed by all human ancestors with their own lives was like paper paste in front of the separation of heaven.

I can't even stop it. The way of heaven is really strong.

The way of heaven came all the way to the deepest place of the exorcism, and I saw all the demon kings inside.

"Who is it?"

The six demon kings are all demigods, plus the dead kaluro.

The breath of the separation of heaven and earth is really too powerful, especially Ross.

The man in front of me is more terrible than the Terran boy I met before.

Tiandao separated and smiled a little

"It doesn't matter who I am, but do you want revenge? Do you want to return to the Terran land?"

Rose and the other demon kings looked a little sluggish. In front of them, it looked like a Terran.

Why do you want to help your demons and fight the Terrans.

"Tell me, do you want it or not!"

The separation seemed impatient and urged the demons again.

"Think, dream, we have been in this dark place for hundreds of years

We want to go to the place where human beings live, where we want to occupy and keep human beings in captivity! "

Tiandao separated: "well, in that case, I'll help you!"

The mark of the devil of Kalura was photographed by the way of heaven.

"I want you to be the new demon God of your exodemons!"

As soon as the voice fell, a magic altar rose in the whole exorcism land.

This is the holy thing of their exodemons, which can summon the altar of demon gods.

It can only be summoned with a demon king's mark. Why did the man in front of him do it easily.

"What is his identity and how can he even summon the demon altar?"

The separation of heaven and Tao is still a look of contempt. The so-called demon God is nothing in front of him.

The demon king's mark of garuro fell into the demon God's egg.

The mighty power of the demon God poured into the demon king's mark of kaluro.

Garullo, who was killed by LV Xian, reappeared at the moment.

Moreover, the divine power surging in her body is no less than that of LV Xian.

"I have risen again, and have stepped into the realm of God and become a demon God..."

Garullo raised his palm and felt the power flowing in his body.

The other six demon kings were shocked. What kind of height did this man reach.

Just at once, he raised kaluro to the level of demon God.

Garullo slowly moved his eyes to the separation of heaven.

Now that he has entered the realm of God, he can see a trace of the origin of the separation of heaven and earth.

At this glance, garullo knew his true identity.

The way of heaven separated and looked at garullo with a smile.

"I resurrected you to kill all human beings, including the LV Xian who killed you."

Garuro shot and nodded fiercely. As long as he could revenge, everything would be easy to say.

"I will, but the man has a semi artifact in his hand."

Semi artifact? It's just rubbish!

Heaven disdained to smile and waved to shrink the demon altar.

The terrible heaven and earth poured into it, and the divine power of kaluro also poured into it.

In a flash, semi artifact!

"I also give you a semi artifact, and let you not be excluded by the world. I hope you will live up to my expectations."

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