Indeed, as like as two peas, the shape of the jade piece inside is exactly the same as the shape on the front.

LV Xian was stunned. He had already had the key in his hand early in the morning.

"Elder martial sister, it seems that we already have the key."

Su Jinyun: "what! It's already there. Where is it?"

Su Jinyun looked puzzled. After all, she hadn't seen the things in the storage ring.

LV Xian thought and took it out of the storage ring.

As soon as the jade piece appeared in front of the array, it emitted light.

It resonates with the array, and both are emitting brilliance.

Su Jinyun: "is this the key? LV Xian, do you really want to go in?"

"Well, I think so. The strength of this ghost tiger should be high. It's a monster level. Yunyun should be able to cope with it."

With that, LV Xian also looked at yunyun, as if to confirm yunyun's idea.


Yunyun also gave a confident response. It has just improved its strength. Now it just wants to have a good war.

Su Jinyun was full of fear for the ghost tiger on the third floor.

That's a monster that even the demon master in Wushuai territory can't deal with.

LV Xian's strength now is not good enough to compete with Youying ghost tiger.

"Lv Xian, don't go in. I always have a bad feeling."

"It's all right. If there's an accident, I'll come out quickly. Elder martial sister, wait for me here. I'll come out right away."

With that, LV Xian took yunyun to the array.

Yunyun puts the jade piece in the center of the array. As soon as the jade piece enters the center, all the lines are taken back into the jade piece.

The jade piece seems to be a carrier, which carries the whole array in the jade piece.

When Lu Xian wants to use it, he can use the jade piece to set up the array again.

After the array was cancelled, the door on the third floor was opened.

It was full of endless darkness. There was really no light.

"When yunyun is gone, let's meet the ghost tiger. Let the little cat know that my yunyun is also very powerful."

"Ding, you praised yunyun, experience + 333."

Yunyun stood on LV Xian's shoulder, and his eyes looked straight into the truth in the dark through the darkness.

The faint silver light became the street lamp for LV Xian to move forward slowly.

The third floor was a huge stone chamber. LV Xian didn't know where the end was.

"Yun Yun, can you make the silver light more prosperous? I can't see the way clearly with such a little light."

The clouds whitened LV Xian's eyes, but still magnified the brightness of the silver light.

When the light was bright, Lu Xian saw more and more.

It was a mess, full of rubble and broken wood.

The blood that has been dried out has now turned black.

"Is this the place where ye Zhaonian fought with Youying ghost tiger?"

Lu Xian asked secretly

But he was still scanning around, hoping to get the trace of the ghost tiger.


A voice from all directions sounded, making people unable to distinguish the direction.

"For several years, have humans finally found ye Zhaonian's cave?"

"Ha ha, you can finally leave this dog place. You can still eat the delicious taste of human beings on the day of poverty relief."

This is the voice of the ghost tiger!

Lu Xian immediately became vigilant

"Yunyun, be careful and show me all your skills."

"Ding, you reminded yunyun, experience + 333."

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