Demon Development System

Chapter 17: Hypocritical woman

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"Ah... it's okay..." Xu Mengxi quickly replied, "I'm a representative of the chemistry class. If you don't understand something, please ask questions."

"Disrespectful, disrespectful." Li Zheng was very pleased, and he nodded even more. "There is a problem now."

"Come on, don't be so serious." Xu Mengxi was afraid that his classmates would see him and blushed Li Zheng into the corridor. Then he asked, "Where is the problem?"

"There are problems everywhere." Li Zheng nodded again and again. "Even if I memorize the book, the chemistry is still bad, and I can't feel the rules at all."

"Ah? But I heard quietly that you are good at studying..." Xu Mengxi asked his cheek after a while, "Are you good at mathematical physics?"

"Sloppy, just better than chemistry."

"Well, it's not a question of perception, it's a question of method." Xu Mengxi raised his hand and gestured, "Did you learn the principles easily when studying physics, and you can get a high score with almost no problem?"

"Not much difference," Li Zheng answered blushingly.

"That's right, people with good mathematics and physics can always easily grasp the rules, and then naturally, any problem will be." Xu Mengxi explained carefully, "But chemistry is different, knowledge is more complicated, It’s difficult to refine the laws of refining, and it needs more accumulation to find a sense. Chemistry is not so much a science as it is actually more like Chinese English."

"Is that still said?"

"For an example." Xu Mengxi jumped a little and raised his hand a little, "Will you think about the language when you talk to me? Do you organize sentences in your mind according to the principle of subject-predicate-object-compensation?" ?"

"Of course not... just say that."

"Similarly in chemistry, when you face chemistry, don't you always think of a simple set of rules. The feeling of doing chemistry questions needs to be accumulated. If you accumulate more, you will naturally find the rules, just like talking, The language and sentence patterns have already been integrated into your blood. You don’t need to think about any rules at all, and you can say it in one mouth."


Take chemistry as a liberal arts!

Daigo initiation.

What a clever idea.

It’s right to think about it. When learning Chinese, you can’t always sum up the rules.

If you accumulate a lot, it will happen naturally.

It is an English teacher who always tries to analyze the structure of sentences and find rules.

However, those students who are good at English have a good sense of language and have accumulated a lot.

"There is not much time. I will briefly mention that the knowledge points of chemistry are relatively isolated, and the context is not as clear as physics." Xu Mengxi picked up a note and showed it to Li Zheng. "I have some own methods here, as well as mind maps. After finishing the study, you can try to summarize your mind map and find out what suits you."

Looking at the notes covered with coloring and annotations, Li Zheng was about to cry.

This is a treasure, a chemical treasure.

If it wasn’t too high for senior three, Li Zheng begged her to go to the bar to start classes.

Xu Mengxi nodded his head with a fist: "Don't be discouraged, rote memorization is also meaningful, just like memorizing words. This is a qualitative process. There will be a moment of sudden, wow, it will melt through, come on!"

Li Zheng, wet eyes.

For "wow", he can't wait.

Bell Ring Bell~~

"Oh, there is no time." Xu Mengxi quickly turned around, "No, I will tell you at noon."

"No, no, you've given enough guidance, don't delay learning for yourself." Li Zheng nodded again, holding the note, "Daen doesn't thank you."

"Oh, you say that again... I won't give it to you." Xu Mengxi ran into the classroom with a blush.

What a selfless angel.

Li Zheng hurried back to work.

The second lesson is still mathematics.

When Hu Chunmei saw that a student was late, he was about to scold. When he saw it, it was Li Zheng, and he still held a large pile of materials. Finally, he shook his head with a smile.

After Li Zheng was seated, there was no delay for a second, so he delved into Xu Mengxi's notes.

As expected, Xu Mengxi reconstructed the textbook knowledge.

She has created a set of contexts that suits her, with only a few hardbacks listed.

Most of the rest of the knowledge has been condensed into a mind map.

Li Zhengru wakes up at first, and can't wait to nibble one by one.


Time is amazing.

With the vitality value of [24/27], Li Zheng forced himself to end his study early.

By the way, adjust the learning rate back to normal speed.

There are 3 hours left for the class today.

Looking up at the watch again, the second lesson is coming to an end.

As for chemistry...

Li Zheng still has no idea.

After just a few hours of study, he did not actively strengthen any memory.

But following Xu Mengxi's combing, he started the stream of consciousness...

By the way, I also walked through the selected exercises of Xu Mengxi.

I do not know if it is useful.

Take a closer look.

【Chemistry: 74↑】

Increased by 9 points.

But Li Zheng couldn't figure out where he had improved.

He was anxious to try a mock question.

But the problem is... vitality is gone.

Oh shit.

I want to make papers.


Today, we must double our effort and spare no effort.

You can learn more tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Li Zheng took out "Science Fiction World" and read it wholeheartedly.

Read until the beginning of the next class.

In the third section, chemistry class, he couldn’t study by himself without the teacher’s permission.

Chemistry teacher Yu Hong is a female teacher in her fifties. She is tall and always likes to wear a gorgeous long skirt. She walks on the road and has a breath of wind. She looks like a parrot with her head up.

It is said that because of her prestigious family background, she has been in this posture since she was a child, and has not come back in a low profile.

However, her teaching is very steady.

Almost all of them read according to the textbook.

Therefore, people send nicknames-repeater.

Incidentally, Hu Chunmei's nickname is Mrs. Hu.

At this moment, Teacher Yu took the stage in high-profile as usual, and could not glance at the audience forever.

"In this lesson, I will talk about monthly exam papers."

"Before the lecture, first report the results to everyone."

"The average score of your class, 56.8, ranks in the last seat of the science class."

"I also taught one class, with an average score of 72."

"Where there is a problem, please summarize yourself, I won't say more."

"In addition, your class has always had a characteristic."

"The better the better, the worse the worse."

"Don't look around, I mean you, Liu Xin."

"You have 3 points, you can."

"But you actually filled the papers."

"It's not easy to get 3 points with this effort."

In a laugh, Liu Xin scratched his head in embarrassment.

On the stage, Yu Hong slowly turned to the window, and his tight, proud face was rarely relieved.

"The better the better, it is naturally to praise Lin Yuejing."

"To be honest, this chemistry exam is very difficult. Many of the students who work hard don't even pass."

"Especially the last question is at the quasi-Olympic level. I didn't expect anyone to score points."

"I just want to see if there is a talent in 100,000 in the second year of high school."

"This question is not in vain."

"I found such a talent."

"Lin Yuejing, with a perfect score, leads the school by 12 points."

"This is no longer a matter of working hard."

Yu Hong nodded and applauded: "Lin Yuejing, your future in chemistry is limitless. During the college entrance examination, I suggest you to think carefully about my lover's alma mater, thistle University's Department of Chemistry."

Although Yu Hong is a repeater, he has always been very strict with students.

Lin Yuejing is her first praise.

And this praise is so important.

Seems to beg her to learn chemistry.

Although the students in the second and fourth grades of the senior high school were already tired of the praise of Lin Yuejing by the teachers, they still couldn't control it at this time, and looked at Lin Yuejing in unison.

For this kind of learning god, there is no longer any jealousy, it is pure admiration.

Lin Yuejing did not owe this time.

She buried her head so hard that she didn't see it, it seemed embarrassing.

Humph, hypocritical woman.

If Li Zheng himself was praised this way, he would definitely stand up and accept it.

It's like a soldier receiving a medal. In the face of honor, there is no reason to avoid it.

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