LV Xian can now feel a powerful aura emerging in his body, which has promoted his cultivation all the time.

The warrior was seven... Eight... Nine, and finally stopped in the half step warrior realm.

"Is this the power to conclude a contract with the shadow ghost tiger and feed me back?"

LV Xian shook her fist, which was a little shaking.

A text of the demon clan appeared in my mind, which is what ye Zhaonian said.

LV Xian sat cross legged and closed her eyes to understand. The text was extremely obscure and difficult to understand. Time passed quickly without paying attention.

Su Jinyun was worried about LV Xian outside the stone room. After all, there was no sound at all.

"Lv Xian, is he all right? No, I'll go in and see him."

Su Jinyun let Biluo Python open the way in front and move forward carefully.

At the moment, LV Xian has penetrated most of the demon family words.

The demon light in his eyes is shining, just like the stars in the night.

"Is this what ye Zhaonian said? It's really powerful."

LV Xian stopped his penetration and stood up to take a look at the ghost tiger.

The power of the shadow ghost tiger is so strong that the aura fed back to him is so deep.

LV Xian thought and called out the attribute template of Youying ghost tiger.

Contract beast: Shadow ghost tiger

Experience: 0

Blood: Level 4 (upper level)

Realm: Monster lv6

Talent: Ghosts walking at night, dark devil roaring, dark devil inflammation, dark shadow claw

Seeing such a high blood, LV Xian was frightened.

"What is it? The fourth grade has such a high blood vein. I'm a little ahead."

This is the fourth grade blood. It is likely to be the highest blood level in the one yuan sect.

LV Xian was so excited that he was going to die. This ghost tiger will certainly become one of his main forces.

"You shadow ghost tiger, I'll call you you shadow."

"Ding, you name Youying, experience + 399."

Listening to these voices in her mind, Lu Xian smiled at the corners of her mouth.

It's really a warm voice. It's more exciting than any money.

LV Xian took out some demon pills and gave them to Youying. Now Youying is very weak. You have to recover it quickly.

"Ding, you give Youying the demon pill, experience + 399."

Just as Su Jinyun approached and saw this scene, she cried out in surprise.

"Lv Xian, what are you doing? Why did you restore the injury to the ghost tiger?"

"When he recovers from his injury, he will fight us again!"

Lu Xian smiled awkwardly and thought of Su Jinyun. Now she couldn't find a good reason. She had to tell the truth.

"Now this ghost tiger is my contract beast."

Su Jinyun's pupils dilated instantly, and his eyes fell on the clouds on the ground, looking unbelievable.

"You say the ghost tiger is your contract beast? Is yunyun dead?"


When yunyun heard Su Jinyun say he was dead, he immediately flew up.

The little eyes looked at Su Jinyun, telling her she wasn't dead.

Seeing that yunyun is not dead shows that Youying ghost tiger is LV Xian's second contract beast.

God, LV Xian is just a warrior and has the qualification of the second contract beast. How can this be possible!

At least you have to be the best in the samurai realm to be qualified to do so.

LV Xian looked at Su Jinyun and smiled bitterly

He knew that Su Jinyun was hard to believe. After all, he was still so weak. The second contract beast, Youying ghost tiger, was still so strong.

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