The demons at the bottom were all excited, and the magic wings behind them waved desperately.

"Let my demons see the sun again in this land!"

The one horned exorcism roared, and the evil sound spread out in bursts.

A group of external demons rushed out and entered the Tiandao Pavilion.

The evil spirit converged and showed a human appearance. The disciples of Tiandao Pavilion walked in the front.

"Get out of the way. I'll take someone to see the pavilion leader."

The disciples took out their identity token and put it in front of the bodyguard of Tiandao Pavilion.

"Since you are a disciple of the pavilion, go in."

More than two hundred people all entered the pavilion, and the secret evil spirit flashed in their eyes.

They entered the cabinet all the way, and then quietly entered the core cabinet.

"Ha ha, what is the second array? It can't stop the footsteps of my foreign demons."

"Damn Terrans, we have been imprisoned for hundreds of years."

A group of demons flew towards the depths, and they had seen the array that was slowly changing.

The faint golden light cheered their bodies.

This is their ultimate goal and finally appeared in front of them.

LV Xian, who was hiding near the array, was very happy to see these people.

After waiting so long, these exorcisms finally came.

"Big fish has finally taken the bait. Lord Cheng Yang, you should come quickly."

LV Xian sneered at the corners of her mouth. Behind her, Ye Fan and Xiaobai supported this absolute field.

"Come on, hurry up. I can't wait."

The one horned exorcism bears the brunt, and a demon soldier appears in his hand.

"Rush, for the future of my demons!"

The magic light from the magic soldiers stimulated the array.

LV Xian stopped hiding, wind, thunder and gun stabbed out, and the power of terror swept out.

The one horned Exorcist turned pale in horror. Why did someone suddenly come out.

Then he understood that he was ambushed.

"Damn human beings, you are still as cunning as ever."

"What's the cunning, or are you foreign demons too stupid?"

LV Xian sneered, and the gun in her hand was inserted into the one horned exorcism.

"I know that you demons have two hearts, so I won't give you a chance to resurrect."

The one horned exorcism looked at LV Xian with a creepy face. Why does this human know so much about their exorcism family.

The remaining demons were stunned for a moment and burst immediately.

The smell of chaos stirred in one place, like a bomb about to explode.

"It's just some shrimp soldiers and crab generals. I can kill a demon king in half my life

Now in the realm of saints, it's easy for me to kill you. "

The power of LV Xian's whole body exploded and turned into the most terrible power in the world.

Gods gun!

The power of one shot is enough to darken the world.

Tao's divine power was like fireworks in the sky, all of which fell to the ground.


It fell straight on the demons and killed them all.

Ah ah——

All the foreign demons died. It's such a powerful LV Xian.

In the face of so many external demons, they were killed in an instant.

Cheng Yang, who just came here, stared at all this.

"My God, there are so many exorcisms that even I can't help killing them all at once."

Cheng Yang knows that LV Xian's strength is very strong, but he doesn't know that he is so strong. It's not human.

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