LV Xian smiled and stood in front of Chu Yuner. The people here were strong.

Chu Yuner is just in the Wuhuang territory. He doesn't protect himself here.

"If it's just about the Liang family, I don't care, but what you do is disgusting."

LV Xian hummed coldly, looking at Liang Ru, who knew her mind would be so vicious.

Liang Ru sneered, hiding a trace of cruelty in her smile.

"There are some things you can't manage if you want. Do you know how much you weigh?"

Liang Ru said, and someone jumped out of the party.

It was a nine heavy man with a Purple Star Medal on his chest.

This is the elder of Zixing Pavilion: Xu mo

Zixing Pavilion is in the King City, although it is not as powerful as Tiandao Pavilion.

But it is also a second rate top force, and there are countless semi saints in the pavilion.

Xu Mo pointed to LV Xian

"What are you, making trouble at Miss Liang's party

Today, I want you to kneel down and apologize to Miss Liang, or I'll break your leg! "


LV Xian's eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold light filled from the corners of her eyes.

"Break my leg. Look at yourself. You deserve it?"

LV Xian stood still, disdainful expression deeply stimulated everyone.

"Damn it, what confidence does this boy have to be so rampant."

"No matter what confidence and background he has, he can compare with everyone here!"

Xu Mo nodded and recognized this sentence very much. The breath of Wu Huang jiuzhong turned into a column of air and rushed into the sky.


"Go to hell, boy."

No sorrow, six seals, six seals turn!

The emotional law is wrapped in Xu Mo's body, and the six spiritual seals are integrated together.

It brought Xu Mo's breath to the highest point, and now it is very close to semi saint.

Such prestige made everyone at the banquet look at it one after another.

"Xu Mo really deserves to be the elder of Zixing Pavilion. His strength is estimated to be not afraid of meeting semi saint."

"Yes, the boy must be trembling. He can't resist this power at all."


The people talked and talked, and the ugly words were all kinds.

Lu Xian smiled and despised Xu Mo's six seals without sorrow.

"With this level of martial arts, will I still be unable to resist?"

The divine power flows, and the power of Qi and blood in the body is like a terrible breath.

This is the body of a saint. What flows inside is holy blood!

The surface of LV Xian's body was covered with layers of golden light, and poured into the surface of her fist with the power of terror.


The glittering golden fist met the six seals of no sorrow.

One punch breaks ten thousand laws, and the power of terror is filled in Xu Mo's six seals.

A little crack appeared and instantly spread to the whole six seals.


All the six seals were smashed. Xu Mo's body trembled, his blood surged up, and a smell of fishy sweetness surged up his throat.


Xu Mo vomited out, and the whole man stepped back, and his breath was depressed a lot.

Then he looked at LV Xian with incredible eyes. The young man's strength was so strong.

Just now, I didn't feel the fluctuation of Reiki at all.

This shows that the young man in front of him can completely defeat himself with pure physical strength!

"Is your physical strength semi holy?"

This statement set off thousands of voices.

"What! The flesh has reached the semi holy state!"

"What a terrible young man. Just one punch made Xu Mo lose his combat effectiveness."

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